19. Freed...For Real

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I woke up and quickly rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I jumped out of my bed and grabbed a T-shirt and some jeans. I took a shower and got ready.

Why am I in such a hurry? You may ask. Well hopefully I will be able to go home today. I want to be ready to go as soon as they get here.

I walked down the stairs acting as I usually would as to not raise suspicion from everyone. I walked into the living room and didn't see anyone. I walked into the kitchen...no one.

I ate a quick bowl of cereal while looking around expecting someone to walk in, but no one did. I put the bowl in the sink and began to look in different parts of the house.

"Hello! Anyone here?" I called out. No one in the study, living room, kitchen, or bedrooms. Where are they?

I walked up to the room and locked my door. They are probably out doing...business...as they like to call it. Nothing to worry about...worry? Why would I worry about them? You've been here way to long Y/N.

I perked up when I heard tapping on my window. I looked over and smiled brightly. Richie and Dewey! Wait my rooms on the second floor how are they up here? Wait there's a thing called a ladder...jeez Y/N you're dumb. I grabbed Sanka and Midnight along with their things.

I walked over to them and opened my window. They motioned for me to stay quiet and I nodded as I began climbing down the ladder. We reached the ground and I looked around seeing four police cars and an ambulance.

"Why is there an ambulance?" I asked.

"In case they had hurt you. We wanted to be safe" Richie explained. They both pulled me into a big hug which I returned gratefully.

"Where are they?" Dewey asked. I gave them an unsure look.

"I don't know...I woke up this morning and looked everywhere...I couldn't find them..." I explained.

"Shit" Richie exclaimed in frustration.

"I'm sorry" I apologized.

"You're fine...but do you have any ideawhere they might be?" Dewey asked.

"Well...sometimes they would go out and say they were handling...business. Which I'm guessing is...killing people" I answered.

"Okay, well we need to get you somewhere safe just in case they come back" Richie said as they brought me over to one of the police cars.

I got in the back while Dewey and Richie sat in the front. Once we had gotten a good distance away from the house I let out a big sigh of relief.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and lied my face on my knees. I'm finally free...I should be happy and relieved...and I am...but something about this just seemed....way too easy...maybe that's just me...

"Do you have any idea...why they wanted to take you...?" Richie asked.

"When they first took me...they said...I was theirs...they said they loved me...I have no idea why..." I said lifting my head up to look at Richie.

He looked over to Dewey who gave him a look that kind of seemed like a 'I-told-you' look. I looked at them in confusion.

"Did they hurt you?" Dewey asked.

"Well...no...they locked me in a basement because I tried to run away...then Pennywise scared the fudge out of me...but they didn't hurt me" I answered.

"You won't be able to go back to your house... you're going to have to go somewhere they wouldn't expect you to go" Dewey said and I nodded.

"Where am I going?" I asked curiously as Sanka started to run around the car. I picked him up and pet him as to calm him down. Midnight was wrapped around my arm tightly.

"A family volunteered to let you stay with them. There will be a police officer there as well to make double sure that you are safe" Richie answered.

"Is there house...far away?" I asked.

"It's...out in the country...no neighbors...no one around, but you and the family. It will be extremely hard for them to find you" Dewey answered. Hard...not impossible. I thought.

"I'll be safe...one hundred percent safe?" I asked nervously.

"We promise. They won't find you and you won't have to go through that again" Dewey explained.

"Thank you..." I said with a smile.

"No need...to thank us" Richie said.

"And... everyone's okay? Nobody got hurt?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Dewey asked.

"They went out to kill a lot...who all died? Do you know them? Do I know them?" I questioned.

"Luke died..." Richie stated. My eyes widened...yes he was rude... extremely rude, but he didn't deserve to die.

"Oh my God..." I stated placing my hand over my mouth. Sanka snuggled up to me sensing my change in emotions.

"Nobody else?" I asked hopefully.

"A few other people...I don't think you knew them" Richie stated. I nodded looking down to my lap. The rest of the car ride was quiet.

We were getting farther and farther away from the town and were soon put in the country. So far I didn't see any houses and it seemed like we had been driving forever.

After another hour of driving I finally saw a cute little house. It wasn't very big, but it wasn't too small. They parked in the driveway and I stepped out.

I held onto Sanka while Midnight was still wrapped around my arm. Dewey knocked on the door and a sweet looking lady answered the door.

"You must be Dwight and Richie! And is this Y/N?" She asked. I nodded and gave her a smile.

"Hi..." I said with a wave.

"You can come on inside my husband is in there making lunch" The lady said. "By the way! My name is Luna" She said with a smile.

We walked inside to see her husband cooking something on the stove. She gestured for me to sit at the table so I did. Dewey and Richie said goodbye and left.

"This is my husband, David" She said and her husband turned around and waved to me. I smiled and waved back. "We were so upset when we heard about what you went through. We really do hope you enjoy living here" Luna said.

"I'm sure I will" I said politely. They were older than me and I wanted to be respectful as possible.

I'm freed...

(Hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

The Psychopath's Girl (YANDERE! Slashers x NURSE! SHY! Reader) *COMPLETED*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя