Chapter 33

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Noah pov

The sound of an irritating beeping was all I heard

I blinked my eyes open

Wincing when the light hit them

I groaned when my head throbbed and the pain in my body appeared gradually

Than it all came crashing back at me


I sat up quickly groaning when the room twirled in me and my body protested loudly

But it all didn't matter now

Because Cataleya might be in more pain than I would've ever been

I clutched the half heart she gave me in my hand to be surprised when the half hart was now complete

Cataleya gave me her other half

She really left me

She just gave up her work and herself for me

I failed her

I failed everyone like always

My eyes started stinging with tears

And I screamed

Screaming from the pain that was clutching my heart making it hard to breath

Screaming for my failure as her bodyguard, as her boyfriend and the most important one, as the person she trusted

I got up on my knees ignoring the ringing in my head and the bandages all over my body that restrained me slightly

My tears turned into cries and I thrashed the room

Breaking the present glass

Pushing the chair

Anything, anything to make my pained body be even more in pain

I deserved it

I deserved every pain

Her last words rang in my ears "My heart is with you now I know you will find me I have faith in you" making me stumble on the floor clutching my hair in tight fist and pulling

Her last smile

The sole thing that I was hopping for it from the moment I saw her was our last Good bye

Did she really smile or my mind tricked me in turning my beautiful dream into my worst nightmare

How? How will I save her when I don't have a single clue about the one who was threatening her

Don't worry princess even if I had to put the country on fire to get you I won't hesitate even for a second

God help the person that took her

3 person pov

His mother, Angela, was looking at her older son with tears falling from his eyes and a hand on her mouth hoping that it will turn her sobs down

Why? Why can't her son be happy for once?

When he finally found a person that made him happy and returned her old Noah to her

Noah who didn't think about getting enough money for all the bills the food her medicines and his brother's school

Noah who didn't smile just for them to think he is fine and not tired for getting 3 hours sleep and not be worried for him

Just her baby Noah who's eyes shine with true happiness and had a new meaning to life

Her heart clenched further thinking about Cataleya

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