Chapter 28

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Noah pov

"I like you a lot" she said

And my world stopped, I wanted to jump and scream, I wanted to dance and cry

The girl that I like like me back

And not just any girl


The genius, rich, Alexithymia patient girl liked me

And I felt special

I don't think my smile could get any bigger, I hugged her extremely close to me that I doubted that neither one of us was breathing

I pulled her back and got up still grinning like crazy, I lifted her by her waist and brought her face closer to me

"Say that again" I demanded

"I like you" she said without missing a beat and I laughed while twirling her around

"I like you to a lot, a lot" I said grinning at her and we inched closer together

I put her on her legs and cupped her lips and drew closer and closer

Our lips were inches apart and our breaths were tangled and when our lips was about to collide

Her phone rang

She pulled back and answered her phone quickly

I looked up and mumbled under my breath "God if you thought that I get enough kisses tonight please think again, amen"

I was pulled from my little prayer when I heard Cataleya's voice speaking on the phone " Mario I told you I am with Noah .... yes.. No ... but it's still early ... Mario.... Mario?" She looked at her phone then at me

"Why everyone is ending the Call in my face" she said and I laughed

Because it was the first time she sounded like a truly 24 year old

Not an aged woman

But still I like her with all her imperfections

I put my hand on her waist and drew her closer "what did he want?"

"He wanted me back now and said to tell you that if you touched me in an inappropriate way he has a gun" she said casually

Not caring that I paled

"Let's go before we test his statement" I said with an uncomfortable laugh

She nodded and we made our way inside the Car

We drove with a soft song in the background

"Sam wants to see you, he read about a new things about a new discovered planet or some shit  and he wanted to share it with you" I told her not really remembering about the scientific thing Sam was ranting about

"Really I would be.." she opened her notebook for the first time tonight and continued "happy" I smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand that was intertwined with mine

And continued our journey with a comfortable silence 

When I turned off the engine I climbed down and rounded the car so I could help her down

I guided her towards the door and was about to get my end of date kiss so I got my face closer and closer

But I think my prayer didn't reach God on time because the door opened and we jumped apart

An angry Mario came out of the door his glare intensify when he saw me

"Cata come here" he said sternly looking like a father who found his daughter doing the deed

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