Chapter 23

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Oli's pov

Father told me a long time ago that he worked for the police, but any other time I would ask about it he wouldn't say anything. He would just ignore me whenever I asked. So when he told Asher about his job it was almost upsetting. I mean why would he tell him and not me? I mean I know I shouldn't care but I cant help it. What if Father likes him more? What if he gets tired of me and decides he doesn't need me anymore? He would just kill me like everyone else!

"He's got to be messing with me right?" Asher whispers bringing me out of my thoughts. Right now we are cleaning up the dishes after supper. When father told him to help me he didn't complain one bit which is surprising. "Oli please tell me he's messing with me!" He begs when I don't answer.

"I wish I could Asher but it's true. I tried to tell you there was no way to escape but you just wouldn't listen." I answer him.

"How do you know its true? What if he's just saying that to make you stay?" He tries to reason.

"How else would he get that ankle monitor and how else would he get away with all this? Do you even know how many kids he's kidnapped?" I tell him as I hand him another plate to dry.

"But don't they do like a background check and tons of other things before they let you become an FBI agent? How would someone as crazy as him be able to pass a test like that?" He asks while going quieter on the last part.

"I don't know! He's worked for them for as long as I can remember. Maybe he worked there way before he started kidnapping kids. How am I supposed to know?" I can't help but roll my eyes at him.

"This is so stupid!" Right as he says that the plate he was drying goes flying out of his hand and hits the ground causing it to shatter to pieces.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Father screams from the livingroom. Crap this isn't good! I bend down and quickly try to pick it up but it's no use.

"You idiot! You've done it now!" I snap at him.

"It was an accident!" He says staring at the ground wide eyed.

"What was that!" Father all but screams again as he enters the kitchen. He looks around the kitchen until his eyes land on the broken plate. If there's one thing Father hates the most it's when someone breaks something of his. It's even worse when he's drunk and boy is he drunk right now. "Who. Did. It." He asks through grit teeth.

"I-i d-" Asher starts but I quickly interrupt him.

"It was me! I- I didn't mean to though I swear! It was an accident." Maybe he will go easier on me!

"You think its okay to break someone else's stuff?" He questions.

"N-no Father! Honest I didn't me-" before I can answer he grabs another plate from the sink and smashes it over my head.

"No stop!" I hear Asher yell right before everything goes dark.


My head is pounding so hard. Everythings so dark I want to open my eyes my they won't listen to my brain. Everything around me sounds like it's buzzing.

"Bu- he- wak-" I hear someone talking but can barely make out what they are saying.

"Li- hear- m-?" I hear a different voice this time. It seems like they asked a question but again I can't comprehend what they said. Suddenly I feel a splash of water hit my face causing me to open my eyes only to be blinded by a bright light. Suddenly the lights covered but in it's place is a face. Not just any face but Cole's face. I freak out and quickly push him off of me. He falls off the bed with a thump.

"Oww!" He starts crying and out of the corner of my eye I see Asher run over to him.

"Why did you do that?!" Asher asks me. I can tell he's angry by the tone of his voice.

"What happened to me?" I ask ignoring his question. I start to sit up but get really dizzy so I quickly lay back down. My head feels like it's going to explode.

"That man hit you over the head with a plate. You don't remember it?" He asks once he gets Cole calmed back down. Suddenly memories of everything that happened last night comes flooding in. Father coming home late, the thing on Asher's ankle, washing up after supper, the plate slipping out of Asher's hand, and then father smashing another plate over my head. Why did he do that? Oh yeah because I told him it was me that dropped the plate. I shake my head to get the memory to go away only causing me to feel more dizzy.

"You took the blame from me. Why?" Asher asks another question.

"I don't know." I answer while sitting up slowly. It didn't make me dizzy this time thankfully. I slowly stand up gripping onto the bed when I slightly lose my balance.

"Careful don't fall!" Asher grabs a hold of my arm when he sees me almost fall.

"I'm good!" I snap at him and pull my arm from his grasp. I don't need his help. I've taken care of my self this long! Once I know I fully have my balance I head to the bathroom outside of the bedroom. When I get in there the first thing I notice is the bandages wrapped around my head. I only see a small dot of blood bleeding through them.

"The plate cut your head but thankfully it didn't need stitches." I roll my eyes at Asher's words. Duh it didn't need stitches if it did I probably wouldn't be alive right now. I glance over at him and then back at the mirror. My black hair is a mess sticking up in all directions out of the bandages. I quickly rip the bandages off and attempt to look at the stop where the plate broke skin. Attempt being the key word here. Its to far in the back for me to see. I feel Asher walk up closer to me and gently move my hair around to see the wound.

"It's not bleeding anymore. It's actually starting to scab now." He tells me as he flattens my hair back down. Once he's done I turn the faucet on and splash my face with cold water.

"Where's father?" I ask finally facing him.

"I don't know he left right after you passed out and hasn't come back yet." Asher answers my question.

"How long ago was that?" I question again having no sense of time.

"Um well it's around 3 in the morning so around 7 hours ago. Unless he came in and I didn't hear him he isn't back yet." Asher tells me after he thinks about it.

"Oh he probably went to the bar then. Why is Cole up this late?" I say the first part with a shrug and then ask the question.

"He fell asleep earlier and woke up to all the commotion and wouldn't go back to sleep until he knew you were okay." He tells me. Why would the kid care about me? I'm nothing to either of them.

"Oh okay." I reply not knowing what to say. I finally dry my face off and then head back to the bedroom. Asher moves out of the way for me to pass and then follows behind me. Once we get back to the room Coles passed out on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. I go over to my bed and pull the covers back. There's a small patch of blood on my pillow from where my head was bleeding. Meaning i'll have to wash it thankfully it doesn't look like it bled through the pillow case. I'm glad I didn't need stitches! I don't think I could have handled having to do that again. I quickly rip off the pillow case and throw it beside the bed. Then I lay down and pull the covers up past my shoulders. Asher takes the hint and turns the lights off. I hear him get into bed with Cole not bothering to get on the top bunk.

"Thanks by the way." I mumble to Asher before falling back to sleep.

Writers block got me good guys!! But I finally finished another chapter!!! Its a bit boring but it's gonna get better I promise!!!! Sorry for taking so long!!!

What did you think of the chapter??? Let me hear your thoughts! I love the comments everyone leaves! It makes my day every time I get a notification that someone has voted or commented!! So thank you all!!! Also I changed Olis picture in the characters chapter so go check it out if you haven't already!!

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