17. What Keeps Me Up

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(Before you ask yes the picture above is Queen Barb and Queen Poppy from "Trolls: World Tour" and before you ask again, yes I am super gay for Queen Barb and yes I know this is a kids movie, but that won't stop me from having a gay panic attack whenever I see her in the movie. Thank you and let's get on with the chapter!)

I sat on the couch now on my fourth piece of cake. Yes, I know I'm a fat bitch no need to comment about it and yes I did just break the fourth wall.

The only other people who ate the cake was Pennywise (obviously), Norman, and Carrie. I finished the piece of cake and put the plate in the sink.

"I'm bored" I stated. "Maybe I should eat more cake" I decided. "Nah....ooh but maybe I can eat some chips!"

"Why is your solution to everything food?" Billy asked.

"Because it makes me feel better and is the only thing that doesn't let me down" I said as I opened the pantry and grabbed some chips.

"You make a very valid point" Stu said.

"Valid? That's a fancy word for you" I said jokingly as I opened the bag of chips.

I sat on the couch and ate the chips although I was still bored. I looked around the room trying to find something to do. I could watch TV.

"Your cats eating your chips" Freddy stated.

"No! Sanka! That's bad for you!" I said quickly yanking the chips away. "You have food...wait I fed you today right? Oh shit I don't think I did...sorry" I said as I stood up and began to fill Sanka's bowl.

"Why do you talk to your cat?" Chucky asked. "I mean it can't understand you"

"You don't know...maybe he can and you just don't know..." I said sounding like a full on crackhead.

"What?..." Chucky asked.

"Sorry I just lack sleep and when I don't get enough sleep I tend to not make any sense" I explained.

"Wait, why haven't you been getting enough sleep?" Carrie asked standing up off the couch.

"Oh! Um...who said I didn't get enough sleep?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

"You literally just said you lacked sleep" Freddy said rolling his eyes.

Is something wrong? Is there a reason you aren't getting sleep? Jason wrote on his notebook.

"No, there's not reason. I just...my brain keeps me up all night with stupid thoughts..." I explained. I was half lying and half not.

"Wh-what k-kind of th-thoughts?" Norman asked.

"Oh well some are funny and some are like 'my life is a lie' type of thing. Like one I had the other night is 'no one will ever be inside an empty room'" I said.

"Yes they will when-...hang on....I-....oh my God you're right my life is a lie" Stu said in shock.

"See!" I said with a laugh. I hope that they all fell for that because I don't wanna tell the truth.

"Almost got away with that until you decided to think up that little thought of yours" Freddy said. Shit, I forgot he could read minds. "You sure did, babe"

"So what is really keeping you up all night?" Hannibal asked.

"I-I... I don't wanna talk about it...it's not important" I said scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"Come on. Come sit down" Billy said. I decided to just do it there was no point in arguing. I sat down next to Billy. He pulled my head to his chest and softly pet my hair. "You don't have to tell us if you don't want too, but I think it would help you if you did"

"That's just your way of saying "tell me now"" I said.

"As much as I agree with that statement I do also believe it could help if you told someone" Billy agreed.

"Is it something that's scaring you that's keeping you awake?" Brahms asked.

"I-I don't know...maybe" I said.

"What do you mean maybe? It's either a yes or a no" Freddy said.

"Your smart ass attitude isn't going to help her feel better so just sit back and let us do the talking while you do the mind reading" Hannibal said. Oh wow I've never seen him roast someone...kind of funny.

"I don't know me being able to read minds kind of ended up in me calling you out when we were at the hospital" Freddy said once again bringing up the topic where Freddy read Hannibal's mind at the hospital.

"What did I say about us doing the talking?" Hannibal asked completely avoiding the topic.

"Avoiding that subject I see" Chucky butted in.

"I'm done with you two. Y/N, when you say maybe do you mean you aren't sure if it scares you?" Hannibal asked.

"I-I...guess I think....it's possible" I said. I still didn't want to tell them, but I could tell they probably wouldn't stop pestering me.

"Is it something in your room that is causing you to stay up?" Hannibal asked. Wow he was definitely a physciatrist...I can tell just by the questions he asks and the way he asks them.

"No, my rooms fine...it's just...my thoughts" I said. Why was I just answering his questions honestly? Oh yeah because there's a person here who will easily call me out on my lie just because they read my mind 24/7. I heard Freddy chuckle probably at what I thought.

"What do you think about?" Hannibal asked.

"Things..." I said with a slight smile. He actually thought he was gonna get it out of me...I'm not that stupid.

"Haha good one" Freddy said referring to my thought. He reached out to high five me. I smiled and returned the high five. Hannibal rolled his eyes at the childish behavior.

"I don't wanna talk about this" I said.

"Okay, th-that's fine! W-we don't w-wanna m-make you u-upset!" Norman said embracing me in a hug. I giggled at this I don't know why, but I find the way he acts very adorable.

"I do appreciate you guys trying to understand at least. I just don't wanna talk about it right now" I said in an apologetic tone.

"It's fine if you don't wanna talk about it" Carrie said with a smile. She suddenly placed a kiss on my cheek surprising me and my cheeks were most definitely red now. I looked down with a smile.

Why did I enjoy that?

(Hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

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