Chapter 26

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"I swear I didn't, the hospital staff did everything, I gave the nurse a set of clothes to replace her bloody ones." Daniel sobbed as Ian punched him in the gut for the 45th time.

"Where's the proof of treatment? Huh? How can I trust your words after you kidnapped my sister? A nurse touched my sister? Scum." Ian growled as he front hand then back hand slapped Daniel.

"I didn't kidnap her, she followed me so easily. It's her own fault." Daniel cried out. "Look! Look on her arm the wristband from the hospital is still on there." He shouted before Ian's fist could land on him and pointed weakly towards my wrist.

"Oh, he's right it says the hospital name and everything." I pulled Ian off of him to show him the band.

"He must've made it himself." Ian muttered as he reluctantly stepped away from the broken man sobbing on the floor.

"Autumn!" The door slammed open with the entrance of both Samuel and Luther.

"Are you alright?" Samuel rushed over to check on me.

"Why do you keep getting kidnapped?" Luther said with a laugh.

"Oh shut up you old man." I rolled my eyes at him throwing a glance at the worried Samuel.

"O-old man? I don't think you have any right in calling me that given the fact you look 35."

"Given the fact you look 35 meh meh meh." I mocked him with another roll of my eyes. "I didn't wanna be mean but you look 150."

"Yeah, yeah good one Autumn." Now it was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Daniel?" Samuel's gaze had drifted from me to the man that was curling up into a ball on the floor.

"Samuel! Please save me, Autumn and her brother were torturing me." He cried as he ran towards Samuel with his arms wide open.

"What did I do?" I moaned, feeling very wronged.

"You kidnapped my sister, you're lucky I haven't murdered you yet." Ian shoved Daniel just before he reached Samuel. As he lay on the ground Daniel glared at Ian, the impact of it was weakened by his pathetic tear stained face.

"You did what?" Samuel's shocked face quickly turned into an angry one.

Wuah, this is my first time seeing his angry face! So hot.

"B-brother, please don't be angry at me. She keeps taking you away from me." He whined as he tried to grab onto Samuel's arm.

"You kidnapped an injured patient just because you were jealous?" He asked while stepping away out of Daniel's reach.

"He also made me jump out of a hospital room onto a mattress causing my wound to reopen."

"He did what?" The angry shout came from an unexpected source, that source being the devil himself.

"Why are you getting mad, have you forgotten who's fault it is that I have this wound?"

"Daniel... You made her do what?" The silence after his question was deafening as Daniel refused to answer his question before sobbing.

"Okay, okay. I feel like we're bullying a kid here, he took me to the hospital after he found out I was bleeding anyways so it's not a big deal." I pulled Samuel back a bit as he began slowly approaching his brother with a murderous glare.

"A-Autumn." Daniel's eyes shimmered as he looked up to me as if I was his saviour, forgetting that I aggravated everyone's anger towards him in the first place.

"N-no big deal?" The 3 guys spluttered out.

"I mean it isn't the first time I've been kidnapped... Luther I'm looking at you."

"I can understand why they would want to kidnap you though." Ian muttered. "It would be even weirder if he didn't kidnap you, I mean you're my older sister after all you're so..." I zoned out as he began to compliment my entire being while Samuel nodded along.

Wait a second, why is Samuel agreeing with Ian? Why is the look in his eyes beginning to mirror the look in Ian's eyes? This is not good, it seems as though the cinnamon bun is blackening after hanging around Ian for too long.

"S-Samuel, can you come over here for a second?" I tugged on his arm as I pulled him behind me to shield him from Ian.

"What's wrong?" He sent me a gentle smile as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Phew, no it's nothing." I sighed while patting his head.

"What the..." Two of the men in the room glared at us, while the third was having trouble understanding his contradicting emotions.

"Can we go back to the hospital now?  That old man's gonna be so angry." I shuddered in fear at the thought of going through another hour long lecture.

And as soon as I entered the hospital I was met with the disappointed glare of the old man doctor. But I didn't have to endure another lecture once he realised I was actually kidnapped and not just jumping out of hospital windows for fun.

A/N: seems like I'm going to uni for another year lolllll I'm gonna learn to become a criminal woop I hope they don't force us to do video calls or I'll die 😭😭😭 and hope we don't have to come all the way to campus I'm broke af atm

Please spare me, Villain!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat