Chapter 27

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Julia's POV

When Ivy, Blade and I walked into the ballroom, it was huge and incredibly intimidating.

I was suddenly faced with hundreds of people who were all pretty dangerous.

There were men in suits and woman in amazing ballgowns, I felt quite out of place.

Ivy obviously sensed my tension as she reached over and took my hand, squeezing it tightly whilst giving me a comforting look.

"You're okay." she whispered as I took a deep breath.

We quickly made our way over to the bar where the rest of our friends were waiting. Cyrus, Ethan and Tris were all wearing incredible designer suits whilst Kayla stood in the most stunning purple ballgown.

It was beautiful and the colour matched her hair perfectly. It glistened in the light and she honestly looked stunning.

"Kayla, you look gorgeous." I said, walking up to greet her with a hug.

"She does, doesn't she." Tris gushed beside her.

"Thank you. You both look amazing too." she said, indicating towards Ivy and I.

"Excuse me? What about me?" Blade joked, posing in his suit.

Before anybody could reply, the lights suddenly dimmed as the music came to a stop.

Everybody's eyes were directed at the two huge double doors at the entrance as they opened slowly.

The room was completely silent and you could literally hear a pin drop, as Reed entered the room.

He walked slowly into the room, with a face like thunder. To anybody else, he was probably seen as looking truly terrifying, but to me, he just looked jaw dropping.

Dressed in a fitted designer suit, he entered looking absolutely incredible. Any girl would drool at the sight in front of them and honestly, I could see a few women around the room doing just that.

Reed's eyes glanced across the whole room as he subtly looked around at all of his guests.

His eyes then landed on mine and we stood staring at each other for what seemed like hours, but couldn't have been more than a few seconds.

Just a single gaze made my knees go weak and I wanted more than anything to run into his arms.

I almost couldn't believe that the man in front of me, was the same man cuddling with me in bed in Italy just a week and a few days prior to this.

My hypnotic daydreaming was then rudely interrupted by Reed's fiance running up to him and linking her arm with his.

She was wearing a big red ballgown with gold heels and a gold clutch. I hated to say it, but her dress was stunning. It made my appearance feel quite underwhelming.

He looked down at Evelyn, attempting to seem in love but I knew that it wasn't genuine.

However, I still felt a harsh stabbing pain in my chest every time I saw them together.

It physically hurt me that we couldn't be together and I just couldn't help the way I felt.

I quickly swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and I knew that I wouldn't make it through the night without crying at some point.

Just at the right moment, my eyes were drawn away from them as I felt an arm around my shoulder, hugging me into his chest.

I looked to my right to see Blade and then Ivy appeared at my left, squeezing my hand once more.

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