Chapter 45

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"I'm home!" Reed shouted through the house.

I was sat in the cinema room and quickly shut off the TV to rush downstairs and greet him.

"How did it go?" I asked, walking through to the kitchen.

Reed was home a little earlier than I'd expected and was stood at the fridge finding leftovers to eat.

"It was alright, but not great." he sighed.

"What happened?" I said, sitting down on the kitchen stool.

"We turned up at their base but couldn't find their leader. Somehow they knew we were coming and fled. I'm not sure what they're planning but it's something." he sighed.

"That sucks." I said, walking over to hug him.

"I know but we'll figure it out. They won't outsmart us."

"Does this mean I'm allowed to come with you next time?" I smiled mischievously, looking up at him.

"We'll see how it goes." he said.

I just stayed quiet and hugged him tighter.

"Have you spoken to Ivy today?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's planning on telling Blade tonight." I sighed.

"I'm sure it'll all be fine. He might be a bit shocked but I think he'll be happy."

"I hope so."

"I guess I should just assume that he won't be working tomorrow." Reed said.

"Speaking of tomorrow, I was wondering if I could come to the base with you and practice my shooting."

"Yeah that should be fine."

"Thank you."

Later that evening, I got a text from Ivy telling me that all went well with Blade. I was relieved for her, seeing as I knew how worried she was.

She said that he was happy about the news and they'd tell me more when they see me.

I was excited for my friends, they were starting a family together and I was sure that this baby would be beautiful.


The next day, Reed and I drove to the base straight after breakfast.

I wanted to practice my shooting skills and see how well I could do with the moving targets.

Reed and the others had a lot of work to do involving the Falcons, but seeing as I wasn't included in that part of the gang, I was free to do what I wanted.

I made my way through to the shooting range after saying goodbye to Reed at the office.

They all seemed worried about whatever these amateurs were planning and I thought it was best to stay out of their way.

I started shooting at the targets and continued on for about an hour.

I felt as though I was getting a lot better when suddenly a loud alarm began ringing around the room.

I held my fingers in my ears, trying to block out the piercing noise as I hurried into the changing room to grab my bag.

I needed to see what was going on as I saw fighters running through the corridors, armed with weaponry.

By the looks of things, it was as if someone had invaded the base and I think my suspicions were correct.

I started running through the hallway in the same direction as the others. My gun remaining in my hand from practice as I held it out in front of me just in case I ran into anyone.

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