Chapter 27

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Asher's pov

"What's going on here?" The man asks once I open the door.

"Please sir! You have to help us! The-the man that lives here is insane! He kidnapped us and he's killed other kids! You have to call the police!" I beg the man standing in the doorway.

The man looks past me and into the livingroom where Oli is standing.

"Has my brother really gone soft?" The man asks Oli. Wait brother?! No! Please no! "First I find this kid trying to climb the fence before running to me begging for help now this!" He pushes the kid from behind him. Sure enough it's the kid I let out of the shed.

"I-im sorry! I thought he was gonna help me!" The boy crys and runs to me.

"Who is he?" Oli asks in confusion looking at the kid.

"The man had him in the shed. He told me to tell you to check on him later, but I couldn't just let him be killed!" I explain while the kid hugs my leg.

"You did WHAT!?! How are you so stupid?!?! I didn't know someone could be so stupid! Didn't you learn your lesson last time?" Oli went off on me. I thought he was really angry but now that I think about it he's probably just terrified. I didn't answer him so he turns to the man standing in the door. "Please don't tell father! We can just put the kid back down there and pretend nothing happened!"

"Oli you know I wish I didn't have to, but he probably already knows. I caught the kid trying to climb the fence and you know there are sensors all around there. He could even be listening right now." The new man tells Oli with real concern. "Now why don't you get the kid something to eat while I run upstairs to do my business. Driving all this way takes a toll on my bladder!"

"Who is he?" I ask Oli once the man runs up stairs.

"He's father's brother." Oli answers me as we both walk into the kitchen with the kid following.

"What? I didn't know he had a brother! Is he like the man?" I ask him. Okay I've got to find out this new man's name next I'm confusing my self with all "the mans".

"No not really. You really can't ever tell what mood he's gonna be in. One minute he's nice and friendly and the next he's almost as bad as father, but he's mostly nice." Oli says with a shrug while pulling out the stuff to make a sandwich for the kid. I'm surprised he's making the kid something to eat without the man's permission.

"Oh so does he go along with this kidnapping stuff? Does he make you call him uncle and crap?" I ask trying to figure out more about him.

"When fathers around we have to call him uncle, but when we are alone around him we can just call him Eric." He emphasizes the we to try and get me to say it. Yeah only in your dreams buddy.

"Bubba!" I hear Cole scream right before he comes running into the kitchen.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask as he hides behind me. Right as he get behind me the man now known as Eric walks in looking so mad his face is red.

"Get back here you little brat! You think you can just kick me there and run away! I'm gonna beat you black and blue kid!" Eric screams and starts coming towards me and Cole.

"Whoa! You aren't laying a hand on him! What's going on?" I push Cole behind me even more and I swear I see Oli move up just a tad bit infront of Cole but I'm probably just imagining it. Eric stops but continues to glare at Cole who is now crying behind me.

"P-papa said th-that if anyone we-we didn't know c-comes in the house to kick them and run! S-so that's what I did!" He gets out through his cries.

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