Chapter 5: Our People

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Echo and the others left the room with Jaha as I sat with the healer.

"Na he kik?" (Will he live?)
I asked the man.

He sighed.
"Ste he bilaik mate?" I gave him a confused look.
Why would he ask if he was my mate?

Suddenly I heard the sounds of a knife and grunting. Turning around I see..Octavia?

I see they came up with a plan to get in then.

Next thing I know she is throwing a spear at the healer.

"Octavia!" I shouted.
She runs to a door on the side and opens it for Clarke and Abby.

"You need to knock me out. It's the only way they will think I wasnt apart of this." I told Octavia. She nods and swings. The next thing I see is darkness.



"Serafina! Wake up!"


I woke up to Roans voice.

"What happened?" I asked in a groggy voice.

"Wanheda and her friends are locked up. The rest of skaikru appears to have fled, but we're ready to ride them down on your command." Echo said walking in.

I sat up slowly with the help of Roan.
"Not yet." Roan said as he watched me. Probably making sure I wasnt going to pass out or anything.

"Forgive me for saying so, but we cant afford for our people to think your weak." I looked to Echo.

"He isn't weak. He is being smart." I said as I watched him put a hot knife the the bullet wound.....He's cauterizing it.

"Call me weak again." He dared her.

"I meant no offense." She said bowing her head.

"Yeah you did. Say your piece." He commanded her.

I watched as he put his shirt on.
"You havent been home in more than three years-"
"You act as if that was my choice."

"Of course it wasn't. You were a bargaining chip. It almost broke your mother to send you away. Killing Lexa in lol gonpei was to be your return but you lost. Our war chiefs dont respect you."

"Then I'll get new war cheifs."

"Your army is loyal to them Roan. Not you." I reminded him as I fixed my metal chain.

"And who are you loyal to Serafina."

I turned my chin up and looked him in the eye.

"I am Queen Heda Serafina. I am loyal to my friends and of course....I am loyal to those who don't prove themselves my enemy."

He nodded before turning back to Echo.

"Bring me Wanheda."

She bowed handing over his crown before leaving the room.

He turned back to me.
"Queen Heda?"

I shrugged with a smile.
"A new title. I'm not leader of Trikru and Skaikru."

"A powerful new queen huh?" I nodded.

"It seems as if you no longer need my protection..."

I sighed.

"How is Bellamy?" I shrugged in response.

"We havent really had a chance to talk."

"Can we talk?" I shook my head.
"Roan I cant. Your a good man but right now my people hate your people."

"Then make them our people."

"What?" I looked at him in shock.

"If I die at any point in time on the war between our people, I want you to be the ruler of Azgeda. It's clear I have no successor. But I want you to lead my people. I've heard about the things you've done."

"What will it take for you to agree?"

I thought hard.

"Recognize the 13th clan again. Honor Lexa's coalition."

He huffed and put his crown on sitting on his chair.

"That's a big ask little queen." I nodded.

"I know." I looked away.

"But I will do it." My head snapped up.

"Clarke will come here asking the same of me but know that I will honor our deal no matter what." I nodded.

"My mother had some clothes left here. I'm sure you can find something better than that. Go get dressed into something that represents ice nation as well. I would like you by my side when I announce to the people." I smiled at up him.

At this moment Echo decided to enter the room with Clarke and a few guards. I took a step back and faced them as the bag that was on Clarkes head was lifted.

"Shall I summon the war chiefs?" Echo asked him.

"Get out and take the queen heda to my mothers old room."

"Thank you Roan." He nodded.

"Little Queen." I smiled.

I left the room with the guards and Echo.

"Why am I taking you to the queens chambers?"

"Are you questioning your kings orders?" She shook her head no but gave me a look as I arrived at some double doors.

"This is it." I nodded and smiled.
"Thank you Echo. You may go."

Entering the room after she left although reluctantly, I found a wardrobe full of clothes and fur. It took a while before I found something age appropriate and worthy of an ice nation representative.

Two bangs on the door interrupted me fishtail braiding my hair

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Two bangs on the door interrupted me fishtail braiding my hair.

"Kom op raun." (Come in.)

I saw Roan standing there looking me over. He nodded.
"Its perfect, now come along little queen."

"Offering his arm to me we walked out of the embassy through the crowds of people to a wooden stage.

I stood beside him.

"I know you've all come here for an execution, but no one else will die here today. The city of light has fallen..and there is no commander left to rule us. Until another nightblood ascends...I-King Roan of Azgeda, Eldest son of Nia, Grandson of Theo-am care taker of the throne and keeper of the flame along side the Queen Heda Gon Sonraun our savior."

"Your a king not a priest! This is blasphamy!" A girl yelled from the crowd.

"Not blasphamy! Order." Roan told her.

"Until another ascends, Azgeda will honor and defend the coalition of the last true commander-Lexa kom trikru. Including the 13th clan."

People of the crowd began to murmur.

"Let it be known that ana track against Skaikru is an attack against us all."

The New Queen(3)-Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now