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{{ a/n: this is gonna be a long chapter so buckle up. also i recommend listening to the song above ahaha. sorry not sorry❤️ }}

when olivia got to the cave, out of breath, she saw the others there, well, everyone but charlie and knox which raised some questions in her head

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when olivia got to the cave, out of breath, she saw the others there, well, everyone but charlie and knox which raised some questions in her head. she knew knox was at that party at the danburry's but not seeing charlie raised every questions in her head.

"hey guys.." she said, sitting down in her normal spot, taking the hood off her head. she tried to control her breathing, a slightly annoyed expression upon her face.

"hey, you alright?" todd asked noticing that the girl seemed off, not just because she was out of breath. in response, olivia nodded.

"i'm great. totally didn't sprint through the forest because i was alone and thought i would get killed." she said to todd.

"right, i'm so sorry, we just-just.... i-we just-" meeks started looking around at the boys for confirmation for what he wanted to say.

"just what, meeks? you know i love you, as i love all of you, but please spit it out." she commented. that was the first time she ever spoke up like that which came off as slightly a surprise yet not.

"well, charlie kinda sorta said he was going to bring guests to the meeting. we got a tad excited so we left earlier. sorry we didn't tell you, i swear i won't let it happen again."  the curly haired boy said and olivias face turned into a confused expression.

"guests? what kind of guests? we're having a meeting are we not?" olivia asked, not understanding why he would bring people not apart of their club.

"girls." he replied quietly.

"oh. i see." she said, her voice lowering. was that a ping of pure jealousy that rose in her body? yes, yes it was. it burned, it burned her so bad on the inside.

she felt embarrassed regarding she believed charlie actually liked her and she allowed herself to walk deeper and deeper into the tunnel of love, and she was jealous clearly because he was bringing girls over as stupid as it even sounded.

"anyways! let's get this started since it's been fifteen minutes and they're not even here. i guess they bailed or whatever." neil said awkwardly as he opened up the book and they all began reading.

""to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life"" they read together.

hearing womens voices, he stopped and everyone looked over to the entrance. 

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