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Reggie has honestly struggled to stick up for me. Anytime he sees someone disrespecting me, he steps in and shows them who's boss.

However; Reggie and I only have history together, all our other classes are different from one another.

So during my other classes besides history and lunch, someone feels the need to say something ignorant and the only reason why I haven't punched them across the face is because Reggie told me to ignore them.

That and due to the fact I won't be able to get a job if I get into a fight, are the only reasons I don't punch someone in their face. I need to get a job for the soul purpose of Luka and Sophie.

At some point I have to earn money. I've looked around for some open jobs but none I've seen so far.

I enter the school trying not to be noticed by anyone, for I'm not in the mood to deal with rude people. I walk up the stairs as I see Vicky, I sigh at the sight of her as I know what's to come.

"Does anyone smell that?" Vicky wondered, "Oh, yeah it's you." She pointed at me as she covered her nose with her other hand. Everyone laughed all though I didn't catch the joke. I rolled my eyes and walked to my locker.

On my locker was a ton of sticky notes. You're disgusting, Go back to where you came from, You don't belong here, Take a shower!, Why don't you just get a life? I'm not surprised you're homeless, Whatever you did to become homeless, you probably deserved it.

Tears filled my eyes as I read all the sticky notes that covered my locker. I quickly opened my locker to see even more sticky notes. I ripped them off my locker walls trying my hardest not to cry.

My chest tightened and it was harder and harder to breathe. I felt someone's hand touch my shoulder, I flinched at the touch.

"Hey, it's just me," Reggie justified. I blinked the tears away, looking up at him.

"Oh, umm sorry," I apologized, looking away. Embarrassment covered me from head to toe. Why did I flinch? Reggie probably thinks I'm a wimp or scarish.

"You're fine. What are these notes?" Reggie asked. I looked at my hands full of sticky notes as a tear rolled down my cheek. I slowly dropped them on top of my textbooks.

Reggie grabbed my face gently and forced me to face him. I wiped my tears away, forcing myself to give a fake smile. Shockingly, Reggie puts his hand around my head giving me a hug. He rubbed my back softly as I placed my hands around his waist.

I fought off tears as all I wanted to do was cry until I had no more tears. What did I do for everyone to hate me?

"Why are you so nice to me?" I mumbled.

"I'm nice to you because you deserve a friend," Reggie explained. I looked up to him smiling. I started grinning as I pulled away.

"We should probably get to class," I described. Reggie nodded, loosening his ponytail. I placed all my stuff on top of the notes and went on with my day.

My mind kept going back to the notes. I attempted to deny the fact that all those letters are true but as I keep thinking about it I keep realizing how true they really are. I do deserve to be homeless. I don't earn the privilege to live with such a loving family.

It got harder and harder to push the thoughts away and I felt like I was going to burst into tears!

"Can I go to the bathroom, please?!" I blurted out. Ms. Ferrel gave me a quick glance before telling the sopranos to silence.

"Is it an emergency?" Ms. Ferrel asked annoyed. I nodded as she dismissed me, right before I left the classroom she asked me not to interrupt her again. I apologized as usual and quickly paced into the bathroom.

I opened the orange bathroom door, rushing the first bathroom stall I could find. I locked the stale door and started to silently sob. Why am I so alone? What did I do for everyone to hate me?

Wet tears rolled down my cheek falling into my hands. I just want this to be over. I want everyone to move on to something else and leave me alone! I'm exhausted from everyone talking about me.

I've never done anything to hurt anyone here at school; however they all come and attack me. They all write stupid sticky notes and harrass me around the halls, for what?! I'm not cute or funny.

I'm not entertaining so why is everyone so focused on me?! I'm not the popular girl and I'm not the nerd so why give me so much hate? I'm just an average girl just trying to live my life when every person wants to stop me from doing that.

Meanwhile; that's what bullies do. They come and attack you until you break. No matter who you are, if you aren't perfect then you get bullied. The amount of pracher the man and woman have on one another to be the "perfect person" is absurd.

If you don't have lots of friends, blue eyes, blonde hair, and a smile that brightens up the room then you're underrated and aren't perfect; however this society needs to learn that no one is perfect, not even the happiest person or the most beautiful girl is perfect.


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