Bad Poker

19 4 5

"Have. A. Seat. Over. There." Officer Donut pointed toward a wall lined with chairs. He was an impatient one and gross. After I turned to walk away he grunted then the awful sounds started again.

Before I could stop myself I turned around and said,
"Perhaps reading that is better than watching in the workplace. Might I suggest a book called 'Word Porn?'"

His face flushed an angry red as he slammed his hands on the desk snarling at me. Although he didn't get a chance to say anything. Detective fancy pants made his appearance in gray slacks that hugged his ass just right. Not that I was looking but... Steve was. Maybe Steve is gay.

Far from it sweetheart...

Steve whispered almost inaudibly. This guy just gets stranger by the minute.


I nodded slowly tucking my hair behind my ear. He smiled, cutting his eyes over at Officer Donut.


The man jumped spilling his coffee all over the front of his unkempt uniform. Hugo complained loudly wiping at his shirt.

"Every friggin time Theo!"

Officer Rio smirked extending a hand towards me. He looked genuinely pleased with the events that unfolded just now. He seemed almost childish in his amusement and yet sophisticated. His dark hair combed neatly with gray eyes that could pierce through your soul. His button up shirt stretched tight around his chest. The buttons straining ever so slightly to remain intact.

"You think that shirts a bit tight their muscles?" I cringed as the words escaped my mouth. Oh dear lord what are you trying to do?

He looks like fun...

Purred Steve. I mentally eye rolled him as the wave of fear crashed through me like a rip tide. This man was in danger being around me.

He seems like he could hold his own.

You disgust me. I thought to the nuisance in my head. Steve just giggled. What kind of man giggles like that?

I shook my head halting when OFC Rio eyeballed me confused.

"Something the matter?"

To cover my ass, I played it off with.

"You guys act like brothers..." I waved a hand all flirty like. Again cringe.

He jutted a thumb towards the flailing man.

"That mess over there... he's my half brother."

Hugo huffed and turned his chair to face away from us. He was throwing a mini temper tantrum which only fueled Theo's laughter.

"You guys must be really close..."

He curled his nose in disgust waving me forward.

"Enough questions Miss, I have some of my own."

Great. I thought as we moved into a small room with just a table and a fold out chair. There were no double sided mirrors like you saw in movies. Just four walls with awful cream colored paint. The air was stale with no warm inviting feel to it. My palms began to sweat caused by my uncanny ability to be nervous without having a good reason.

He must of sensed my uncomfortableness.

"Just relax, you aren't in any trouble. Just have some questions."

I nodded timidly, taking a seat while resting my hands on the edge of the cold table.

Who sculpted this man?

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