An Angel

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We've barely ate due to the other animals getting to the food first. In this situation, it's one family fighting against another. It's my family fighting against a family of raccoons and stray cats.

In the end, we both are just trying to survive; however I am going to do whatever it shall take to survive.

So, today began another day of begging for money. Begging, for someone, anyone to at least give me enough money to buy diapers and wipes.

A group of teenagers walked past me. "Hey, can any of you please give me some money?"

"I don't have any money on me but my house isn't far from here. I'll go get whatever I can and I'll come back, shortly," the girl delineated.

"Thank you." I smiled. Yes, finally we might get enough money for everything we need!

I watched as the girl with curly black hair, went into the house with her friends. I waited and waited; however she never came.

The girl never came back. I feel so stupid for even thinking that she would help us. I mean look at me, I'm gross!

All of us walked around, trying to find someone to ask for cash. Meanwhile; no one came. Not a single person walked past us. Not a woman nor man showed up.

I walked home with tears in my eyes. Deep down inside, I feel as if I am disappointing Sophie and Luka. I know they have no clue on what's going on but if they did... then they would hate me for my actions.

I sat at the side of our gas station, crying. Sophie and Luka didn't understand  what was wrong but I couldn't even look at them.

"Gabby, look!" Luka exclaimed. I looked up and saw a gentleman. He had dirty blonde hair that was freshly cut. He wore a blue tank top and a pair of black jean shorts. In his hands were diapers, wipes, and pizza.

"My sister in law told me that you three were here. I thought that I would buy some things for you," the man proclaimed.

"W..wait for real?" I questioned. This is unbelievable! An angle, a real angel showed up and gave me what I begged for. I stood up and wiped my tears away.

"Yes, this is for you." I took the pizza that was on top of the diapers off and sat it on the ground. Sophie and Luka grabbed a slice. I then grabbed the wipes and diapers, from his arms.

"Thank you so much, sir." Words couldn't justify how happy I am. I put the diapers against the wall, still having the wipes in my hand. I shockingly hugged the stranger. He hesitated; however he hugged me back.

I quickly backed away from the hug, remembering that I smell like sweat and garbage.

"I'm sorry. For a moment I forgot I smell disgusting," I apologized.

"Hey, no worries. I would smell the same if I was in your position," the guy clarified. I smiled, introducing myself.

"I'm Gabby."

"Collin," he introduced. We stood there before looking down at my siblings. They both had sauce across their faces. I giggled before telling them to thank the man.

"Thank you," the both of them said with food in their mouths. He laughed before he responded.

"You're very welcome. Have a good evening," Collin said.

"Have a good rest of your day," I replied. Collin walked away with pride in his step. I have no clue where he is from; however I'm very thankful that he came and saved the day.

We left the only cheese pizza with three slices. Those will be our breakfast in the morning. I changed Sophie's diaper. It smelled like something died inside which something did, my sanity.

Sophie, does have a rash from sitting in her own bladder for so long, as expected.

For the rest of the day, we sat talking and decided to take a walk. I hid the diapers and wipes and the rest of the pizza so no one would steal them.

Luka and Sophie begged me to go to the park; meanwhile it's probably ten miles away. I told them we could go to the one mile ice cream stand instead. There's a big red slide and a blue baby swing they can play on.


"Weee!" Luka shouted, as I was busy pushing Sophie watching Luka slide up and down the slide. The sweet smell of fries, ice cream, and chicken teased my nostrils. I wanted the food, I really did but we didn't have any money.

At around five, I'm guessing, we left. I had to carry Sophie the entire time because she was tired from playing around. Once we get to our home, I need to change Sophie's diaper. Thank goodness Collin came into our lives.

This whole day out of our homeless journey was probably the best. Sophie and Luka played at the ice cream stand, Sophie got some new diapers, and we had pizza for dinner.

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