Let's Go Shopping

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Morgan, spent the night last night. I offered to sleep on the couch, having no care where I slept meant I didn't mind it. Carter is watching the kids as Iris' takes me shopping. We'll be looking for some more clothes for the three of us.

Taking Luka and Sophie is more work then it needs to be so we left them at the house. I sat in the passenger seat as Iris drove the SUV. My morning started off great from the message Carter gave me yesterday.

He's right, I am strong. I've survived being homeless! Last night I learned that I've made an accomplishment.

Butterflies, filled my stomach. I haven't been at the mall in two years! What if they treat me just the same as kids from school?

No, I got to think positive! "So, umm have Luka and Sophie been good at your work?"

"They've done just fine. Sophie played with a few girls and Luka's sorta stayed to himself, he tried not to leave my side," Iris laughed.

"Was he okay?" I worried. Iris looked at me, when she saw the worry in my face she stopped laughing and became serious.

"Luka, was fine. He used to be shy around the other kids but he's starting to get out of his shell," Iris explained.

I started to relax. "Okay, good," I said.

"Now, you Missy need to stop worrying so much. I can tell you're nervous," Iris said with a demanding but caring way.

"I am," I confessed.

"Why?" Iris questioned.

"I'm scared people are going to judge me like the kids at school," I clarified.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure," I gave permission.

"As a teenager, I was insecure. I felt as if everyone looked down upon me. I used to be underweight and I thought people thought I was ugly for that. Now I wish I would have worn what I wanted, that I had a different perspective on the world," Iris openly said.

"Wow." It was shocking that Iris would even feel insecure, she's freaking stunning!

"Yeah, so I want you to not be like me. I want you to not think so much about what others think about you," Iris justified.

"Okay, I'll try," I said. We pulled into a parking lot and got out of the car. We went into Marshalls. Clothes were lined up everywhere. Iris and I walked over to the adult section.

"What about this shirt?" Iris asked, showing me a black shirt with a rose in the corner. I nodded, as she put it into the cart. Searching, for more clothes we found plenty of t-shirts, tank tops, hoodies, long sleeve shirts, shorts, and jeans.

I also got two things of mascara and some chap-stick. The ending price for everything was $39.59. We got our bags and walked towards the car.

"I'll pay you back once I get a job," I mentioned. Iris looked at me confused.

"You don't have to do that. I don't mind spending a little bit of money for things you need," Iris clarified. I gave her a fake smile. Our next shop was to the Shoe Department.

Shoes are expensive! There were shoes reaching up to 300 dollars! Who would spend that much money on a pair of shoes?!

"Hey, we don't actually need shoes," I lied. Iris has already spent enough, she doesn't need to spend anymore money on us.

"Yes, you three do," Iris said. I sighed and looked for the cheapest shoes I could find.

At the end of our shopping trip I got one pair of cute boots, and a pair of tennis shoes. Sophie now has a pair of sandals and boots, and Luka got a pair of boots.

We'll probably be staying with the McCoy family for only a month or two so we'll have to spend winter alone. Iris bought us winter stuff to prepare us for the cold season that will quickly appear.

The shoes cost $72.89, not as bad as I thought it would cost. I made sure to tell Iris thank you one last time. Although she continued to say she didn't mind paying Luka, Sophie, and I stuff, I knew I needed to pay her pack for everything.

In the car I felt guilty. I had the feeling that I was being selfish for taking Iris' money. I wanted to say sorry; however I knew she would just tell me to stop worrying. But, if I stay silent, will she think I'm greedy?

"Do you think I'm greedy?" I whispered.

"No, of course not," Iris answered. Is she lying?

"Okay." The car ride was silent, even the radio was off. I didn't know if I should say anything or stay silent. I chose to stay quiet.

When we arrived, Iris helped carry some bags. In the house I showed Sophie her shoes and she freaked out with excitement with Luka. They gave me a hug and gave Iris one.

The clothes we bought were placed in a laundry basket and our shoes were placed on the shelf with other shoes. I'm in love with the clothes I got. They all look soft and comfortable.

Time went by very slowly. During that time I watched a movie alone. For bed time I wore the pajamas I begged to hop into.

A thin brown tank top with cheetah shorts, that covered half my thigh. The shorts were fluffy. Being the weekend, Carter told me I could stay up as long as I wanted to.

Together, we also made bedtime during the weekdays being at 11:00. A time I think is well reasonable. For the rest of the night, till 12:00 I watched different moves well eating cookies, catching myself falling asleep on the couch.

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