Bay Yanliş

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What makes Özgür Atasoy such a Bay Yanliş?

What makes a man the wrong kind of a man? Is it the man himself? His myth? His legend? Or is it all and yet none of those things? But perhaps the most important thing to ask is: who is he wrong to? To answer all of these questions, let's dive deep into Can Yaman's brand new show that is sure to take us on a visual adventure of a lifetime...

- Who is Özgür Atasoy?
This question is as multi-dimensional as the very robe Özgür wore when he finally introduced himself to Ëzgi, his innocent yet spunky and confident next door neighbor. Özgür is a grown man, intelligent, well rounded, and definitely set in his ways. One may argue that as the male figure of his immediate family, he developed a sense of ownership to everything he does. He exudes confidence, never questions his choices, and never bothers to look both ways when crossing the proverbial street - he knows that the coast will be clear because he makes sure that it is. He rides both cars and motorcycles not just out of necessity, but for the joy of it. He lives for the nightlife not because of what he does, but because he thrives that way. He loves what he does and does what he loves. He is the owner of a vibrant and upbeat restaurant set in the heart of Istanbul's lively neighborhood. He loves the freedom of his job, but most importantly he loves the fact that he answers to no one. Almost...

- The myth of Mr. Wrong...
As true to the definition of Mr. Wrong, a man has to earn that title. How? Through the word of mouth. One bad relationship does not make Özgür the wrong kind of a guy. But dozens of them? Or, to be more precise, not one relationship at all. As the name Özgür implies, the man himself has a free and carefree spirit. He prefers to be alone. Alone, but not lonely. The word "relationship" does not exist in his vocabulary because to be in a relationship means to give up freedom. And since Özgür stays away from any and all relationships, he has earned a reputation that precedes him wherever he goes...

- The infamous legend of Bay Yanliş...
What appeals to a woman when it comes to the wrong kind of a guy? The notion that she could change him. But a man will never change if he does not want to. Why would he? Give up freedom? Give up the opportunity to be his own boss? Not Özgür, that's for sure. A man does not become a sensation and the most eligible infamously famous bachelor overnight. That title is earned and comes with benefits and with its own set of rules. To be such a bachelor one has to remain in the spotlight, and one has to remain single. Those who meet Özgür do not forget him. That is for sure. Suave, swag, and most of all honesty in everything he does make him someone women long to and desire. Not just because of his looks, but because he does not pretend or lie about his intentions. He is either interested, or not. The problem is, his initial attraction usually lasts... less than 24 hours...

- Why?
This question may be answered in only one way. As much as Mr. Wrong could pretend he would rather prefer to be alone and stay alone, he does so out of the fear of commitment. And Özgür is no different. Whatever the reason behind it, Özgür Atasoy is not the wrong kind of a guy. He may be one to all the wrong kinds of women who are only after him for who he is in the limelight, yet not to the one who will find a way to his heart. But who that girl is, he doesn't know. Nor does he care to know or search for her.

The fact of the matter is that the moment Özgür met his match in the seemingly fragile Ëzgi Inal, she intrigued him. Why? Because he had no effect on her whatsoever. Not the physical sort of effect that he was used to, at least. And from the moment they met she became the first woman who spoke to him on his level. And that, to a man like Özgür was a brand new kind of sensation. Ezgi talked back, was not afraid to ridicule him, she even poked fun of his choices - something no other woman did in the past. She was stubborn, strong-willed, and just as set in her ways as he was. As it turns out, she was the first woman he spent more time talking to than actually trying to seduce her. That in itself was a notion he never experienced before.

Be it luck, fate, or sheer coincidence neither of them believe in, the paths of Özgür and Ezgi kept crossing in a bizarre twist they did not wish to address. She was as surprised to find herself in his apartment one morning, as he was surprised to find that she actually became his next door neighbor. And since one of the fundamental basis of any relationship in the beginning is the law of surprise, Ezgi's heart skipped a beat when she dared herself and kissed him first. Just as well, it became evident that his unsuspecting heart skipped a beat when he saw a silhouette of a woman wearing a long red dress - only to find that it was Ezgi when she turned around.

The first episode of Bay Yanliş offers but a little glimpse of who Özgür really is. He is famous for his stance on life, he is stubborn, cocky, and at times too confident for his own good. But is he really as bad as his reputation implies? As all the characters portrayed by Can Yaman, the character of Özgür will be everything but a one-layered kind of a guy. He has hidden feelings he cares not to address or bring
forth, he has issues he chooses to hide from the rest of the world, and he definitely has a fear of commitment. Does that make him Mr. Wrong?

You decide...

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