Chapter 25

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Oli's pov

The meal started in silence like always. All that could be heard is the scraping of the silverware on the plates.

"Did you clean the shed?" Father asks us breaking the silence. I still can't tell if he's in a bad mood or not.

"Yes sir." I mumble as an answer. He just nods and keeps eating. I really wonder what's in that bag he put in the freezer.

"Bubba I gotta pee!" I hear Cole whisper to his brother.

"Why didn't you go before we started eating? You'll have to hold it for a bit." Asher whispers back to him.

"But I can'ttttt!" Cole whines a little louder while bouncing up and down in his seat. Asher takes a deep breath in annoyance.

"Cole stop whining and eat." Asher snaps at him. Cole starts crying and shoves his plate away.

"Papa! Bubba won't let me go pee! I can't hold it!" He cries and jumps out of his seat running to father.

"What's going on?" Father asks like he didn't just hear their whole conversation.

"I needa pee but Bubba says I can't right now." Cole whines into father's shoulder as he snuggles closer to him.

"It's okay baby just go pee." Father tells him and sits him down on the ground. Cole runs off up stairs to the bathroom. What was that? Father never lets anyone leave the table during meal times!

"How is your head Oli?" Father asks after a few minutes. I automatically reach up to touch the scabbing spot.

"I-it's okay sir." I answer him with my head down.

"Does it still hurt? It looks like Asher did a good job bandaging it." He asks in real concern.

"It's just alittle sore but it's not that bad." I say with a shrug of my shoulders. Truth is it's hurting like crazy but I don't want to tell him that and him get mad again.

"Good take some Tylenol if you need it, but I've got a surprise why don't you get our plates cleaned up and then get it out of the freezer." He tells me pushing his empty plate to the side. I pick up mine and his plate up while Asher grabs his and Coles plates. Thankfully Cole finished his food before he went to the bathroom. Speaking of Cole he comes stomping back down the stairs. Why does he always make so much noise?

Asher dumps the rest of the food he had left on his plate into the garbage as Cole runs over and sits in fathers lap. He's becoming closer and closer to father each day and I can tell it's eating Asher alive. I don't understand why Asher doesn't just give up there's no way of getting out of here and he should know it by now. So far tonight he hasn't talked back any so maybe he's realizing it. I hope so because if not he's only going to get hurt again. Once we clean up the dishes I grab the bag father put in the freezer out and set it on the counter. Opening it up I see it's ice cream! Cookies and cream to be exact! He must feel bad about hitting me so this is his way of apologizing without admitting he was in the wrong.

"Ice cream! Can I have some pleasssseeee?!" Cole begs running up to the counter beside me.

"Have you been a good boy?" Father asks him teasingly.

"Yes papa! Yes I have! I promise!" He answers with a grin.

"Then you can have some. Go ahead and make everyone a bowl." Father tells him and then tells me.

"Yay!" Cole cheers and runs to sit back at the table while I start fixing the ice cream. I go to reach up in the top cabinet to get the bowls out but It made me dizzy so I quickly stop grabbing my head. Asher saw this and grabbed the bowls for me.

"Are you okay?" Asher whispers to me as he places the bowls infront of me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answer him shortly and start scooping the ice cream into the bowls. After I get all four bowls filled I grab two and Asher grabs two and we take them to the table. I place my two bowls infront of father and myself while Asher places his two bowls infront of him and Cole. Cole automatically digs in while me and Asher go at a slower pace.

"After everyone's done with their ice cream we can all go watch a movie. I rented a good one to watch." Father tells us as he eats his ice cream.

"Yay! I like movies! We use to go there with mommy and daddy all the time!" Cole says with a mouth full of Ice cream. Asher's face instantly goes sad at the thought of his parents, but quickly switches back to a slight smile when Cole starts talking to him about something.

After a few minutes everyone finishes their ice cream and father and Cole head to the livingroom to get the movie started while me and Asher stay behind to clean up.

"Don't you miss your family?" Asher randomly asks.

"I don't have any family. My moms dead and my father doesn't want me." I answer with a shrug.

"What do you mean he doesn't want you and your mothers not dead! I saw both of them on the news not to long ago begging for your return." Asher asks confused. Which just confused me even more.

"No it must have been someone else I saw-" Right then it all came flooding back to me. Watching my mama and dad on the tv begging for me to come home. How could I forget something like that? I remember me and father had a fight after that and then he felt bad and I don't remember anything after that. My mamas alive!

"I-i remember watching that but somehow I- i forgot." I tell Asher even more confused now.

"What do you mean you forgot?" Asher asks me.

"I-i don't know. I just didn't remember it for some reason. It doesn't make sense! How could I forget something like this?" I ask mainly myself.

"Maybe you blocked it out? My mama always said that when someone goes through some kind of trauma some people tend to just block it out." He tells me with concern lacing his voice. I just don't understand how I could forget something like this! Something this important! Maybe I am just blocking it out.

"Are you boys almost done? The movies starting!" Father yells from the livingroom. Me and Asher quickly finish the dishes and head into the livingroom where we all fall asleep watching some movie.

Soooo thoughts?? What do you think will happen now that Oli knows his mom is alive? Do you think he will fight back or continue to be a good boy???

As always don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow!! Also share the story with others who might like it! I need all the feedback I can get! Thanks for reading!! :D

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