Episode 13 - A sum of choices...

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Getting played never feels good. Never. Whether at work, in friendship, or in love. The feeling that one's kindness and good intentions get taken for granted goes beyond the superficial pain. It reaches far beyond that. And it leaves one questioning not only the other person's motives, but whether the offered trust was allocated where it should have been in the first place.

The moment Özgür whispered back to Ezgi that he too had fallen in love with her, everything seemed right. Everything felt perfect. The puzzle that he had been trying to piece together for all of his life finally seemed complete. His new establishment had a Grand Opening, his friends and family were there to support him, and he held the woman he loved in his arms.

And then everything changed...

The puzzle burst and spread the pieces all over. Özgür could barely contain himself when the police came in and asked for Ezgi. They didn't just ask for her. They informed Ezgi that she needed to go to the Police Station with them. Alone. By herself.

THAT was something Özgür would never have allowed. He swore so hard on the inside that he was sure others heard it too. Tolga. Tolga! If he could get his hands on his cousin now, he would not leave one hair out in place. Not one! Özgür gave him "La Gabbia", didn't he? Özgür told him to leave them alone, didn't he? Tolga agreed not to file charges against Ezgi, didn't he?!?

All of it was too much. As Ezgi was escorted out of the building Özgür followed her. Grand Opening or not, he could not stay behind and watch her get punished for something he caused. He was not that kind of man and would never allow himself to be. Never.

Özgür left the grand opening of "La Laguna" with Ozan, Deniz, Cansu, and Levent. Emre was left behind and in charge. But Emre wouldn't have it. He ended the Grand Opening event and tagged along as fast as he could. As they all arrived at the Police station Deniz tried to calm Özgür down but there was nothing she could do. Özgür was livid and scared for Ezgi's wellbeing. He realized something very important while waiting for any kind of news about Ezgi. There was no way he was going to let her spend the night in jail without checking up on his weasel of a cousin first.

Fueled by fear for Ezgi in his heart and fury in his gut at being crossed by Tolga, Özgür barged into "La Gabbia" with Ozan. Technically, the former "La Gabbia" because the place looked and felt nothing like his old and dear restaurant. It felt stale, stiff, and virtually empty. He saw Gizem, rushed to her side, and asked where Tolga was. No, he didn't ask. He demanded the answer. He was done asking. He was done being polite and staying coy. He was done!

It did not surprise him one bit that Tolga was nowhere to be found. He almost chuckled to himself thinking how naive he was to think that Tolga would just sit and wait for him. Gizem told him she did not know where Tolga was. Whether she was telling the truth or not did not matter. What mattered to Özgür was that Ezgi sat alone in a jail cell, while he left her side, for nothing. With nothing left to do at "La Gabbia", he and Ozan left and rushed to the Police Station as fast as they could.

Only to be told when they got there that Özgür could not see Ezgi. They begged and pleaded but to no avail. Then Özgür came up with an ingenious plan. It was so crazy and wild that it might just work. Since he was getting nowhere with the police officer as Ezgi's beloved, maybe he would have a better chance if he confessed to forcing her to break the law himself? His friends all shook their heads in disbelief but Özgür didn't mind. After all, he succeeded and was taken to see Ezgi, charged as her accomplice.

When she saw Özgür walking in to the area of the holding cells to speak with her, Ezgi couldn't be more happy. But when she saw him being taken into a cell himself, she couldn't be more confused. Wasn't she the one taken into custody? Wasn't Tolga out to get to Özgür through her? Wasn't he? She questioned Özgür for a logical answer and she got one. He did what needed to be done to make sure she would not spend the night alone in jail in a holding cell. Whether that was the logical thing to do or not was something Özgür would rather not answer at the moment. But one thing was certain, Ezgi did feel better having him next to her.

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