𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 11

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Bear's point of view

After a few more minutes they left, and of course, that Ooman was there, her sister. I definitely think that she's some sort of higher rank than the rest, she was looking for Mari and genuinely seemed worried as far as I could tell. They quickly packed up and left scampering away like insects. A few more minutes, I waited till they were differently gone and hopped down with Mari clinging to me. I gently put her down but she grabbed onto my arm "can you check inside? they might've bugged it or something so stay invisible" she said quietly "Okay, do you want me to see if they have?"

"If you don't mind"

I switched to a different filter and yep, they bugged it. After destroying all of them I looked around and it appeared that nothing had been touched or stolen, this is only making that feeling worse. Maybe I should steal books about Oomans so I can come back faster to see Mari but I don't think elder Sonne would like that, this is so frustrating. I heard chatting outside and glanced out of the window, it was Yeyin and elder Sonne chatting with Mari. I don't think that Sonne is a Yautja name, I swear it is from one of the Ooman languages.

Mari's point of view

"So they came to your house?" Yeyin asked, his face was somewhere between confusion and disgust well from what I could tell. "Yeah, I didn't think they would do that, I'll do some research about this Weyland industries. I'll see what I can find out"

"Mari you stay with me for days" Sun said sternly.

"No I'll be fine-"

"No! they dangerous, not safe for you"

"Sun it would make them suspicious if you feel like that you can stay with me" she nodded and started to look at the many flowers in my garden. "Mari me and Dto are going into the city, I think that's why she's worried" 

"What? When? How long will you be gone?"

"I'm not sure, at least a week"

"Oh. Okay" I was a bit sad but Sun would keep me company and safe, I remember Jane telling me that she worked with mum she was apart of this as well. I honestly think at this point those two are dead to me, it wouldn't hurt to cut them out but I'm not sure what my other sisters might think. I never really felt anything towards my mother, she dumped me in this forest and left me to fend for myself it was only thanks to Lucy I have food because she owns a shop and Jasmine helped me decorate, taught me how to cook, clean and more things you would need to take care of a house. Oh! And I can't forget my grandmother, she taught me how to sew, knit anything to do with that type of things.  

"Mari? Why are you outside honey?" a soft familiar voice spoke to me, it snapped me out of my train of thought I finally focused and Lucy was in front of me, Jasmine was pulling up in her car. "I just wanted to get fresh air- why are you guys here?" she seemed to calm down a tiny bit "You haven't seen the family chat then?" 

"No? I've been busy"

"Oh my god! Mari are you alright?" I was tackled by Jasmine into a bear hug. "I swear if I see that bi-"

"Jasmine watch your language please, I know your angry but you promised not to swear around Mari" Jasmine grunted in response. Still squeezing the life out of me and kissed me on the forehead. "I don't get it- What's wrong?" they both glanced at each other.

"Let's go inside, I'll make some tea" we all went inside, I wondered where everyone was they were just here. Until I saw Bear's book on the table while Lucy and Jasmine were fussing I quickly opened it 'I'm under the table please don't kick me'  I dropped the book and went to pick it up and quickly lifted up the table cloth and there he was. He waved and nervously smiled at me I waved back and did the quiet sign. "So Mari, you don't know what's happened?" Lucy asked me.

"No I don't"

"Pretty much that stupid wh-" Jasmine said before Lucy could speak.

"Jass that's enough, calm down" Lucy interjected.

"Right... I can't believe this though, I'm going to have a smoke" She got up and went outside. "You know auntie Anne?"


"Well, she got a bit tipsy and started to chat to everyone and Jane said something a bit mean about you and all hell broke loose, you know because you Anne's favourite, well anyway she ripped into Mum and Jane and well Anne's right and we are thinking of cutting contact with Jane and mum and we wanted to check if you were alright. But the half of the  family agreed with auntie so now it's like world war 3"

"So your going no contact with mum and her?"

"Jasmine definitely is, but I'm not sure, if you're going no contact then I am"

"I'm technically going no contact already since they don't bother and well this will be 'official' if you get me, I don't want anyone like that in my life and you shouldn't either"

"Jesus! I needed that!" Jasmine plopped down on the chair and kicked her feet out and well Bear was underneath so he grunted quite loudly and well everyone heard. "What the hell is that?" and immediately she lifted the table cloth up and she just went wide-eyed "is that a goddam lizard person?"

"No, I'm a dog" Bear said sarcastically, meowed and crawled out next to me. Lucy's jaw dropped and Jasmine was speechless. "Mari, what is th-"

"I never had a clue you would be into that stuff! Oh my God! Dude, that's a sick costume did you make that?" Jasmine bellowed. Lucy kicked her under the table and hissed for her to be quiet. "No, I lied I'm not a dog I fancy being a frog" Bear said.

"No dude but what are you? You ain't human that's for sure" 

"Jasmine how on Earth can you be okay with this! Mari, you have some explaining to do! that's an alien!"

"Lucy chill! Just because his a lizard person doesn't mean he's any different from us" 

"But his an alien-"

"I'm a Yautja but you are right I'm an alien. Spooky I know" 

"I- I need to go get some fresh air" Lucy shakily got up and went outside. Bear stood up and Jasmine's eyes went wide "Jasmine this is Bear" she nodded she looked shocked at his height I think. "Is he like a thing with you or are you helping him? Like what is your guy's relationship?"

"We're friends, Bear visits me all the time and I give him food as a thank you" and so we started to chat, mostly about Bear but also what we're going to do about the family situation. Lucy came back in and got introduced to Bear that went semi-well. We also discussed the current issue on Bear's end. So next week we're all going to go in the cave system and see if people can actually live down there and turns out Jasmine went into the attic snooped around and found the map for the whole thing, from what we can tell there was an actual cave system but it's been dug more out and given support beams by the person who lived here before me. Maybe it was meant to be some sort of bunker but they gave up on it? Well anyway, we're differently going to explore the crap out of it.

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