Chapter 24

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Oli's pov

The next morning father still wasn't back, but I didn't worry to much. I know he came in sometime to get ready for work because the livingroom has beer cans scattered everywhere. He must have decided not to wake me up since its almost noon now and I'm just now waking up. Meaning I don't have long to do all the chores. After forcing my eyes open I head downstairs. Asher and Cole weren't in the bedroom so I'm hoping they are downstairs and not off running away in the woods. I stop at the bathroom on the way down to grab some Tylenol for my head splitting headache. I get a strong smell of something cooking downstairs. I just hope they don't burn the house down. Finally I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where, like I suspected, Asher is over the stove cooking some eggs and bacon and Cole is sitting at the table coloring on a piece of paper.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Asher asks once he notices me.

"Okay I guess. Why are you just now cooking?" I question him. I mean it is almost noon!

"I heard you moving around upstairs so I figured I'd make you something. Plus Cole was getting hungry too." Why is he being so nice?

"You know im not on your side right?" I question before I know it.

"Huh?" Asher asks in confusion.

"Just because you are being all nice and acting like you aren't going to try anything again doesn't mean im on your side because im not. Im looking out for me and that's all." I confess to him. In a life like this you can only look out for yourself otherwise you'll end up hurt.

"I know. I didn't expecting you to be on my side I just thought that I would return the favor. That could have been me on the floor bleeding out but you took the blame so im just helping you out." He stops moving the eggs around in the pan to face me. His slight smile falling off his face. I just roll my eyes and head outside to feed the demon dogs. They start barking and jumping on the fence as soon as they see me coming towards them.. Once I make it to their kennel I open up the barrel with the food in it and begin scooping it in their bowls. Before I even get it completely in one bowl they all start pushing each other to get to the one bowl. I finish scooping it into the rest of the bowls and then put the scoop up. It feels good outside today. Not to hot and not to cold. I could stay out here all day if it wasn't for having to finish the rest of my chores. I walk back through the kitchen not even looking at Asher when I walk through. I make my way into the livingroom and start gathering all of the beer cans into a pile then take them to the garbage can in the kitchen.

"Oh yeah the um the man said we have to clean out the shed." Asher tells me. Why didn't he tell me this earlier! Father will kill me if it's not done before he gets back!

"Why are you just now telling me this?! There's no way I can finish it and the rest of the chores and then cook supper in time. I'm dead! I'm so dead!" I start to panic. I feel the air leave my lungs. I know this feeling. I'm having a panic attack! Why does this have to happen right now. I close my eyes to try to block everything out and focus only on my breathing.

"Hey! Hey! Oli! Calm down and just breath. Look copy my breathing. In and out. In and out. Its okay. You don't have to do it alone im going to help." Asher tries to calm me down and it helps enough that I can finally breath again. He starts rubbing my back to help me control my breathing. I quickly stand up and push him away from me. I need to get outside in the fresh air. Thankfully Asher didn't follow me out. Once I calm down I grab a bucket and a bottle of bleach out of the shed. I fill the bucket with water and then pour the bleach in it stirring it with my hand until its soapy. Then I carry it back to the shed only spilling a little on the way. After doing this a million times I've become a pro. I head down and start scrubbing the place from top to bottom. Its a hard job but if I don't do it right then ill get in trouble and I'm already in enough trouble as it is. I'm a little scared though. If I'm having to clean this does that mean he's bringing someone else in? I thought after Asher and Cole that he would stop! If there is someone new will he keep them or will it start the cycle over again? I had hoped I'd be done having to bury people. Maybe he just wants it cleaned because he's done with it! Maybe...

After what seems like hours I finally get it done. All the fumes from the bleach are making me dizzy so I take a deep breath once I'm back outside. It gets so hot down there during the day. I can feel the sweat running down my face so I reach up and wipe it off. It's surprisingly hot today for it being close to fall. It's probably almost time to start cooking now and I've still got to clean the rest of the house. Why didn't I just wake up earlier? I dump the dirty water out behind the shed and stick the bucket back into the shed putting the lock back on it. I reluctantly walk back towards the house. All I want to do is just lay down with a book and block out the rest of the world but unfortunately I can't do that. Once I get back to the house I walk on and am surprised to see Asher over the stove cooking something and it actually smells really good.

"What are yoh doing?" I ask coming closer to see.

"Well since you were cleaning the shed I figured I'd clean the house and start supper. I didn't know what to cook so I looked in some of the cook books and found a recipe for spaghetti and saw we had everything for it. It should be done soon." He answers while stirring the sauce.

"You really cleaned the whole house? Did you clean the bathrooms and the livingroom?" I ask surprised he did it. There's got to be some catch. He probably forgot to do something or didn't do it right. I need to go look over everything just to make sure. Father will be mad if somethings not right.

"Yep and I did all the laundry too." He says proudly.

"Oh okay... Im gonna check it just to make sure." I tell him before walking out of the kitchen. I go to every room and sure enough he has them almost spotless.

"So did I do it right?" He asks me once I walk back into the kitchen.

"Yeah it looks good." I tell him as I sit down at the table across from where Cole's been coloring. How can kids color so much? I would get bored within seconds. I lay my head down on the table almost dosing off. Once I get almost to sleep I hear the front door open and I quickly jump up and make myself look busy cooking. For some reason my heart starts beating faster from fear. Is he still going to be mad at me? Surely he wouldn't stay mad this long but with him you can't ever tell. I hear him head upstairs and then hear the shower cut on. He isn't slamming stuff so maybe he's not mad.

Once he gets done with his shower me and Asher are setting the table with plates of spaghetti. Father walks down in only a pair of shorts. He walks in carrying a grocery bag in his hand. He walks over to the fridge and sticks it in the freezer.

"I've got a treat for everyone after supper. You can all sit and eat." He tells us once he sits down at the head of the table and so starts supper once again. I wonder what was in the bag?

Another chapter!! Hope you all enjoy! Just to keep you interested here's a small hint to future chapters! Asher and Cole find a phone! Will they get a hold of the police or what do you think will happen??? It won't be the next chapter but it will be in the future chapters!! So stay tuned!! :)

Also what do you think was in the bag?

As always don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow if you haven't already! Also share the story with others I need all the feedback I can get!! Thanks for reading!!

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