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olivia's heart practically jumped out of her chest as she exited the cave

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olivia's heart practically jumped out of her chest as she exited the cave. she was half drunk, but sober enough to know why she was upset and the meaning behind it.

"olivia!" neil shouted as he ran over to the girl. her tears streamed down her cheeks as she walked through the cold woods. "liv, please." he said, grabbing her arm.

"what, neil?" olivia choked out shakily, just barely being able to say two words.

"what's wrong? i want to help you." the words spilled out of neil's mouth. worry laced in his words.

"it's charlie, neil! why is he such an asshole?! i want to be gloria. i wish i were her! some mistakes get made and this was one of them. one moment he seems like he's in awe of me and he's all lovey dovey sending me these solid yet mixed signals and the next moment he's in a cave with two random ass girls telling them poems that aren't even his and wrapping his arm around them and being all romantic! he told that one girl part of a sonnet and william shakespeare wrote that! he told me when he took me to go see the stars!" she exclaimed, her voice raising as she sobbed.

"i cant do it anymore, neil. i cant pretend like i don't love him. i love him, neil, i really do. i love him more than you and the other boys, and in a different way i think." she exclaimed with a sad chuckle, taking her pony tail out and running her fingers through her hair frustratedly.

she was so mad she was in love with him yet not.

neil frowned as he listened to his best friend cry out her emotions to him. "hey, breathe, okay? i didn't know you liked him like that. i just thought you were jealous 'cause of there being other girls. you really love him don't you?" he asked and she nodded, trying to control herself. "i don't know why he's acting this way, he's being a total prick. maybe he got the wrong impression or something? he's a flirt alright and i'm not validating what he's done, trust me." he calmly said to the girl as he looked down at her and they began to walk back to the school. "but wait... you guys stargazed?"

"i don't get it... maybe i'm being one of his stupid flirt victims. i shouldn't have ever opened that door." she groaned. "but yeah, we did and it was super nice, neil... it was so nice." she said with a sad smile playing on her lips as she recalled the night.

"don't say that. if you didn't, we probably wouldn't even be friends, you wouldn't have come to the meetings and todd wouldn't be coming out of his shell, this was a good thing that turned bad because of one person." he told her. "but that's adorable, you should've used that against him in the cave."

"i know but still... i've been hiding my emotions of being upset for so long they're just all coming out now and i tried to smoke them
away, drink them away even tonight but here i am and i cant escape. i should've said a lot of things against him in that cave. i feel like a fool, i'm stuck, neil." she chuckled.

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