Quirks of Life

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Coffee: You can do this.
Wine: You don't have to do this.
Tequila: Oh my. You just did that...


"Your waffle iron isn't working, dear!"

"Grandma! Please stay away from my laptop!!!"


You know you mumble too much when you blow your nose and a family member in the other room yells out, "What?"


What someone said over the pager in a large warehouse, "Will John Port please return to where you were before you went where you are?"


I burn about 1000 calories whenever I have to put the fitted sheets on my bed by myself.


A woman noticed her husband standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach. "Ha­­! That's not going to help," she said.

"Sure, it does," he replied. "It's the only way I can see the numbers."


When I see lovers' names carved into trees, I don't really think about how cute it is. My mind keeps wondering how many people take knives on a date.


Our 25-year-old son moved back home with an eye toward socking away money to buy a condo. We never bothered asking how long he'd planned to stay, but I got a pretty good idea when I walked into his room recently. In the corner was a milk jug with a few coins in it and a scribbled label that read "Condo down payment."


If you want someone to listen to you, start the conversation with, "I really shouldn't tell you this..."


Cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth with cheesies.


A thief broke into my house last night. He was looking for money, so I woke up and searched with him.


"There is nothing worse than stepping on a lego," I complained - right before slipping on a marble.


Vampires don't have a reflection. I wonder what mythical creature is like me and unable to make the sensors on automatic sinks and soap dispensers detect my presence.


I was walking home late one night after work. It was so late that the buses weren't running in this part of the city. I decided to take the shortcut through the cemetery since it would cut half an hour off my trip. As I approached the cemetery gate, I saw three young women standing there nervously. They were dressed up in nice gowns and high heels, possibly going home after a party. They asked if they could accompany me since they were scared to walk along the path at night. Of course, I agreed and we started walking.

I reassured them, "I completely understand your fears. This place used to freak me out when I was alive too."

I was not aware just how fast ladies in high heels could run if they had enough incentive...


I was telling a new friend about my degree in technical theatre with a concentration in lighting design.

She slowly blinked and asked, "So, you're paid $52,000 a year to turn lights on and off?'

It was almost painful to admit that she was right.

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