chapter 5

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i woke up in my own bed the next morning, still in yesterday's dress with my makeup still smudged all over my face because i cried myself to sleep that night. i grabbed my phone, the first thing i noticed was the date.

"shit its midsummers" i said groaning, i had always hated midsummers because it was the one day of the year my parents would come back. and every year our parents had made it a tradition that me and rafe had to dance together. usually that didn't bother me but i couldn't even look a him right now.

the next thing i noticed was that i had 15 missed calls from sarah, a voice mail from rafe and then 1 text from my mum.

"fuck" i said unlocking my phone

i called sarah back first.

"sarah" i said as she picked up the phone

"y/n thank god i thought you got kidnapped" she said with a scared tone in her voice

"i'm fine i just came home, you know i need to prepare for midsummers" i declared making that my excuse

"ok y/n i can't wait to see you again" she said, hanging up the phone.

next i opened my mums texts, i was leaving rafe till last on purpose.


from mum🥴: honey, we will
be home in 30
mins, can't wait
to see you and rafes
dance! we missed you

from y/n:
yeah whatever.

next i needed to listen to rafes voicemail, i really didn't want to but i forced my self to do it.

first i could hear toppers voice, he was talking about me.

"rafe whats going on? y/n caught you, not that big of a deal right?" topper said to rafe

shit i don't think i'm meant to be hearing this, rafe must be so drunk that he accidentally called me and it went to delivered and now it's recording him and top as a voicemail.

"she's my girlfriend" rafe said "but you can't tell sarah, ok" he said slurring his words

"damn rafe. but that doesn't really explain why you've been acting like this the whole party" topper said sighing

"i don't know" rafe said i could hear the sadness in his voice

"neither do i, you've just been acting bad like i don't know what emotion it is i can't put my finger on it" topper said uneasily

"there is a word for that, it's love. i'm in love with her. ok? if your looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and you want them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you, it's love" rafe said, i could hear him crying

"shit man your in deep" topper said comforting rafe

then the line cut, i let out a gasp. i was just about to call him back but then i heard the door of the house open and my mum and dad shouted my name, i plastered a smile on my face even though i couldn't stand either one of my parents.

"hey mum" i said fake smiling

"hey sweetie" she said rushing over to me

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