Episode 5 - Nothing to hide...

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What kind of a lie would be considered to be the worst? The one that we tell ourselves. Truth can be hidden from a parent, a sibling, or even a beloved. But it is the lie that we tell ourselves that carries the most severe of consequences. Why? Because truth always comes out, and when it does, it is the heart that pays the greatest and most severe price...

Özgür stood beside Ezgi and watched as she waved to the last man she hoped to see. The dapper Dr. Serdar stood on the pier and seemed just as surprised to see her. Ezgi was standing with a group of friends, and from where Serdar was looking at her, she was happy, having fun and relaxed. She may have looked that way, but on the inside, she was a ball of nerves. And Özgür did not help one bit.

Özgür enjoyed the little twist. He chuckled at the thought of coming face to face with Ezgi's "Mr. Right". Why get mad at Fate instead of letting it take over? He even accepted Serdar's greeting gesture but limited it to a fist-bump. An open handshake was a gesture Özgür reserved only for those that mattered to him. Nonetheless, they met so there was no use in pretending it didn't happen.

Seeing Ezgi's consternation, Cansu asked Levent to intervene. He did and in a quite diplomatic way. Even Özgür had to admit that Levent handled the situation well. Until Serdar revealed that he came to Göcek for a wedding. And not just anyone's wedding. Özgür's sister's wedding. From the moment Serdar spoke up, Özgür began to sense male resentment on Serdar's part. Call it what you will but he felt it. He sensed it again when Serdar said his good-byes because Serdar kept his gaze on him for more than a casual moment. So, Özgür noted the feeling was mutual but kept it to himself.

Seeing that a boat cruise was now out of the question, the group opted for Brunch at the nearby restaurant. As they sat, they contemplated on what just happened and how to remedy the situation. Ezgi blamed everything on Özgür. Everything. Because everything bad that happened to her lately happened because of Özgür's proposition for her to act as his beloved.

Özgür could not believe his ears. How was he to blame for her misfortunes? He was a man who lived a carefree life. A worry-free life. A trouble-free life. So how was he to blame for everything that was going wrong in Ezgi's life? She herself was a magnet for trouble. One had to be blind not to see that. He scolded her and advised her that he was not to blame for Serdar showing up to the very wedding they were to attend. How could he be to blame? He did not know who was to be invited. He did not know Serdar before they met so he did not know who the friends of his sister's fiance' were. And, above all, HE only asked Ezgi to pretend to be his beloved. SHE did not have to agree to it.

Setting their frustrations aside, they agreed something needed to be done. There had to be something that could be done. Yet none of the ideas they were coming up with made sense. At some point, Ezgi referenced the moment she agreed to Özgür's proposal. If only she could go back to that moment and reverse her decision. If only. Özgür agreed. If only she would have said no. But now they were stuck. Though Ezgi complained that Serdar coming to the wedding was her problem, Özgür reminded her that she wasn't the only victim here. If his mother would find out what he did, it would hurt her feelings. It would hurt both of their mothers' feelings.

While Ezgi continued her one-sided pity monologue, Özgür couldn't stand it any longer. Admitting to both his mother and Ezgi's mother would hurt them, but a man could only stand so much criticism. He stood up and told everyone that they would just 'fess up and admit they had lied. Much to his dismay and surprise, everyone advised him against it. Neither right nor wrong, Cansu advised that they would have to make it work. They would have to pretend to be beloveds at Ebru's wedding. There was no other way out of it. She also reassured them that they would all be together, so if anything were to happen, they would help take care of it.

When they returned to prepare for the wedding reception, Özgür's ears were burning from Ezgi's constant nagging and negativity. She had not given him a single second of silence since they left the restaurant. It boggled his mind how someone could bottle up so much negativity in one body. She nagged him with guilt, with worry, and with all the possible ways that everything could go wrong.

Finally, he shouted back at her that enough was enough. It really was enough for him. She looked back at him in disbelief but he meant what he said. He was a peaceful man. A free-spirited man. A calm man through and through. He never ever lost his cool. But now he did and all because of her.

Ezgi asked him not to growl at her. He wasn't growling. Then again, how could he not?!? If someone would have asked him what "cool" and "calm" meant at that moment, he wouldn't even know how to spell those words let alone describe what they meant. Yet when he wanted to tell her how much he had had enough of her never-ending complaining, he realized that their parents, including his pesky aunt Fitnat, were looking right at them.

Was it panic, first instinct, or impulse? He did not know which but felt the urge to bring Ezgi closer. As he did, she ended up in his arms but in her own stubborn way, of course. He had never met a woman who did not desire his embrace, or one that did not want to put her arms around him... until he met Ezgi. He wasn't surprised that she didn't want to embrace him back; he was just mad. Why on earth did he have to choose a woman so set in her ways to play the part of his beloved? That thought crossed his mind but not long enough to stay there.

Even though he begged and pleaded, Özgür couldn't get Ezgi to put her arms around him. So, he opted for the oldest trick in the book. He told her he would bite her. Ha! That did the trick. But neither one of them was prepared for the sudden shower from the sprinkler system. The gardener turned on the sprinkler system to freshen up the plants so they would look more alive for the party. But what he really did was wake up Özgür and Ezgi's playful side.

Özgür grinned. Oh, did he enjoy this little twist. He did not hold Fate accountable for the misfortune of getting wet. He appreciated it. He grabbed Ezgi tighter, made sure she would not slip out of his hands, and spun them around. Whether she wanted to or not, Ezgi enjoyed it too. She called out his name close to ten times but the longer she did, the more she held onto him. She had to admit that no one possessed the strength in their arms like Özgür. She all but flew in his arms but was not afraid he would let go of her. Somehow that mattered to her. When he set her back down, she was her usual self again although she smiled at him in a way that twisted his gut. They made their way to the house and acted surprised when they saw their parents on their way in.

As Ezgi was getting ready for the party, she received a visit from Özgür's mother. Ezgi thanked her for the flowers and for opening her home to her. Özgür's mother nodded, smiled, and replied that she opened more than her home to her. She also opened her heart. Though she did not wish to go into much detail at the moment, she advised Ezgi that she prayed for a good beloved for Özgür for many, many years.

Ezgi did not know what to say. Lying felt so wrong, yet telling the truth would have hurt Özgür's mother even more. She chose her words wisely, but fell silent when Özgür's mom opened a little box she had brought with her. She gifted Ezgi with a beautiful and delicate bracelet supposed to have the power to keep her safe. Ezgi did not have to pretend that the gesture touched her heart. It really did. She embraced Özgür's mom honestly and sincerely. She could not believe how much affection she received from Özgür's family. His was the first family she met as someone's beloved, and the moment she thought that, a sharp pain jolted through her heart. Özgür was not her beloved and she was not his. Yet somewhere deep inside, as she passed her fingers along the delicate strand of the bracelet, for a split second that passed as soon as it came, she wished that it might have turned out differently, if only for a moment.

Across the hallway, Özgür prepared for the party. He put on a necklace, a bracelet, and one of his favorite rings. As he turned toward the mirror and began buttoning up his crisp white shirt, he paused for a moment and had to admit he made it all look good. Very, very good. The black vest he added over the white shirt made him look like he had made the effort to present himself as the handsome brother of the bride. Though he wanted to make his mother and sister proud, he knew that sometime during the evening, Ezgi would look his way too. He was sure she would approve of what she would see.

The moment Ezgi opened the door, he chuckled to himself. He skimmed his eyes up and down over her stunning silhouette. He thought to himself, what did it matter how he looked when all eyes this evening would be on Ezgi? She was a vision of beauty. The royal blue silky gown fit her to a "T". The woman standing before him packed a punch and he was sure she knew it. Even the white flower pinned by her ear added to her glow. He had to admit, she did glow and beam with womanly allure and self-confidence.

Once he was sure he could speak in a way that his voice wouldn't reveal how affected he was at the sight of her, Özgür told her she looked beautiful. Ezgi smiled, nodded, and replied that he did not look half bad himself. He chuckled again and said they were certainly going to match that night. As good as they looked, if they were going to match, something was still missing. Ezgi walked back to the side table by her bed and picked another white flower that matched hers and pinned it to the lapel of Özgür's vest. It may have seemed just a sweet, trivial, and frivolous gesture but it got to Özgür. He was beginning to realize that Ezgi was the first woman that cared for him as much as she cared about him. Not something he was used to at all, especially when she spontaneously remarked that now "they looked like a real couple".

As they made their way down to the reception area, Özgür suggested that it may look better if they held hands walking in. That is, of course, if Ezgi was okay with it. She smiled and agreed. If they were going to make it look believable, they should put in their best effort. Özgür looked down at her wrist, and noticed that she wore a new bracelet with the traditional Turkish blue evil eye emblems. Good, he joked, she would need all the talisman's good fortune and protection.

Ezgi replied that it was a gift from his mother. Özgür was surprised by her words. His mother never took this easily to those she just met and she never gifted people around her either. Ezgi smiled and quoted his mother's words, that she was the first beloved he had ever introduced to his family. Ahh, Özgür agreed; yes, she was. Ezgi shook her head slightly and reminded him that since they were only pretending to be beloveds, she would actually not be the first beloved he would introduce to his mother and sister. Her words did something he had not anticipated. They formed a pin of regret in Özgür's mind. It was not a pleasant feeling nor one he wanted to feel again.

Özgür wanted to brush that feeling aside and did, but only for an instant. The moment their hands met, the touch of Ezgi's delicate hand in his sent shockwaves down his arm. Her hand fit perfectly in his hand. Her fingers linked perfectly with his. As they walked toward the reception area down on the lawn, they definitely looked the part of beloveds as they looked into each other's eyes. They were ready to do this. They were ready to face their mothers. But how long would it last was up to Fate itself.

Once Ebru and her handsome groom arrived, Özgür, his mother, and Ezgi greeted them warmly with wishes of good fortune and sincere words. Ebru appreciated Ezgi so much that she winked at Özgür and mentioned she would see them as married soon too. She wrote Ezgi's name on her shoe first so it would have to happen. Özgür all but choked at her words but played it cool because Ezgi did too. Yet it was the moment that his mother mentioned his and Ebru's father that undid Özgür, though he did his best to cover it up.

Özgür missed his father. No one knew how much because he never spoke about it, or about how much it hurt not having his father around.   Though he would never admit it out loud, it was his father's death that played a part in his carefree mindset on life. On his fear of affection, as Ezgi put it. If he wouldn't show how much he cared, then he wouldn't have to fight back to regain his heart once affection was gone.

When their friends arrived to the wedding, Özgür and Ezgi breathed a sigh of relief. Though not for long. Over-thinking was always Ezgi's strongest suit and, right now, so was over-worrying. The more she thought of everything that could and would go wrong, the more her heartbeat raced into overdrive. She sat with her mother and Unal but could only handle so much. She excused herself and went to stand by Cansu and Deniz. They tried to calm her down but nothing helped. As a last resort, Cansu pulled out a bottle and advised Ezgi to take the pill she offered to her. Ezgi took it, and Cansu advised her that she now had to avoid consuming any drinks. Ezgi nodded.

She went to sit down and hoped no one saw. No one did, except Özgür. He began to worry that he put too much stress on her, given the fact that she would have to pretend to be his beloved to their parents and Ebru, while pretending to be single before Serdar. Özgür crossed the lawn, stood behind Ezgi, and placed his hand in a caring way over her hand. Though Ezgi may have thought that it was part of their game plan, he meant it. He leaned in a bit closer, and spoke a bit softer.

He asked Ezgi if what he saw was true. She had taken something to ease her stress. She admitted that she did. He grinned and asked if he could have that too. They both laughed and Ezgi realized that his words began to help calm her down. But it wasn't only his words. He stood close to her, made sure she was alright, and mentioned that she should not worry too much since he would be by her side at all times. She agreed. Together they made a strong team. They were strong whenever they were together.

Strength was one thing. Recognizing their weaknesses in each other was another. When the newlyweds made their formal appearance, Özgür paused. His little sister was getting married and because of love, mind you... and not logic. He had to admit that love suited Ebru perfectly. So perfectly, that he lost himself for a moment in his thoughts. It was his moment. It belonged to him because he did not want anyone else to see that he let his guard down for even a second. But Ezgi did and was touched by how close he felt to his sister. Though he denied everything when Ezgi pointed it out to him, he was amazed at how well Ezgi read his thoughts. She was a stranger to him not that long ago, but now she seemed closer than he could have imagined any woman being.

If there was one guest that had an eye on everything, it was Özgür's aunt Fitnat. She looked everywhere and saw everything. When she saw that Özgür still hadn't danced with Ezgi, she knew that it simply wouldn't do. She smiled and made her witty way toward Özgür. Before she bothered him, she decided to have a little fun. She approached Levent and drilled a hole in his side when she asked him when he will finally find the guts to marry Cansu. Cansu was glad she was sitting when she heard Fitnat's words, otherwise her legs would have buckled under her. Though she was wondering the exact same thing as Fitnat asked, she was appalled at how forward Özgür's aunt really was.

Cansu did not have to worry if Fitnat would have continued her inquiry with Levent, because Levent was not her intended target. Özgür was and she succeeded in her mission. In a matter of moments, Özgür took Ezgi's hand and moved them toward the dance floor near their patents. They may not have wanted to dance, but both understood it would have been better to dance now and not when Serdar showed up.

Özgür smiled as he followed Ezgi toward the dancing couples. She picked a spot then turned around and waited for him. He offered his hand, but she opted for wrapping her hands around his neck. A couple, after all, should act like a couple. They danced one, two, three songs, and then lost track. Ezgi had to admit she was surprised at the way he moved. Strong and full of rhythm. There was always something to be said about a man who knew how to lead on the dance floor, and her "Mr. Wrong" definitely possessed that talent. No question about it. Apart from his muscular, sculpted arms and the indescribable reach of his gaze, the impeccable skill of his lower limbs made Ezgi hold on to him even tighter. It was not out of affection but purely out of the need to keep her balance.

For his part, Özgür had to admit that Ezgi's sudden burst of confidence gave him a glimpse of her he had not seen before. It wasn't the type of superficial confidence fueled by her anger; he had plenty of experience with her on that level. No, this type of confidence came from somewhere deep within her. Özgür wondered if she even realized the sudden change in herself. She was glowing because she felt happy and relaxed and was truly enjoying herself. If he wasn't careful, he could have easily fallen for what he saw in her eyes.

And... that realization was exactly what he needed to shake him back to the roots of his logical foundation. He did not tense up but his heart did. Because it wasn't the first time this happened around her, he considered it a warning that he should not disregard. He just waited for the right moment to balance out the scale. That moment came when Ezgi complimented him on his dancing skills. He did not compliment her back, instead he chose to use a bit of sarcasm to widen the quickly disappearing distance between them. He asked if she was surprised to find a man like him a skilled dancer. Did she consider him to be useless in that area of expertise?

The moment she realized he had countered her compliment with a calculated comeback, she realized he had pulled back. So, she did too. She did not render him useless, only replied that the art of dance was usually reserved for those with a romantic kind of soul.  Özgür chuckled and replied that dancing was not only not as romantic as she believed it to be, it was also a waste of time. While she considered it to be a significant part of romance, most people considered it an inconvenient way to pass the time until the song ended. There was no way anyone would want to dance the night away until the morning hours.

Oh, did Ezgi think of him as a brute now. A disgusting brute of a man. Just how he wanted her to think of him. But when Ezgi's mother and step-father rose from the table and danced just feet away from them, Özgür advised his dance companion not to look so grossly vicious at him. After all, they were to look like happy beloveds. Ezgi would have rather stepped on his foot than consider smiling at him. His smile only grew wider. He whispered to her that if she did not want to smile at him, maybe she should smile at the fact that their pretending could stop by the end of the day tomorrow.

Ezgi smiled wide and bright. And he knew she meant it. Just as well. If she kept him at a distance, she could not possibly get close enough again for him to feel what he felt a moment ago. Because there was no way he would have wanted her to get closer than what he allowed her to. What he did not know was that someone else was just about to enter the scene of the party in a manner of minutes. Someone he would come to consider disgusting himself.

Suddenly a man came down the stairs to the reception area. Serdar made quite an entrance, though not as unexpected as his companion. The woman that accompanied him moved with effortless class, beauty, and poise. Ezgi all but dropped to the ground when she saw her, only to almost lift off the ground the moment she found out Serdar's companion was actually his sister Yeşim. Yeşim made an impression on everyone. Except for Özgür. Well, she did, but not because of the way she looked but because of who she was. She was none other than the very reporter who had dubbed Özgür Istanbul's "Mr. Wrong" on the cover shot of the magazine she worked for.

Serdar was glad to find out that Özgür was only Ezgi's boss. Just her boss. He wasted no time complimenting her as well as her and Özgür's friends. He may have acted like the perfect gentleman, but Özgür did not buy that one bit. He saw right through Serdar. He was not looking at a man who was polite and well mannered. He was looking at a man who made Ezgi his prime target. Serdar was as interested in her as she was in him. And Özgür could not figure out why it began to bother him as much as it did.

As the evening went by, Özgür found himself face to face with Yeşim. She caused him as much trouble as she caused him backlash for the way she portrayed him. But the more they spoke, the more he began to realize that she was still interested in him. Though something inside told him it would be better if he did not step into the same river twice, he could not get past the fact that Yeşim was still attracted to him.

He was so taken by her that he let it slip that Ezgi was nothing more than a momentary companion. Someone he brought along to satisfy his mother's nagging regarding the fact that he was an eternal bachelor. He smiled but didn't quite realize he made this admission not only to Serdar's sister, but to someone who was a reporter at heart. He also did not catch the warning signs visible in his mother's eyes when she sized Yeşim up and down and automatically knew the kind of woman she was dealing with.

In the meantime, Ezgi tried her best to be polite to Serdar but stay poised enough not to cause the parents to suspect foul play. Until she saw Özgür return to the table with his vaguely innocent reporter friend. That was the last straw. There was no way Ezgi was going to sit idly by and watch him parade around with his leggy friend. She smiled at Serdar in the most sincere way while sending sharp, invisible looks at Özgür, glances that he most definitely acknowledged. Then Ezgi went right onto the dance floor with Serdar and Özgür was shocked, disoriented, and afraid all at once. Why on earth had Ezgi pulled Serdar to the floor? Why? With everyone watching her? Oh, that woman boiled his blood just by existing.

What was he to do? The only thing left to do. He invited Yeşim to dance. Though both Özgür and Ezgi fumed with jealousy, neither of them dared to admit it. Ezgi was hurt Özgür told her to watch her step with Serdar but let Yeşim hang on his arm. So, she acted as if she and Serdar were the only people dancing. Özgür all but burned holes in Serdar's suit with the intensity of his glare. He was not jealous. Not one bit. Not one cell in his body felt like walking over and shoving Serdar aside and pulling Ezgi into his own arms. Not one tiny cell.... but then he just admitted it and took action.

He interrupted Serdar and announced that they would switch partners, much to Serdar's dismay and Ezgi's shock. Özgür did not intend to explain himself to Ezgi and certainly not now. He simply said they needed to make sure their parents did not suspect foul play, and she was dancing too close to her perfect "Mr. Right". Oh, did Ezgi feel positively charged to counter his accusation. Was it okay to blame her while he paraded around with his leggy reporter? Was it okay to point out how close she danced with Serdar while Yeşim hung on him as tight as she possibly could? Was it okay to demand of her to stay far from Serdar when Özgür paid no attention to the distance between him and Serdar's sister? Özgür smiled. If Ezgi was mad at him, that meant her attention revolved around him, not Serdar. And he intended to keep it that way.

As the day turned into night, Özgür danced with Ezgi and guarded her on all sides. So much that Serdar began to wonder exactly how much chance he really had with Ezgi. Cansu realized what Serdar thought and why and begged Levent to do something. He did but in such a purely Levent sort of way that he turned the truth upside down and twisted it in almost impossible ways. Levent said that Ezgi was not interested in Özgü one bit, that Özgür was actually in love with Yeşim. Serdar had a hard time believing Levent but not like Cansu, Deniz, and Ozan did. To end his epic monologue, Levent told Serdar that his words were true but a secret among the band of brotherhood, and he needed to ask Serdar to keep this to himself. So, willingly, Levent added more layers to the story that grew more complex by the minute.

When Özgür and Ezgi re-joined their table companions, Ezgi's mother decided to take the matter into her own hands. She did not like the way Serdar looked at Ezgi. More than that, she did not like seeing that Ezgi seemed to give more of her attention to Serdar than to Özgür. She and Unal came to join them, smiled, inquired, and caused a commotion that ended with Ezgi falling right into Özgür's strong and caring arms. She did not mean for her daughter to faint but this gave them the best possible gift which he offered them the chance to disappear. Unbeknownst to Ezgi, Özgür did not let anyone near her, least of all Serdar. He carried her up the stairs into her room and laid her as gently as he could on her bed.

The next morning, the group of friends enjoyed breakfast and celebrated the evening's success. Serdar was still taken with Ezgi. Özgur and Ezgi got away with their performance as beloveds in the eyes of their families. The mothers grew closer through an unexpected nod of fate. So close that they spoke about their children's future. A united future. Until the end of their days. What Ezgi and Özgür did not take into consideration was how much their mothers loved them, and how heavily their happiness laid on their hearts. Along with Unal and Fitnat, both mothers agreed that sometimes Fate needed an extra pair of loving hearts nudging beloveds along. They decided to speak individually with their children.

Özgür was prepared for an outing by the sea and definitely not for a sincere conversation with his mother. The topic of the conversation included everything he feared and stayed away from: affection, love, and commitment. He avoided agreeing with his mother as much as even considering to think about all of it. Yet, his mother's words reached somewhere deep inside of him. It wasn't what she said, it was how she said it. She did not scold him about love and marriage; he was used to that. As she sat across from him and held his hand in hers, Özgür's mother spoke words of sincerity and encouragement... and caused his mind to wonder.

On the other side of the hallway in Ezgi's room, she had the same kind of conversation with her mother. Just as Özgür's mother did, Ezgi's mother spoke from her heart. She saw the kindness and sincerity in Özgür's eyes and the way he carried himself around Ezgi. But most importantly, she saw love. Even if neither Ezgi nor Özgür did, she saw it. She meant what she said and embraced Ezgi with her mother's full and content heart. Only her words crushed Ezgi instead of making her feel better.

As the friends gathered by the seaside, they knew what they needed to do. What needed to be done. They needed to make their mothers understand that they were not that good a match. That they did not fit well together at all. But neither Özgür nor Ezgi had any clue of how to do that. Levent stepped up saying that with his knowledge and expertise, he knew what to do. That made Cansu roll her eyes all the way back to Istanbul.

So, they concocted a plan, convinced it would work. And it did, just as they hoped it would. Ezgi succeeded in portraying Özgür as a selfish tyrant, while she made herself appear as an over possessive bride-to-be. But they overestimated their success and underestimated the hurt they caused to their families. Not only did they end up hurting their feelings, they hurt the chance of friendship between their mothers that began to form and warm their hearts, at an age when true friendship was hard to find. In the end, the mothers parted ways with the clear indication that it would be better not to let their paths cross again.

Ezgi felt awful and guilty beyond words. She was grateful to Özgür's mother for opening her home and her heart to her. Now that they succeeded in showing their mothers that they did not fit together, she felt accomplished but somehow sad. She did not want to show Özgür just how much his family meant to her. They had a plan. A simple plan that was meant to last only for that weekend. She just never realized how much Özgür's family would come to mean to her. Because they did. Because his mother did. She underestimated the value of being accepted by a beloved's family because she never encountered that in the past. Now that she did, her heart ached knowing she not only had to say goodbye to Özgür's mother, she would do so on less than amicable terms.

As she finished packing, Ezgi saw the little white daisy on the table next to the bed. The sight of the flower alone made her heart ache for what she felt the night before when she danced in Özgür's arms. But there was more to it. So much more. What she did not reveal to Özgür was that after she fainted that night, she woke up later. When she opened her eyes, she could not believe she was back in her room and that Özgür was next to her. He did not leave her alone. He chose to stay with her rather than rejoin the party with his leggy reporter. She spent the longest moment looking at him. Just looking at him.

She did not see "Mr. Wrong" or the   beastly, selfish bachelor everyone saw in him. She saw him. Özgür. A confident man who allowed himself a moment of just being himself when he chose to let his guard down as he lay next to her. To keep watch over her. She realized two things: One, he was the caring man she looked for and may have finally found. And two, when he woke up, he would not care for her as much as she hoped because she was just a girl he brought along and not his real beloved.

Özgür packed with much less precision and neatness. If something fit in his bag before, it would do so just as well if he just tossed it in. Then he saw the shirt and vest he had worn the night before but in particular, the little white daisy that Ezgi gave him. It was as innocent as it was sweet and sincere. The problem was, he had not dealt with innocent, or sweet, or sincere before. He was a self-made man. Self-confident. Self-sufficient. Free-spirited right down to the bone. He did not care for details. He didn't care for delicate gestures. He did not care for affection. Except... now he did.

The flower Özgür twirled in his fingers somehow meant more to him than all the fake smiles that his former conquests and would-be companions had given him. Why? Because they offered it all to him for one night and then disappeared from his life the moment he closed the door behind them. Why? Because no one bothered to care about him; they only cared about their personal gain. Ezgi offered him her time, her word that she would do as he asked her, and something more. Something he feared to even admit. She offered him affection and somehow that began to matter to him. Because she began to matter to him.

He dismissed that notion before. He brushed aside the way he felt when Ezgi gave him looks that made him wish for more. He shook his head at the way his gut began to turn whenever she was near and how he felt something was missing when she wasn't there. This all changed when he saw her lying in her bed after she fainted at the wedding. She fell right into his arms and scared the living daylights out of him. True, he feared her anger and unpredictability and the way she always made him want to explode in hot temper, but he never feared for her. Quite frankly, he never feared for any other woman before. Feeling her fall lifeless into his arms shook his heart in its foundation.

He had carried her upstairs not allowing anyone else to come close to her, least of all the pesky Dr. Serdar. He laid her down on her bed and had to admit he was getting used to this little ritual of theirs by now. And then... he looked at Ezgi. What a whirlwind of a wonder she was. He realized what she must have gone through because of him. Because it was all because of him. None of what happened in the last couple of days would have happened if he hadn't asked her to play the part of his beloved. Their families wouldn't have met. Their friends wouldn't have come. Sure, the weaselly Serdar would have come to the wedding with his sister but how much did that matter now? None of it did because he was looking at a woman that stood next to him, took his proposal seriously, and actually put his needs before hers.

That mattered to Özgür. He finally wasn't foolish enough to admit it. He'd had friends and friendships in the past. But he never had a relationship where someone cared enough to let him understand it. The only relationship he ever had, if he could have even called it that, ended the moment he realized that relationships were not for him. Needy was not for him. But needed? That was something he never felt before and it took Ezgi for him to realize how that felt.

As he sat on the bed beside her, Özgür noticed that the flower in Ezgi's hair had fallen from its place and leaned in to put it back where it belonged. He realized he was face-to-face with her, mere inches away from her lips. That was no distance for him at all. But somehow with Ezgi, it was. He had made a pact to treat her as a beloved but now came the realization of how foolish he was to ever assume she would mean nothing to him.

He lingered above her for a while longer, too long to feel any sort of comfort. And yet... as he stood up, he could not bring himself to leave her side. Whatever she may have felt about him, he felt the need to stay by her side. He gave in to the yearning and longing that whispered inside him... and he stayed. Looking at the little white daisy, he realized that staying by her side was against the logic he lived by. Whatever reason he had to stay by her side, it was too late now to turn back time. Too late to force himself into believing that Ezgi meant nothing at all to him. Nothing at all.

As they said their goodbyes to Özgür's mother and left for Istanbul, Ezgi kept quiet so much that even Özgür noticed it. He also noticed something else, even if he did not see the tears forming silently in her eyes. He noticed the way Ezgi kept touching her wrist, in the spot where she had worn the bracelet gifted to her by his mother. It wasn't there.

What he did not know was that she rubbed that spot because she missed his mother. Missed how his mother cared about her in the beginning. But Özgür did not know that. He only knew that the weekend had passed and now they would return home. Back to Istanbul and back to their lives. He also knew that now they would have nothing to hide anymore.

Why that made him sad, he hadn't the slightest clue...

BAY YANLIŞDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora