Chapter 6

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Once I'd finished work, Reed got one of his driver's to come and take me home.

I told him that I'd be fine catching the bus but of course he didn't trust me.

When I got home it was only late afternoon, so I headed to the kitchen to see Ivy, but was faced with an older woman cooking something that smelt delicious.

She was tiny and looked like she was in her mid-60s. She had short grey hair and was wearing an apron.

"Hello?" I said as I stuck my head around the corner.

"Oh hello dear, don't mind me." she said sweetly.

"Are you Jocelyn by any chance?" I asked, sitting down in front of her.

"Yes that's me and you must be the lovely Julia I've been hearing all about."

"You've heard about me?"

"Of course dear, you've made quite the impression on Ivy."

Ivy. For some reason, I felt slightly disappointed that it wasn't Reed talking about me. Why did I feel like that? I don't even like the man.

"Oh yes, she's lovely. She loves you too, she couldn't stop talking about your famous spaghetti and meatballs." I giggled.

"Oh really? What a coincidence, I'm cooking that tonight for the five of us!"

"Five of us?" I questioned.

"Yes, there's Reed of course, you, Ivy, myself and-"

She was cut of by the sound of the front door slamming. I could hear heels strutting towards us and confusion took over.

"Reedy, where are you?" she squealed.

My heart sank as I realised what was going on.

A tall blonde girl entered the kitchen. She had long, straight hair and layers of makeup caking her face.

She wore a tight red dress and huge heels which she could barely walk in and her boobs practically entered the room before she did.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realise that Reed had a...guest. I thought he'd be in here." she snarled.

"Sorry but who are you exactly?" I asked.

"I should be asking you that question." she smiled falsely.

"Well seeing as I live here then I think you should tell me first." I said, standing up to face her.

"You what?" she scowled.

Her face dropped. Whoever this woman was, she obviously didn't know about Reed's kidnapping ventures.

"I said, I live here."

Before we could say anymore, Reed appeared in the doorway behind her with a slight worried look on his face.

"Evelyn, you're early." he said, walking forward and standing next to the both of us awkwardly.

"Who is this slut living in your house?" she asked, stomping her foot on the ground like a child.

"Who do you think you're calling a slut?" I said as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Okay calm down, Evelyn, this is Julia, my...friend?" he muttered, not sure how to refer to me.

"Friend? How about hostage." I scoffed under my breath.

"And Julia, this is fiancé."

He scratched the back of his neck as my mouth opened slightly in shock.

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