Chapter 6

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It's been a whole week since the new kid was brought in, but I don't think he's gonna be here much longer. Father has already lost interest in him so it won't be long before I'm burying him out back. So far this week fathers been in a good mood. He even let me have a bowl of ice cream after supper one day and it was my favorite kind! Cookies and cream! It was so good! I haven't had ice cream in forever!

Right now I'm headed in the shed to give the kid something to eat. It's only a piece if bread and some water because if you start them out on something heavier after not being able to eat for a long time they get sick. If he last another week then we will start him on something else. I make it to the shed and unlock the door then head over and start moving the wooden planks that hide the trap door underneath them. Using one of the keys connected to a key chain I unlock the little lock that keeps anyone from opening the trap door. Finally I open the heavy metal door and make my way down the steps. The trap door is made of metal so no one can hear the screams from above. On top of the metal is a thin layer of wood so that it blends into the floor better. Making my way down the steps the nasty stench of blood and death hits me. Oh come on! Don't tell me he's dead already! Father didn't even tell me this morning.

Just as I suspected the kid was laying on the floor with a bullet hole through his head. I guess father did it late last night because the kid was pale. All the blood drained out of his body and onto the floor. Now I know what you're thinking. How can any sane person look at this and not throw up? Well I'm use to it. At first I would throw up everything in me but I still had no other choice but to get on with it because I wouldn't be allowed to come in until I got it over with. Thankfully he's never even tried to make me kill any of them he only makes me bury the bodies.

I decide to just go ahead and get it over with so I can spend the rest of the day reading. First I walk over to the cabinet and grab a body bag out of the bottom drawer and bring it over to the body. I lay the body bag on the ground and unzip it. I have no idea where he gets them from. I mean surely there isn't some kind of store you can just buy them at! Right?

Once I get it unzipped I remove the chains from the body and then drag it into the bag, zipping it up quickly afterwards. I drag it up the stairs leaving the trap door open because I've got to go back down there to clean up. I drag the body bag out of the shed and deep into the woods where all the other bodies are buried, grabbing a shovel on my way out. Once I make it to the spot where I'm going to bury it I start digging my hole. Making sure it the perfect size for a kid and deep enough that when we let the dogs out they can't smell it to dig it back up. That's a really gross scene to see. The suns bright in the sky as I dig. It's probably giving me a sunburn but oh well maybe I deserve it. I know this is wrong. All of this is wrong but I there isn't anything I can do. I've tried fighting back multiple times and it never works. There's no way to get away from here so I've just accepted it.

Finally I get the hole finished and roll the body as gently as possible into it. It makes a thump as it reaches the bottom. After I get the hole filled back in I head to the shed and put my shovel up. Then I head inside to grab some cleaning supplies. Even though it's his torture chambers he likes it to be nice and clean so I get the unfortunate job of scrubbing the blood up. Yay. One good thing about this is that now I'll have one less chore to do for a few weeks at least. He always waits a bit before bringing any others in. I always start hoping maybe he will realize he doesn't need anyone else and just stop... but I know that won't happen.

After a bit of hard scrubbing I take the bucket and rinse it out with the hose outside making sure all of the water and blood soak into the ground. I'm covered in blood now from kneeling on the floor and carrying the body so I start a fire in the fire pit we have out back and strip all my clothes off. Throwing them in the fire to make sure I get rid of any evidence. Not that anyone comes out here anyways but father says we have to make sure there's not a drop of blood anywhere that could make someone suspicious if they were to come here. After they burn to ash I let the fire burn out and go inside to take a shower. This is always my favorite part because I get to scrub my body clean. I know it won't but I always feel like if I can get the water hot enough it'll wash all my sins away, but there isn't enough water in the whole world to do that.

Once I'm out of the shower I find my book and start reading it. It won't be long till father gets home but I've completed all of my chores so I've got a few minutes to relax before I have to start supper. After about 30 minutes I decide to go ahead and get started. I'm thinking about making some quesadillas. I think we have everything we need for them and they are one of fathers favorites. I get all my ingredients out and start cooking. As if right on que father walks through the door right when I start making them. They don't take long to make so they'll be done when he gets out of the shower. He heads straight of stairs to shower and of course just as he is coming down the stairs I'm setting his food on the table. Along with a glass of water for me and a bottle of beer for him. He comes in and sits then motions for me to sit and we start eating.

"This is good." He says to me. Is he trying to make conversation? He never likes talking at the table.

"Thank you." I answer back. I can't really tell what kind of mood his in yet so I've got to tread lightly.

"Are you not gonna eat?" He asks me looking at the spot in front of me with no plate. I never have an appetite after what I did today.

"Um no sir. I'm not really hungry." I answer again ask I take a sip of my water. He just nods before taking another bite of his food.

"Oh by the way there's another one in the shed but you won't have to check on them till in the morning. They are out cold." He tells me. I about choke on my water when he says this. He couldn't have seriously said what I think he just said right? Maybe I'm just hearing things! Yeah I'm tired that must be it! He has NEVER brought home another one this soon... Wait! Did he say them??? As in 2 or more? What is going on?

Well there's another chapter!! Sorry it's been a bit since I posted anything! I had a lot going on and I kinda got writers block with this chapter! But yeah anyways at the end of chaper 3 I believe it was where Oli and his father are having there fight and then the "i love you" scene I went back and added that the father gave Oli a glass of water that tasted funny (it had drugs in it to make him forget what he saw on tv) before taking him up to bed which is why the next day he doesn't mention anything about his mother being alive and why he can't remember some things! You don't have to go back and read it bc that's basically all it was! I'm gonna try hard not to have to add more stuff in like that but i don't really have this story planned out so I'm just making stuff up as I go so I may end up having to add more stuff but if I do ill tell it like this! So yeah sorry for the super long A/N! Let me know what you think and tell me if you're excited to meet new people in the next chapter!🤔🤭🤣 Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and follow! Thanks!

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