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when midnight rolled around, olivia out on a black hoodie she had and black pants along with a pair of black closed toed shoes

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when midnight rolled around, olivia out on a black hoodie she had and black pants along with a pair of black closed toed shoes.

she found this to be insane of her to be sneaking out with the boy's. hell, her mother would be on her ass. she told her she had a few friends, told her about them too whenever she called up twice a week.

olivia quietly and carefully opened her door and shut it behind her, making sure it was silently shut. seeing neil signal her to go over she did.

the others in the group exited their rooms and they all made their way out of the school. they had to give the guard dog treats. luckily they didn't get caught then and there.

the group ran through the grounds and into the forest. their laughter echoed through the woods as they messed around slightly when they knew they'd be safe to make some sort of noise.

"argh! im a dead poet!" charlie yelled as he leaped up behind olivia in the dark
shining the flashlight up at his own face and grabbed her by the shoulder.

she let out a scream and she smacked the boy in the arm. "you idiot!" she exclaimed, holding her hand against her chest.

"i totally scared you, dork." charlie laughed as the other boys laughed as well flashing their lights over to the two.

olivia tried to keep a straight face but she couldn't help but to laugh with the other boys as they rushed through the woods.

once arriving to the cave, meeks to make a fire but it wasn't ending up well at all due to the fact it was way too wet.

"god, what are trynna smoke us out of here?" charlie asked meeks as the smoke filled up the cave.

"no, no, it's going up that opening." meeks said and then laughed as pitts tried to stand up but hit his head.

the group laughed at the taller boy, asking if he was okay and then he called them clowns.

"okay anyways, let's get this started shall we?" neil rhetorically asked the group, opening up the book mr keating gave them. "i hereby reconvene the dead poets society." he said and the group cheered.

"the meetings will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present. todd anderson, because he prefers not to read, will keep minutes of the meetings and olivia terriancie will fill in for the poems he would've been reading if he chose to." he said, glancing over to todd.

"see, i keep my promises." olivia whispered to todd who was sitting beside her.

"i'll now read the traditional opening message by society member henry david thoreau. "i went to the woods because i wanted to live deliberately. i wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."

"i second that." charlie replied.

""to put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived."" neil continued.

several of them whistled softly in reaction to the poem, but olivia and todd remained silent.

"keatings marked a bunch of other pages." neil said as he begun flipping through the book looking at the marked pages.

"all right, intermission. dig deep right here. right here, lay it down." charlie said, grabbing food out of the bag he took.

"on the mud? we're gonna put our food on the mud?" questioned cameron, disgusted.

"meeks, put your coat down. picnic blanket." charlie said to the brains of the group.

"oh come on, you're making him use his coat? make cameron do it." olivia said and cameron exclaimed in defense that he would never do such a thing even if forced to by charlie.

"ah, there's barely any fun in that, dork. anyways, don't keep anything back either. you guys are always bumming my smokes." charlie sighed.

meeks laid his coat down and everyone dumped their food on it. olivia didn't bring anything other than her water bottle so she just figured she'd starve or if someone cared to share she'd eat something. in the pile were chocolate chip cookies, a box of raisins, a few apples, an orange, and half a roll.

"raisins?" neil asked, disgusted by the box.

"yuck!" knox cringed.

"who eats raisins?" olivia asked, leaning forward.

"wait a minute, who gave us half a roll?" charlie asked and pitts said he had the other half. "come on...."

"what? you want me to put it back?!" pitts asked with his mouth full.

"no." he huffed as he shook his head in response to the question.

"hey, i'm not gonna complain and i'm gonna take some of these cookies." olivia said with a shrug and cameron hissed at her to back off. "okay then! way to be nice."

"as if you're nice to me in the first place, asshat." cameron scoffed.

"burn!!" charlie exclaimed laughing at the nickname that cameron gave to olivia.

"really? whatever. anyways, i know i'm not nice to you, cameron. i don't really like you. you're annoying and a jerk... i guess that's why no one likes gingers." olivia grinned.

the other boys leaned in, clearly interested to see what the two had in mind going on with their small verbal battle.

"another burn! two burns by two people. point olivia point cameron. who will win?" charlie asked basically himself as everyone was basically focused on cameron and olivia.

"i- jesus christ.. at least i don't try and steal food unlike you." cameron tried to shoot back.

"boo, that was weak." charlie said as he blew a raspberry with his tongue and gave a thumbs down to cameron. "two points olivia one point cameron. ding ding ding, winner!"

"hah! suck it, ginger. see, i can be fun. i may talk sort of proper like an adult may but i can be like this. this olivia is better." she said with a nod. "anyways, don't take it to heart, cameron. i was just joking with you... ish." she winked at the boy who was honestly in shock.


949 words bc i got lazy.

tysm for 130+ reads in like. 5 days. kinda crazy ngl

me writing the thing abt gingers hurt bc i'm a ginger. on behalf of ALL gingers, we do not claim richard cameron to be one of us.

also we're not all mean , i'm not mean at least HAHA 😳🤚🏻

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