Chapter one

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ala but my gaze settled on my husband.
I was so fucking lucky.

He placed a hand on my lower back and led me over to a different group of people "just say hello and then you can leave okay?"
I nodded, he knew I wasn't big on these big events but still, here I was.

"Don!" He said, shaking the hand of an elderly man who looked like he breathed money "hows the wife ?"

I took that instant to get away but not unnoticed  "Where are you going darling?" He asked turning to look at me.

I smiled "I have to go see if the cooks need any help"

He stood up "baby you don't have to do that any more, I'm rich"

Fucking dick, I loved him but he was a prick sometimes.

"I know but I still like doing things for myself"

He nodded and went back to his business friends.

It was about a month after our honey moon and already he had hosted a business party to welcome his new colleagues.

He was the CEO of a very successful telephone company.

I had started dating him a few years after high school then he had proposed and I had been so happy.
He was a billionaire and gave me everything I asked for but he wasn't their most of the day.

I walked over to the kitchen and put on an apron .

"Hey Paul can I help you with anything?"

Paul was the head chef and in my free time during the day he had been teaching me a lot of his own French recipes.

"Ah Haley , yes my dear can you sprinkle sugar onto all the dessert , that would help so much"

I did what he asked me to do until one of the butlers came into the kitchen asking for me.

"Miss Haley , Mr Brian is asking for you outside"

I took of the apron and went with him .

"Wait why is Brian outside?"

"I don't know miss he said he has a surprise for you"

Ok that sounded reasonable.

He opened the door for me and I stepped outside.

"Um where is he?"

He grabbed my wrists "sorry miss but you won't be seeing your dear husband for a while"

I gasped as I felt the cold point of a gun on my neck.

"Now don't make any noise and we won't have a problem"

I bit my lip .

A truck pulled up beside me on the curb and the man lowered the gun.

"Get her in the truck , I'll get the bag"

The truck door opened and I was shoved into the from seat then the door was slammed and I heard the lock click.

I looked over to the driver of the truck and couldn't help but stair.

The man liked only a year older then me with black hair and clear pale skin.

His eyes were a dark blue , nearly black .

He started the truck and sped away out of the alleyway.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked looking at the him.

"Some where you won't be found angel"

I opened my mouth to ask why then closed it when he said "don't ask anymore questions , I'll tell you in time"

So I shut up and tried to figure out where we were going.

After a four hour drive he finally pulled over beside a small Cabin in the middle of the woods.

It was way past midnight and my eyes were barely open.

He opened my door and picked me up .

"You don't have to do that" I whispered "I can walk"

He chuckled "angel your already half asleep I don't think so"

He was right.

He Walked into the cabin and closed the door behind him.

He put me on a queen sized bed and laid down beside me.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep next to my kidnapper.

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