Everyone Knows!!

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Last night, I went and got school supplies. A zebra print backpack, a few notebooks, a case of pencils, ect. I woke up and got dressed. I had on a pair of denim jean shorts, and a red t-shirt, with my white flip flops.

I waited outside the bathroom, being three little kids inside, there wasn't enough room for me. All I needed to do was brush my teeth and do my hair. And, so I did. I hurried up getting ready and ran downstairs to get breakfast.

Today, we had eggs and bacon. I also had a side of Apple Juice. Luka still doesn't want to go to school. He thinks the kids will bully him again which sucks. I hate that Luka feels the way he does. He used to love school!

Now, he's terrified to go. It's funny how quickly something can change, how quickly a person can be. One bad decision can change everything! It can change the way you act, who you spend time with, and how you see the world.

The world is a crazy place! Anything can happen at any second. Finishing breakfast, it was time to wake my siblings up. I did it this time. I picked Sophie up and held Luka's hand. We got into the car, squeezing together, so we can all fit.

I checked my bag, making sure I had everything I needed. Will I even remember my schedule? I didn't have to worry about a school lock since I hadn't bought one this year. Locks take too much time when having to rush to classes so I never used one.

First, we dropped Carter off at work, then we dropped Nolan, Leanna, and Alena off at the United Elementary school. We drove a little bit more to drop me off.

"Have a nice day," Iris demanded.

"Thanks, you too."

I hopped out of the car. Today will be a good day. I took a deep breath before walking into school. A few people stared but I ignored it. No one is going to put me in a bad mood!

Walking, past everyone I made it to my locker. I had all my textbooks inside besides my history book. I left that at my grandfather's house. I sighed, looking at my schedule that I forgot I had tapped on my locker door.

First, is choir. A class I only took because it's known for being the easiest. I put my backpack in my locker, then shut it. I walked down the hall, downstairs, into the choir room. I waited in there, as class took a while to begin.

"Morning!" Ms. Ferrel shouted. Now, attendance started.

"I'm surprised that Gabby actually came to school, you know being homeless and all," Vicky whispered.

Vicky has always run her mouth, talking about anything and everything she can. Let it be known, she's the type of girl to cause rumors.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you need money?" Vicky mocked. A few other kids laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"That's enough! It's nice to have Gabby finally back," Vicky explained.

All class I heard whispers and saw classmates stare. Is this what Luka went through? I really, really hope he didn't.

My other classes were fine. Nothing, much happened. Teachers welcomed me back and no one else really talked about me. Then history happened.

"Everyone, open your book," Mr. Fredrick commanded. I raised my hand slowly. "Yes?"

"I don't have my history book," I announced. Mr. Fredrick took a deep breath.

"I understand you're homeless but that doesn't give you the right to lose your textbook. You'll need to pay for that," Mr. Fredrick explained. The entire class laughed besides Reggie.

"What is so funny about this?!" Reggie yelled. The whole class stopped laughing. Reggie's face looked angry. "Nothing, so stop laughing!"

Reggie, walked over to me. "I am so sorry for everyone's reaction. Are you okay?" I looked into his blue eyes and his black man bun.

"Thank you but I'm fine," I lied. I'm not fine. Luka had to go through the same thing I'm going through.

He's felt the exact feelings I am and the thought of that makes me upset.

"Ha, the homeless girl needs a friend," Cody joked. Cody has always caused problems right along with Vicky, his girlfriend. Reggie jogged over to Cody, getting into his face.

"Shut the hell up!" he shouted.

"That's enough!" Mr. Fredrick roared. Reggie, walked away and sat in his seat. Why did he stick up for me? Why did he tell everyone off?

It was hard to pay attention in class and stay away from my thoughts. Why did I send Luka to school?

I should have known he would get bullied. What is everyone's problem? Why can no one mind their own business?

Does Reggie want something? Is that the only reason he's being nice to me? What if Iris' family feels the same way as everyone else? Do they think we're disgusting?

"Gabriella!" Mr. Fredrick boomed. I lifted my head off my hand.

"Yes?" I wondered. What could he possibly want?!

"This is the fourth time I've had to say your name. Stop daydreaming and pay attention!"

"I know, okay," I sighed. I'm so annoyed by others thinking they can control me. Yell and scream all they want at me like I'm not just an average person.


The entire car ride I was zoned out. I have got to catch up on a book we're reading in class, Death of a Salesman. I also have three pages of homework for math class. That's not too bad; meanwhile I'm dreading the thought of even going back.

Almost, everyone in my grade had something to say about me not having a permit home. Reggie, and the other teachers, were the only people willing to defend me. Reggie has always stuck to himself.

He never causes tension and never starts fights so why did he do it today? Why would he risk getting into trouble for me?

All of us walked into the house. I laid my bag beside Nolan's. Luka and him rushed to the "Play Room" and Alena with Leanna ran upstairs. Little Sophie walked over to me throwing her arms up, signaling she wanted to hold.

I picked up Sophie and walked into the kitchen, sitting at the table with Sophie on my lap. Iris walked into the laundry room, leaving me alone with Carter and Sophie.

"Are you okay?" Carter inquiried, sitting in the chair beside me.

"Yeah, why?" I lied, faking a smile.

"Well, you were really silent in the car. Did something happen at school?" Carter asked. My smile faded as I thought about what happened.

"A ton of people talked about me being homeless," I clarified.

"People can be jerks sometime."

"Yeah," I huffed.

"But, you're strong," Carter justified. A real smile slowly appeared. It was nice to hear someone say that.

"It's hard," I admitted.

"I understand that and I understand that you have gone through things no child should ever go through," Carter expounded.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"If you need anyone," Carter reached for my hand, as I gave it to him,"To talk to, Iris and I are here. Now I don't know how long you'll be staying but we'll always be here for you." A tear rolled down my face, I quickly wiped it away.

"Thank you, it means a lot," I confessed. Carter smiled, as he got up and gave me a hug, the hug I didn't realize I needed.

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