Chapter 5: Junketsu

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August 6th 20XX
7:30 pm

"So this Ryuko chick has something called a Kamui. Interesting name for it. That's all you got for today Kaito?" Arata asked as Kaito nods. The digidestened were in the private Eden chatroom Arata created.

"Yeah I should get something tomorrow. Then again I'm not really sure what I'll get." Kaito said.

"Well it's better than nothing. Remember continue until it works." Nokia said cheering up the red head.

"You're right. Thanks Nokia. Anyway what did you all get?" Kaito asked.

"Well besides the fact that Honnouji academy now owns Hokaido. That there going to go for the Osaka region someday in the future. Inoden high is also the other school that wasn't taken by Honnouji academy." Yuugo said.

"Well I didn't get anything from the rebels or Zaxon. I did find out where Agumon and Gabumon are. They're at my house right now." Nokia said chuckling nervously.

"Like usual you always look on the positive side of things going on." Kaito thought shaking his head.

"Anyway I have some coffee to make seeya later." Kaito said about to log off.

"Okay night." Arata said.

"Good night Kaito." Yuugo and Yuuko said.

"Night night Kaito." Nokia said.

After logging off Kaito looks to Ryuko punching Bazaro, Mataro and Guts who were watching Ryuko undress.

"Hey Kaito. I was wondering. Where did you get that Laptop from?" Ryuko asked putting on her shirt.

"I'll tell you about it another time." Kaito said looking away and drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey Kaito I have another question. How long have you been making coffee?" Ryuko asked.

"Oh well actually I've been making myself coffee for two months. Kyoko's been teaching me." Kaito said.

"I think we should go to bed. Something might be coming." Kaito said heading to where he sleeps which is on a futon.

"Hey Kaito before you go to sleep feel Ryuko's uniform." Mako said as Kaito looked a little surprised by how fast Mako is.

"What do you mean?" Kaito said as Mako grabs his arm hand pulls him towards Senketsu.

"Feel it. Feels like goosebumps." Mako said rubbing Senketsu.

"Something must be scaring him. What did scared is what I'm afraid of." Kaito thought feeling the Kamui.

As Kaito, Mako and Ryuko head to Honnouji academy Ryuko yawns indicating she didn't get much sleep.

"What's wrong couldn't get much sleep?" Mako asked as Ryuko rubs her eyes.

"Nope. I just have this feeling something bad is gonna happen." Ryuko said as one star students holding flags of Honnouji academy.

"I see that you two have finally arrived. Kaito Aiba, and Ryuko Matoi." Satsuki said on the top of her velvet stairs wearing different uniform then yesterday.

"Well isn't that sweet. She rolls out the welcome wagon for a fight." Kaito said smirking.

"Cute. But from what I remember from yesterday. You said we would finish this. Is that right?" Satsuki asked walking down the velvet stairs.

"Well then I guess we'll finish it. Mako get to class this might get messy." Kaito said as Mako nods and heads inside the academy.

"You two should feel honored. For you both will be the first to face against Junketsu." Satsuki said on the battle ground with the two red heads.

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