Chapter two

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When I woke up I shivered , it was freezing cold.

I looked around wondered where I was then remembered.

I was a hostage , stuck out in a cabin in the middle of the woods.

I stood up wrapping my arms around myself for warmth.

I opened the door and walked into a small living room with a bright fire in the fire place.

I saw the man that had kidnapped me drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen.

He looked up "you cold angel?"

I glared at him , of course I was cold I was still wearing my ball gown from the night before.

He chuckled "don't worry I can warm you up real good"

Then in one move he walked over and wrapped his as around me.

"Get your hands off of me" I said trying to break his grip.

He just laughed then let go "all the clothes you need are right there , Henry dropped them off after you went to sleep"

I looked over and saw almost half my closet packed in bags.

"Wait that's a lot of clothes , how long am I going to be here?"

He didn't answer , just went back to sipping his coffee.

I grabbed two of the bags and went into the bathroom.

I showered then pulled on my black lace bra and panties ,grey leggings , a big fuzzy sweater , fuzzy socks then leg warmers.

I pulled my long blond hair into a bun on top of my head then applied mascara and coverup.

I came out and looked around for the man but he wasn't in the room.

I looked in the bedroom and everywhere else in the cabin bug couldn't find him so final I opened the door and looked out into the grey drizzle.

I saw him , soaking wet holding logs , probably for the fire .

I held open the door silently , I may be his hostage but that didn't mean I wasn't nice.

He shook his head like a dog after it gets wet and droplets of water flew off .

"How hard is it raining?" I asked sitting down on the couch while he added wood to the fire.

"Why does it matter to you angel , you won't be going outside"

I shrugged "I just wanted to know since your soaked and probably going to get sick"

He shook his head "I'm not going to get sick"

I stood up and walked into the kitchen outlet .

I looked on the fridge , how much food does he eat? The fridge was practically bare.

I looked over at him and my eyes widened .

He had just taken his shirt off .

He had abs , like not to much abs but just enough to make any high school girl squeal.

I looked away , hoping he hadn't caught me staring.

I opened the other cupboards but there was only a bag of coffee and a tin of stale crackers.

I sighed "hey man who's name I don't know , do you have anything good to eat?"

He pulled on a plain black T-shirt and came over "no , and by the way my name is cole"

"Good to know because the whole time I'm here tog would be called man who's name I don't know"

He didn't smile.

Sighing I sat back down on the couch "do you have tv? Internet? Anything mildly entertaining?"

He followed me and sat down on the sofa "do you always act so demanding?"

"Well what else am I supposed to do while you keep me here?"

"Oh yes that reminds me" he said getting up and going over to a bag left on a desk.

He took out what looked like an anklet.

He grabbed my legs and put them onto his lap then secured the anklet around my left ankle.

"What is that?" I asked pulling my feet back.

"That my dear is a device that the cops out on people on house arrest , you leave this house , first you are shocked then you go unconscious then you stay that way"

My eyes widened "why do I have to wear this?"

"Because you can't leave"

"Then why am I hear in the first place ?"

"Because , we need your husband to become frantic , we need him to break that way we can kill him and make it look like and accident"

I stared at him "no you can't!!! Why do you want Brian dead , he didn't do anything"

"Oh yeah , that's what every mans wife would say"

I turned away from him and curled up into a ball.

They wanted to kill Brian .

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