Chapter 18: The Horn

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"Serafina! Serafina! It was six years ago. You can't just cast her out. She will die out there alone." I stopped and turned to say something but..the I heared the sound of a horn.

I turned to Ivan but he shook his head. He didn't blow it. He still had his tied to his belt.

I quickly took cover with my men and Octavia was yelling at Bellamy.

"Bellamy. Bellamy get in the bunker. Damn it for Wli get in the bunk!" I saw him hesitate before he looked into my eyes next to Octavia.

"Not without Echo." He went running off and before I could follow him I felt arms pull me into the bunker. I leaned up against a wall as we waited in silence.

"People of wonkru. This is colonel diyoza offering you a chance for peace."

I climbed out of the bunker and stood beside Octavia. Things of food sat in the dirt.

"I know you all suffered. I know your hungry and so many of you are weary of Octavia's rule. But now you have a choice. Abandon you weapons leave wonkru behind. And join us in shallow valley. We have plenty of food and shelter for those seeking a better life."

Those are my fathers words coming out with Diyoza's voice. Why would he help her?

"When our ship returns tonight, head for the wastelands. Anyone waiting outside the ruins will be rescued. But come unarmed. If Octavia attacks our ship we will retaliate against your city with lethal force. We are watching everything always. Save your people Queen Heda."

I watched as O took a mans axe and took off the speaker. But the other boxes kept talking. I stepped forward and looked to the soldiers.

"Transport as much food as you can grab. Anything left will be burned for a smoke screen. They are still watching." I watched with Octavias eyes burning on me as people ran to grab as much as they could carry. But hey...she said to save my people. I'm saving them from hunger and creating a scene for Diyoza.

People smiled at me as they grabbed the food.

I grabbed a crate of green and red apples. My son would enjoy these.


"I want patrols around the perimeter around the clock. When that ship comes back anyone beyond the ruins-" I watched Octavia pace back and forth in our office. Cooper, Miller, my men, and I sat.

Suddenly the door opened and Clarke came in.

"This is a private meeting." Miller told her as Bellamy and Monty followed Clarke in.

"Its fine." I told him. He nodded and sat down next to me.

"We all have people in that valley that need our help."

"If your talking about your mother, I am not interested in rescuing traitors. I'm trying to prevent more of them." Octavia responded to Clarke.

"Your people are hungry and your worrying about defectors?" Bellamy asked her.

"The only reason you havent been thrown out of power is because Sera gave the people the food. You probably would have burned it all."

"We should stop wasting time worrying about enemies in Polis and we should start trying to find a way back to that bunker." Bellamy told us.

"Last time I check Diyoza can see our every move." I told him.
"That's where Monty comes in." Harper said appearing out of nowhere. Hmm?

"Laser-comm. Its dialed right into their mothership-"
"Mom?" I stood up and smiled at my son.

"Can we go spend time together yet?" I sighed but looked to Octavia.

"Go. I can handle this. Spend time with your son." I smiled at her and nodded grabbing his hand on our way out.

"Was that my dad?" I stopped in the middle of the hallway and look at him. I bent down and studied him.


"Does he want to get to know me?" I sighed and bent down.

"Sweetheart with the war he is just very busy. I'm sure he will make the time to get to know you-"

"Like right now." My head snapped up and I saw Bellamy walking towards me with Echo behind him.

I stood up and pushed Marcellus behind me.

"She will not go anywhere near my son. You want to send time with him fine. She leaves." He sighed and looked to Echo who gave him a incredulous look.

"Go spy. Before I speed up your 24 hour timeline." She huffed and walked past me.

I once again made eye contact before I pulled Marcellus with me and nodded for Bellamy to follow. Once we got to mine and Eli's room I sat on my bed as they stared at each other.

"You look like me." I laughed as did Bellamy.

"Bud I believe that you look like me."

"Mom says you left us." My smile dropped and I sighed. I thought he was gone. I didnt know if he was coming back. It was a dark time. I told him that when he turned four.

"I did. But I came back to save you both." I watched as Marcellus crossed his arms and immediately I smirked. He was just like his father. Even Bellamy cracked a smile at that.

"Who was that lady?" My son demanded. My happy moment stopped then. He was too smart for his own good. I sighed and looked away as I felt the pain in my chest grow. I blinked back tears.

"That's daddies...friend bud."

"Are you gonna be with momma now?" I took in a sharp inhale of breath and stood up.

"Okay! Time for your training with Gaia for the day. Go." Eli huffed but grabbed his sword and left.

I waited until he left to turn to Bellamy.

"So?" I asked him.

"What?" This idiot.

"What is your plan Bellamy? You met him and now he wants you to be in his life. Well I can tell you now that woman will never be in my sons life. If you think for a second I would allow you to be near him with her you've got another thing coming?"

"So your going to keep me from him?"
"Is that your way of saying she is going to stay?" He paused and I knew I had my answer.

"How long did you wait?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"Three years."

"I waited six." I whispered shaking my head.

"She will not go near me son. I am his mother. He will stay with me. He needs to have royal training. You can visit but she will never come with you to see him. If I so much as see her near him I will make sure you are not in his life. If she hurts him....I will kill her." I paused and took a step back.

"Ivan!" My doors opened and I refused eye contact with either of them. Tears threatened to leave my eyes.

"Get em au."
(Get him out.)

The New Queen(3)-Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now