Chapter 10

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Noah pov

In my childhood my father and I would always laugh at cartoons characters especially when they became angry and their faces went all red and fume comes out from their ears

And now I wonder if my father is laughing at me from above because my face looks just like that the moment she asked me that question

"Do you know what does it mean turned on?"

I clutched her closer to me till our faces were inches apart

"Cataleya, listen if anyone ever said that to you" other than me I said that in my mind "you tell me immediately so I can finally use my skills at boxing in full force. Do you understand"

She looked at me for a couple of seconds until she nodded but I wasn't satisfied so I grabbed her chin with my 2 fingers not tightly just so she can't pull away "words Cataleya"

"Yes, Noah" she said and didn't break the eye contact

At that moment all the cold I was feeling from the place we were in vanished


And I felt that my entire body was on fire and as if my body has a mind of his own my head began lean...

"Oh I thought I began hallucinating, thank god"

I quickly jumped apart from Cataleya looking at the old guard man who was smiling at us

I smiled back hoping he didn't see what I was doing

But Cataleya just stood up and began walking out of the door nodding while thanking the man in her signature face

I quickly followed her

She didn't seem to mind that I was going to kiss her

But she definitely wasn't effected

Why are you so hard princess?

Before we were out of the college her phone rang, she just herd the person on the other end not saying anything

Is that the minister from yesterday?

She ended the call not uttering a word

And turned to me "the principle wants to see me"

With that she began walking in the direction of the principle office

While I was following her with a goofy smile on my face

He wasn't calling

The tension in the air was suffocating, Cataleya was sitting in front of three people her principle, Mr.Navarro, Mr.James, and me standing behind her

The room always end up like that when Cataleya is present she just have this weird vibe around her

But that because no one in particular, not her, if you just begin the conversation she would follow but she will never begin if she wasn't the one calling the meeting, she would just look at you dead in the eye

The principle cleared his throat and finally began talking

"As you know the FDA meeting is tomorrow"

Of course she knew she worked from the morning till night on it and as I understood from her chemistry talking, that means not so much, that all the result of her experience are good

"We wanted to know if you want any help" he said nervous under her gaze

She is just so adorable

But Now!! He ask her

I wanted to scoff but I swallowed it

"I don't need any help"

Just that always so strict just business, and the room fell into uncomfortable silence once again

"Noah is helping me enough" I was surprised that she even mentioned me because I didn't do much just some arrangements with the papers

Mr.Navarro scoffed "what can a small bodyguard like him do to help you? He dosen't know anything about biochemistry" he said like I was dirt under his shoes


Ok that wasn't necessary

But he was right though...

"That small bodyguard do things that lift a big weight from me and give me a chance to sleep a couple more hours so you can't talk because you are asking me just before two days" she said in her natural tone but it came out more icy than normal but still her face didn't show anything

And with that she stood up and left the room me following behind her with a smile on my face feeling my heart warm because no one would defend me usually

But m... The ice queen did

That was so close

"Can we go to the beach?" I nodded my head still smiling, hoping,

Just once

That she will return it

But not everything happen as we wish, at least I know now that I was helping her in some way

All the car ride consist of me smiling like the idiot I am and her looking at my smile from time to time

Other than that it was complete silent

Even when we sat on the beach it was still silent her like the last time gazing at the beach hugging her legs to her chest

And me laying on the sand lifting half of my body with my elbows gazing

At her

She was so beautiful

3 person pov

"Boss why didn't you make a move yet" a man with greasy hair and yellow teeth from all the smoking asked his much more .... cleaned boss who was seating in front of him

The boss smirked in an evil way that made his goon shiver and said

"It's not the right time trust me everything is planed out not just I will get the formula and be the richest man and most famous one on earth but I will also get Cataleya with it and when I will be done with her, you can all share her"

And their laughter echoed around the dark basement

Hello I just want to say something I am from Lebanon and I think you all know what happened yesterday and the chaos that caused so I wish if you could all pray for the decreased people if it isn't too much  💜💜

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Hello I just want to say something I am from Lebanon and I think you all know what happened yesterday and the chaos that caused so I wish if you could all pray for the decreased people if it isn't too much  💜💜

Thank you so much

Love you ❤

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