Chapter 1: Join or Die

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My men and I had decided to stay in Polis. Strangely enough Jaha decided not to chip me or my men. Saying something along the lines of them needing me for something in the future.

Ontari had taken the chip though. Which was a problem. A very big problem.

Thanks to the city of light there was no pain. So she could not see the suffering of the people in Polis.

The streets were covered in blood. Falling asleep to the sound of screams at night was not calming. People were crucified with nails in there hands.

It was horrible but I did all I could. Healing wounds and helping the orphan children in the street that weren't chipped.

It was a nightmare.

Even dad wasnt able to solve anything once he arrived.

He was put up in front of the tower with nails in his hands. I fell asleep to his screams that night.

To Jaha and Ontari it was a join or die movement but to me it was join or be tortured.

I would've been better off taking the chip instead of watching my father be tortured.


It's been days since I now locked myself in my room on the top floor. I've watched everything that has happened from my balcony.

My father took the chip and so has Abby, my men are in the room with me but they feel my stress and pains as well. I am hopeless against a city of mindless drones.

"Do you think your friends are coming here heda?" I look to Devan on the other side of the room.

"Its likely. But what can they really do against a whole city of people that don't feel any pain?"


"Princess!" I hear Ivan as he shakes me awake.

"There was a gunshot. Your father shot King Roan!"

I sat up quickly now remembering where I was and what was going on. Making my way over to the balcony, I opened the doors to step outside.

Roan was on the ground bleeding while Clarke was being dragged to the tower by Jaha and two skaikru guards. I quickly made my way to the throne room with my men. Clarke might need me.

Once there I stood beside Ontari nexr to the throne as Jaha entered the room followed by Clarke. I nodded once to Jaha in respect but then locked eyes with Clarke. She gave me a shocked look by I shook my head discreetly trying to tell her I'm not chipped.

I watched as Abby made her way over to Clarke and hug her. If only my mom was still alive to see how far I had come as a person.

I'd be able to feel the love of my mother as Clarke still is able to. But I guess that's not how life works huh?

Once Abby pulled back from the hug with her hands still on Clarke's arms.
It was the that Clarke spoke up while shaking her head to Abby.

"I won't take the chip. Ever."

"Right now we just need your help with the flame. What's the passphrase Clarke?" Abby asked dropping her hands.

Clarke refused to answer but instead looked at me and I smirked and nodded once.

"Stubborn just like her mother." Jaha spat. Abby looked away and suddenly two men were grabbing Clarke and putting her in straps against a pole. They were going to torture her for the passphrase. Think Sera...

"Mom! Mom! Please don't let them do this." Clarke begged as I surveyed the room.

"I'm not letting them do this. I'm doing it." Abby began to make her way over to her medical bag and Clarke kept looking over to me. I gave her a calming look and made a down motion with my hands. She needed to stop struggling and let me do something to help.

Suddenly Abby walked over again to Clarke with a blade in hand.

"What's the passphrase Clarke?"

When she refused to respond Abby took to her skin with the blade.
I turned away from Abbys actions too look at my men in the room.

Two by the door against five of my men. But then she send reinforcements. Something I would need.

"This isn't you. I know your in there. Please." She whispered to Abby.

I looked back to Clarke with sad eyes. I had to stay still until the right moment.

"What's the passphrase?" Abby repeated.

Clarke started to cry out and scream once Abby took to her skin once more with the blade.

Jaha made his way to Clarkes side.
"It can stop, Clarke. Just tell us what we need to know."

They both paused waiting for Clarkes response but she merely looked at me in silence.

"I told you. Her friends are her weakness." Abby said turning around and talking to the air. I'm guessing that's where Alie was.

"Start with Bellamy Blake."

"No." I walked over to Abby.

"I have stood here silently while you did this but Bellamy Blake is off limits." I told them both.

"Then we will have to improvise."

I watched as they began to move things around and tie a rope noose.

"Don't be afraid it's not for you." Abby told Clarke in a almost loving manner.

Abby made her way over to the noose Ontari had hung up kicking Clarke into action.

"No. Mom. Mom. Stop. Listen to me. I know you can hear me. Just stop-"

"You know how to stop this." Abby said putting her head in the noose.

"Wait, Alie." I stepped in.
"If you kill her you will never get what you want."

"Alie's not killing me. Clarke is."

"Mom, don't do this. Don't. I'm begging you. Don't do it." Clarke begged.

Clarke sniffled before drawing out one more plea.

"What's the passphrase Clarke?" Abby asked her.

Clarke looked to me shaking her head and crying.
"I can't...."

Abby began to take small steps forward to the edge of the small metal barrel that was under her.

And then suddenly it happened. The barrel went flying from under her feet.

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