Chapter 9

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Noah pov

I woke up with a pounding headache that made me clutch my head with a groan

And when I remembered yesterday, I begin to wish that I didn't wake up

I got up from my bed,and did my morning routine with so much enthusiasm

Note the sarcasm

I didn't even eat breakfast nor say good bye to my family wanting to see Cataleya as soon as possible

But the moment I was near her mansion I became hesitant

What if she didn't come home and went with him?

I clenched my hand on the steering wheel tightly til my knuckles turned white

Before I change my mind I turned off the engine and got out quickly

Rose greeted me on the door with her usual warm smile but this time I was so anxious that I couldn't even reciprocated it

She frowned a little about my lack of energy but fortunately didn't comment on it

I waited while rocking on my heels impatiently

Slightly relieved that she is here and not at his home but still...

The moment she walked to me I didn't even have the mind to check her out like usual because I wanted to bomber her with questions

The moment she walked to me I didn't even have the mind to check her out like usual because I wanted to bomber her with questions

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What did she do?

Did she like him?

Did he do something to her?

But of course I couldn't do any of that I am a little bodyguard

So I just returned her strict greeting and we went to the car me with an unusual frown and she with

Of course her cold face

I think she detected my brooding mood because she asked me on the way "Are you ok?"

I was surprised that she even asked, because she usually didn't but slightly happy because she noticed me

"Of course I am" not I think she didn't hear the sarcasm in my voice nor the hidden anger because she just nodded

Why did I even get like that yesterday because of her

Yes I shouldn't have because she is just an Ice queen

I nodded my head to myself happy that I came to conclusion

And with that the day went in her college while repeating in my head that she is an ice queen till I was so close in believing in it completely until....

"I want to go to the freezer in college were they put some chemical ingredients can you come with me" she said while looking at me with her doe like eyes that I wanted to drawn in them

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