❤️ Episode 14 - Mr. Right Indeed ❤️

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How does one decide that they are ready for the greatest commitment of all? Doesn't it take the greatest leap in life? Does it take courage? Of course! Does it take trust? You bet. But it also takes something else: it takes realizing that hearing the beloved's heart beating next to You is the greatest gift a life could offer.

If looks could make a man suffer, Serdar would be down on the ground the moment Özgür turned the corner and saw him grabbing hold of Ezgi's hand. A quick gaze at Ezgi and seeing that she did not appreciate Serdar's gesture, reaffirmed Özgür knowing what he already knew. Serdar was not welcome and there had to come a point for the poor excuse of a doctor to finally understand it. Once and for all.

Özgür walked up to Serdar and made sure he stood close enough for Serdar to feel off- foot and threatened by his presence. And Serdar did though he tried his best to cover it up. Ezgi stood there and could not believe how Serdar twisted his words, and came up with lies and excuses the moment he saw Özgür. She realized how sick a man he really was. If Serdar really wanted to help Özgür, if he really thought of Özgür's business, he would have told Özgür himself about the recordings implicating Tolga. But no... Serdar played an innocent attendee at Levent and Cansu's wedding. This proved to Ezgi how wrong Serdar really was in his actions, and how very wrong he would have been for her.

After Serdar left, Özgür asked Ezgi the real reason why the sleazy doctor showed up on the steps of "La Laguna". She did not want to lie so she switched the subject to Zeynep. Levent's daughter was still missing and everyone was very concerned. Understandably so. Cansu was sick with worry and tried to comfort Levent but he was lost in his own thoughts. He saw only Zeynep in his mind. Only her. He was blinded by the love for his child and did not give any consideration to Cansu or how she was feeling. What Cansu felt broke her heart.

Since reviewing the camera footage did not reveal when Zeynep left or which way she had gone, Özgür and Ezgi left to search for her again. Thank goodness they did because they found her. When they brought her back to the restaurant, all the guests were relieved, including Cansu. But Levent paid no attention to Cansu. None whatsoever. He didn't even think Cansu might have needed to be looked after. It was as if Cansu didn't even exist any longer. Since it was apparent that she did not, Cansu realized a very important thing. She really did not matter to Levent and would never matter to him as long as his ex-wife and daughter dictated his feelings. So, she left her own wedding feeling crushed, embarrassed, and hurt beyond words.

Everything settled down at the restaurant when the wedding guests left and the staff began to take down the decorations. Özgür calmed down and found a moment to speak with Ezgi and there was much to talk about. Özgür could not believe how much had happened in so little time. Event seemed to chase event, each one creating a new problem. If it wasn't Tolga, it was Serdar. If it wasn't Serdar, then it was Levent and Cansu. They could not seem to catch a break no matter how Özgür tried to look at it.

He sighed then realized complaining about all of these things was not helping anyone. Moreover, his negativity seemed to spill over onto Ezgi. The problems would not solve themselves but there was no reason for him to burden Ezgi with the thoughts that were troubling his mind. Özgür sweetly and sincerely apologized to her and his words made her smile. She looked into his eyes and asked if he would be happy if an opportunity came to take back "La Gabbia".

Özgür's eyes lit up with so much excitement the moment Ezgi mentioned "La Gabbia" that he did not need to say a word. He may have been reserved and reticent when it came to displaying his feelings to others, but not to Ezgi. To Ezgi, Özgür was an open book and one she could not get enough of. His response that he would love to take "La Gabbia'' back into his possession only reaffirmed Ezgi's love for him. It also made her stomach tighten because she knew what was on the recorder Serdar had stuck in her hand. Ezgi held the key to Özgür's happiness but knew there was no way she could use it without hurting their future together.

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