Chapter seven

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I groaned in pain , then opened my eyes.

I lay on the hard wood floor , droplets of blood surrounding me.

Holding my stomach I got up , holding on the the couch for support .

Where was cole ? I didn't see him anywhere but after last night I didn't really want to see him.

I stumbled into the bathroom and stared at my reflexion in the mirror .

I had blood on my face and a bruise on the side of my cheek.

Pulling off my clothes I gasped as I saw my stomach , the least damage was the bruises , after I had passed out cole must have done this to me.

About an inch deep a cut ran across my stomach.

I groaned again in pain and stepping cautiously into the shower I turned on the warm water.

Almost screaming in pain from the way it burned I shut off the water , but it had been enough for most of the dirt and blood to wash away.

I put on my black bra and a white tank top then a pair of sweatpants.

With every move I made my body hurt more and more.

Making it to the bed I collapsed in a heap.

"Would you believe me if I told you I'm sorry?" Asked cole from the door way .

I just turned my head away from him but he didn't seem to like that very much .

"Look at me when I'm talking to you" he growled putting finger and thumb underneath my chin and jerking my head towards him.

A grain of pain escaped my lips and he let go.

"Take off your shirt" he ordered .

I didn't move .

"Take off your God damn shirt" he hissed again but when I still didn't answer he pulled my shirt off him self.

"I'm sorry" his voice came out hoarse and husky.

He began to clean and dress my wound until half my stomach was covered in a bandage .

I slowly got up and he pulled me against him.

"It won't happen again , I promise"
He swore but if it had happened once , he lost control , it would happen again.

He carried me down to the couch and sat my down with my head resting on his lap.

Quite soon after I nodded off to sleep , he was comforting in a way Brian or anyone had ever been.

I awoke to the smell of food being cooked , something like steak? Or fish?

I sat up and looked over into the kitchen.

Cole was busy at the stove , his back to me.

He turned to put something away and caught my eye.

"How do you feel?" He asked coming over and taking my hands in his.

"I'm hungry" I stated and he chuckled.

"That's good angel , your dinner will be ready in a few seconds.

I sat down at the table while he served out generous portions of steak , mashed potatoes , gravy and roasted vegetables.

After a few minuets of silence I spoke up "where did you learn to cook like this , it's delicious"

He smiled and looked down at his plate.

"My mother was a great cook , after a year in jail I wanted to spend some time with her and so she got it into her head to teach me how to cook"

I could tell by the way he spoke about her that he really loved her.

"Where does she live?" I asked and he scowled.

"She lives far away , I'm not allowed to go visit her"

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

He didn't say anything .

After I had finished I began to clear the small table and put the food away and put the dirty dishes in the sink.

U filled the sin with hot water and soap until a mound of bubbled was all you could see.

I heard cole chuckle behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"You" he replied then proceeded to lay kiss after kiss down my neck.

I giggled ,weird I never giggled.

I yelped when he put a puff of soap on my nose .

"COLE" I laughed and threw some of the bubbles at him.

Soon we were covered in soap and both laughing until I caught eye contact with him.

He pulled me towards him and wiped the side of my cheek before kissing me.

A kiss led to a make out session and a make out session led to all of our clothes coming off .

When I finally closed my eyes I felt happy .

Coles arms wrapped around me felt right

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