Episode 3 - Honest Truth...

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There is a peculiar thing about challenges one faces in their life. And that is the fact that the challenges would not be overcome until and unless one is completely honest with oneself about them. Completely honest. Because as much as one pushes the aspect of the challenge aside, it does not go away. But the moment one decides to face the challenge head on, and admit what needs to be admitted, one realizes that the challenge they faced did not crush them - it made them grow into the person they were meant to become...

Özgür did not know whether he should laugh at the cruel virtue of life or banish Ozan for hiring the one and only woman who ever got under his skin so deep that it itched to the very core. Perhaps even deeper. The moment Özgür left his apartment he was furious at Ezgi. His temper flared sky high at the fact that she refused to cancel her date with Dr. Serdar so that they could leave for his sister's wedding on Friday. He blamed her. Only her. He was still fuming when he got to his soon-to-open restaurant. Even Ozan saw something wasn't right. Özgür replied that he had the worst of possible mornings because of the woman who he was supposed to take to his sister's wedding - and now he was not.

Ozan understood his frustration, and advised his best friend that he called him over to the restaurant because he had something that would make Özgür's day. And he was not mistaken one bit. The moment Ezgi walked into the restaurant Özgür's day was made. And, boy, was it. Ozan had to admit that he never saw Özgür react with so much emotion and anger. Never. Which made him wonder. But... he told Özgür that she would stay as their new PR coordinator and left the two of them to figure out their situation.

And they did. They lashed out at one another in a fiery exchange of words that would have made Ozan's ears burn if he witnessed it. Özgür accused Ezgi of following him around, and she accused him of not giving her enough credit to search and find work all on her own. He did not believe her that she did not know where she was going to work, or for whom. And she could not believe that he couldn't even give her that much credit. But he said something that not only hit her more than she let it show - it hurt her.

Ezgi left the restaurant mad, disappointed, and most of all hurt. But that paled in comparison with the inexplicable pain she felt when she decided to visit Cansu and Dr. Serdar. Instead of feeling better, her world fell apart when she saw Soner and his new fiancé leave Dr. Serdar's office with a clear indication that his new object of affection was pregnant. It did not matter to Ezgi that she fell. What mattered was that her heart fell down to the floor along with her. She was glad that she ran into Cansu at the hospital. She needed her cousin's shoulder at that very moment. But no matter how much Cansu tried, nothing eased the pain in Ezgi's heart. She was never a bad person, so why was she being deprived of the one happiness she strived for in the form of love?

After Ezgi left the hospital, and felt restless and hurt, she began to recall Ozgür's harsh words. He told her something that got to her in a way that made her realize something about herself. He told her that regardless of the time it would take him to "fix" her problem with men, it wouldn't just take three months because even after three years she still would have been stuck being the person she was. That hurt her. But it also did something else. It made her think and evaluate not only what she was looking for in life, but it made her reevaluate what kind of a person she was herself. She walked the streets of Istanbul and for the first time in her life she put the issue of finding a man aside. This time she thought of herself. Only about herself.

She thought about who she was, and what kind of a person she was. She did not think about men, about her failed relationships, or work. She thought about herself, and about what she wanted out of life. And she finally realized that it's been far too long since she did that. In the process of pursuit of what she thought would guarantee her happiness, she forgot about herself. And she decided it was about time to make herself count first. She decided to call her scumbag ex-boyfriend Soner and asked him why he chose the other woman over her. As much as she knew that it would hurt her, she was looking for an honest answer. And he gave it to her. He told her that he got too used to her because she did everything for him. She turned into his mother. She was no longer the woman he wanted. But he said one thing that cut her heart into pieces. He told her that she was no longer the woman he was afraid to lose...

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