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the next morning olivia dreaded to get out of her comfortable bed

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the next morning olivia dreaded to get out of her comfortable bed. she let out a groan as she slipped out of her bed after keeping her eyes shut for a few more moments.

honestly, she hadn't got much sleep that night even though she kept telling herself she was going to get sleep.

she got herself ready for the day and exited her room, grabbing her bag along the way out. as she walked down the long hallway, an overly exhausted todd walked out of his room.

"good morning, todd, how are you?" olivia asked as she held her latin book against her chest, walking next to todd.

"tired." the shy boy replied, linking his arm around hers for support. the poor guy felt like his legs were noodles.

"yeah... me too honestly. i told myself i was going to sleep but honestly i didn't get much at all.." she sighed, linking her arm around his as well.

"sorry to hear about that.. why didn't you get sleep?" questioned todd curiously.

"just couldn't fall asleep i suppose. maybe i still had excitement from what happened last night at the cave in my mind running like a hamster on a wheel." olivia spoke. that wasn't the truth. she couldn't get her mind off of charlie. as stupid as it felt, and as stupid as it seems, her mind raced around his words, the several winks he had always sent her way throughout that past week and the many teasing sessions they had.

"oh, i see. yeah, i mean last night was pretty fun. i enjoyed it... i guess you could say i enjoyed myself a lot more than normal. i finally got to take some sort of break." todd said with a soft chuckle. it was true, he felt free the previous night. "anyways, this is my uh my stop. i'm gonna go get some food." he said as he slowly unlinked his arm from hers and as did the girl from the boys.

" i'm so happy last night did that for ya. it's good to take breaks, okay?" she asked and he nodded. "go get some food, i'll see you in keatings class." she said with a salute and he just gave a smile and a nod.

olivia walked down the hallways of welton, killing some time before going to her first period

time slowly ran around that day and honestly olivia and the boys felt like they could pass out at any given moment.

as olivia sat in the back of john keatings class, she felt her eyes slowly closing. he had already called on knox who gave a questioning answer to what he was asked and she knew if she didn't keep her eyes open and sat up straight like always, he was bound to call on her next.

"a lot of you looked forward to this about as much as you look forward to root canal work. we're gonna talk about shakespeare as someone who writes something very interesting. now, many of you have seen shakespeare done very much like this," mr keating said as he held out his right arm dramatically and begun to speak in an overly exaggerated british accent.

"o titus, bring your friend hither." but if any ofyou have seen mister marlon brando, you know, shakespeare can be different..." and that was the last of what olivia payed attention to. her mind drifted off into a day dream, sleep trying to overcome her mind but she knew she had to keep her eyes open.

"why do i stand up here? anybody?" mr keating asked, looking around her room.

olivia shrugged shaking her head and then charlie spoke.

"to feel taller." the messy haired boy answered and the students laughed.

"no!" mr keating exclaimed, pressing the bell on his desk. "thanks for playing, mister dalton. i stand upon my desk to remind yourself that we must constantly look at things in a different way." he said glancing around the classroom from atop the desk. "the world looks very different from up here. you don't believe me? come see for yourself. come on. come on!" he exclaimed, waving his hand for them to join

charlie, olivia and neil quickly got up from their seats to go up to the front of the class. the rest of the class follows them. as mr keating
continued speaking, neil and charlie joined him on the desk and then keating jumped down.

"boys and girl, you must strive to find your own voice. the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. for the boys in this room, thoreau said, "most men lead lives of quiet desperation." dont be resigned to that. break out!" he exclaimed as olivia stepped up and then off, followed by knox and meeks then a bunch of others.

the bell rang but that didn't stop any of them from continuing stepping up on the desk and then off.

"dare to strike out and find new ground. now, in addition to your essays, i would like you to compose a poem of your own, an original work." mr keating told the group as he ominously flickered the lights on and off.

olivia sighed along with others who instead groaned. she didn't mind, it was just going to be a challenge, however, she loved a good challenge alright.

"you heard me right! you have to deliver it
        aloud in front of the class on monday. bonne chance, students." he said before stepping out into the hallway and then peeked in again as todd was the final student to step up onto keatings desk.

"mister anderson?" mr keating asked and todd looked up from the ground and at the teacher. don't think that i don't know that this assignment scares the hell out of you, you mole." he grinned, turning the lights off for good leaving todd to jump off in the dark room.

a few students laughed but olivia just shook her head with a playful smile as she walked over to todd. "don't mind them, they're all fools."

"so i'm a fool?" charlie questioned, resting an arm on the girls shoulder to which she playfully shoved it off.

"yes, yes you are a fool, charlie." olivia said with a smile still upon her face as she walked out of the classroom.



1068 words because i got LAZY lOl

anyways hope y'all enjoyed! thank you all so much for almost 200 reads in literally a week! this is crazy. i didn't think my story would really get this much and quite a few active readers too! i appreciate you all very much 🥺

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