Chapter 17: The Queen

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Once we made it back to Polis Octavia, Eli, Clarke, and I went into our office in the bunker. The stairs were now clear so we could go in and out no problem.

Oh and the little girls name was madi. Apparently she was sort of Clarkes adopted daughter. I immediately introduced her to Eli and they got along well.

I sat on the couch as Clarke cleaned the wound on Octavia's arm.

"Gross." Madi whispered staring at her arm.

"Madi." Clarke scorned.

"The infections passing, but this is gonna hurt." I saw madi staring at me and Octavia at the same time, smiling. 

"Are you sure you don't want jackson?" Clarke asked her.

"Jacksons tending to Indra and the others in medbay." I reminded once again.

"Just do it." Octavia told her. Clarke sighed grabbing the clothe and alcohol and put it on her arm. Octavia didn't flinch once and I smirked. She was trying to freak out madi and Clarke. Show off.

I looked at Madi with Octavia and she shifted on her feet.

"Madi is a big fan. Shes heard every story about the princess and the girl under the floor who saved the human race." I smiled softly at her.

"Now what's your story? You survived six years of radiation? What's your secret?" Octavia asked her.

"Synthetic nightblood, like me." I looked at Clarke. What?

"I took her to Bekkas labs and shared my bone marrow to keep her alive."
I exchanged a look with Octavia. Please behave.

"You're lucky Clarke found you." I nodded.

The only one that would be commander if there was one would probably be me or my son.

"Ready to move." Cooper came in. I nodded and stood up. I looked to Eli.

"Run along to Gaia. She will watch you again today." He sighed but nodded running off.

"She needs rest." Clarke told her.
"I'm done licking my wounds. Lets go remind the others what we promised them sister." I nodded as Cooper buckled on my black heda shoulder pad and I slide on my crown. Grabbing my swords, I strapped them around my waist.

Madi watched as Octavia did the same as me with her gear.

"Kom falau oso gyon op." I said grabbing Madi's forearm. (From the ashes we rise.)


We walked through the streets and instead of going with Octavia who stood behind me I helped the wounded.

"You said they needed to see us. They can barely look at me. They see the Queen Heda just fine."

"Hundreds are refusing to come out of the bunker. Afraid they will be bombed in the streets." Cooper told her.

"Thank you my queen." I smiled at the little girl I was working on.

"And what is your name little one?" I asked gently.

"Mae." I laughed.
"That's my middle name." She smiled brightly.

"Are you mad at bloodreina?" A woman asked me. I shook my head. She is my sister.

"Why would you ask such a thing?" I asked curiously.

"You were defeated in the wastelands. She took our prince to war. Wasted rations and still was defeated. You should lead us not her, my queen." I didnt know what to say.

"Octavia!" I turned at the sound of Bellamys voice. He had Echo with him?

I said excuse me to the people and walked over to Octavia. I grabbed her hand.

"Glad to see you back on your feet. She tried to get in to see you both but they wouldn't let-"
"What is she doing here?" Octavia asked as I squeezed her hand. She was doing it for me.

"I just wanted to thankyou for saving my people." Excuse me?

"They're not your people. Azgeda is nothing but a memory. There is only wonkru. And there is no place in it for you." Octavia said.

"I know you three have history but Echo is on our side. She proved herself dozens of times on the ring."

"This isn't the ring." I spoke up.

"Wonkru!" Octavia shouted. Everyone looked to us.

"My sister and your queen banished this murderer from the bunker six years ago! Her judgement still stands."

"O." Bellamy said.

"She has twenty four hours. If she's still here by then, she fights in the arena." Octavia grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them but I froze when I heard him speak.

"I'm sorry." I turned to him and made eye contact with her.

"Leave if you know what's best for you. We have a son together and he is a prince. I will not have a problem with getting rid of anything that would make my son unhappy. Like seeing his father with another woman." And just like that I became a boss. I saw mothers smiling at me as I walked by. Men bowed as I passed. I was the god damn queen.

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