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The scalding water from the shower never felt so good. But no matter how hard I scrubbed my skin the blood never really left. Prince Eric's blood circled the drain until light swirls of pink took over. I felt like throwing up all over again.

Aw... come on, it's not that bad.

"Are you kidding me?"

No... I was serious.

Steve said matter of factly in my head. How do you even respond to that. This man is awful and I have nothing to go on.

Actually, you do.

He interrupted my train of thought with that snippet of information.

You see I left a... do you really burn your skin this way every time you are in the shower?

"I love hot's relaxing."

I am boiling! He practically screamed. I just laughed, tucking my body further into the steady stream of hot water.


After about fifteen minutes I climbed out wrapping a towel around my overly pink body. Smiling in triumph over making my unwanted guest uncomfortable.

Checking the time to be around 10:40 am. I decided to crawl into my warm cozy bed. Drifting off into a restless sleep. The sound of Tobias gasping his last breath played over and over with the flashes of his mangled body.

On the wall behind his head was the  initials A.W. written in blood. Why didn't I see that before? What does it stand for? I wondered as I continued to lay in bed restless. There was no point for me at that moment to try and sleep. Steve made sure of that.

"A.W?" I questioned allowed even though he was in my mind.

He chuckled an eerie sound, really.

That's for you to figure out.

A feeling of dread washed over me as I stared at my ceiling fan. The constant spinning making everything a blur.


:New Message:

Unknown: you are needed at the police station for questioning.

Oh that will be fun...
Steve said excitedly, and if I didn't know any better I'd say he was clapping and jumping. I sighed rolling out of my bed, running a hand through my hair to detangle it.

Looking at my face in the mirror, I looked haunted. Like I had a life of murders to hide.

I didn't...

But, Steve did. That there was a problem. My mouth felt dry. I couldn't speak, my voice would betray me.

How good are you at acting?

He asked me. I just shrugged, pulled on my sweater and headed towards the worst series of questions possible.

Or so I thought.

The entryway smelled of week old mop water that had been used once or twice. Clearly the janitor was slacking off or the new Rookie.

Because you know the newbie gets the cleaning duty.
That's how it worked at just about all the shops I worked for.

Sitting at the front desk was a heavy set officer with a toothbrush mustache chowing down on a donut while watching some video on his phone. He didn't even hear me walk up. I cleared my throat and he practically jumped out his skin, dropping the half eaten donut on his already stained navy blue shirt.

That was funny...

Of course an unwanted comment from Steve right as the startled guy spoke. So I missed what he said. I tilted my head sideways and gave a half smile.

"What did you say? Didn't quite catch that?"

"Can. I. Help. You?" He said each word separately with an irritated tone, glancing down at his phone.

"Clearly you are busy." I raised an eyebrow and nodded towards the inappropriate noises coming from his phone. His face changed from irritation to embarrassment in seconds. He became flustered trying to close the all he was on and tossed his phone to the side. Clearing his throat he asked his question again. I rested my hands on my hips flicking my hair back like a snob. I swear Steve needs to chill.

"How can I help you... Miss?"

"Detective Rio."

His frown deepened, snatching the phone he dialed quickly.

"There's a chick here to see you... describe? No... I don't...fine."

He looked me up and down, sighed deeply then whispered into the microphone.

No he didn't!


Steve said nothing else, although he did keep laughing. Which made it impossible to hear when Officer Donut spoke again


I shrugged.

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