Chapter 3

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"Where the hell am I?" I flopped down onto a nearby park bench in exhaustion.

"Are you lost?" An elderly lady shook my shoulder tentatively causing me to raise my head from in between the gaps of the wooden planks on the bench.

"Yes! Please help me, I have no idea where I am. Is this anywhere near London?" My eyes were bright with hope that was shot down too fast at the ladies confused look.

"London? I've never heard of it before...   This place is Talend..." After seeing my confused look she continued. "We're quite close to the capital, Belsgrave."

"Belsgrave?" Where the hell is Belsgrave? I screamed in my head but maintained a neutral expression outwardly.

How had she not heard of London? This place looks like England to me, everyone should know London right? Wait but Belsgrave kind of sounds familiar. Belsgrave, Belsgrave, Bells grave, bellsgra-veh. No way... Like from the book? Luther you're freaking good man, even this old lady is in on this shit.

"Yeah, Belsgrave." I laughed nodding my head. "Thanks old lady I remember where we are now." I patted her shoulder and took off running again.

Damn it, one of his people had already found me, I needed to leave this place quick.

"Directions to Belsgrave? Talend cathedral? Welcome to Talend the home of the world's biggest cheese ball?" I mumbled to myself as I passed sign after sign leading me to nowhere familiar. "A phonebooth!" I almost jumped up and down in delight when I finally found something that could help me.

I rummaged through my pockets for some change and found around £3. But every coin I placed in there was rejected and I slammed my head down on the keys in frustration. My eye caught sight of the currency needed for the booth, to find a symbol I had never seen before.

Who the hell designed this symbol? It's just a bunch of squiggles and not even the nice kind.

"Urgh." I leaned my head down against the phone and saw a glint of silver under some fallen leaves. "Could this be?" I picked it up gingerly and almost scoffed when I saw the shape of it.

"Whoever designed this deserves to be sacked." The 'coin' was squiggly edged and looked like it had taken inspiration from the art project of a 5 year old.  I matched it against the information sign to see how much time it would give me.

5 minutes? That's weak man. Wait, why is this sign in English, but the currency so foreign? Now that I think about it all the directions were in also English and even looked like the signs from England but where the hell is the capital Belsgrave? Definitely not in England.

I beeped in my mum's number only to receive a 'this number does not exist' in return. Then tried Cassie's only to receive a similar response, I tried 999 and was greeted with the same as earlier. Finally I tried 112, that would at least tell me if I was still in Europe. Seeing that none of these options worked I gave up and tried getting the coin back only for that to be rejected too so I just left the phone booth in disappointment.

Am I in another country? Maybe that's why my mum and Cassie's numbers not working. But 999 should work in a host of different countries and 112 all of Europe... Where the hell am I?

"Are you okay?" An angelic voice lifted me from my frustration. Glancing up I was met with the sight of a black haired green eyed beauty around the same height as me.

"Hmm?" I asked hoping he would talk to me again with that voice of his.

"I said are you okay?" He asked again with a worried look on his face.

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