Chapter 21

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3 person pov

Dr.Cristiano was hiding behind the wall waiting for the man that entered his 10 years patient life a month ago and caused havoc in it

This 35 year old doctor, despite what his look says,was praying that this man will pick the right choice and enter the room

Because even if Cataleya was an Alexithymia patient all of them have feeling everybody does they just don't now how to deference them

But Cataleya is a genius girl who was capable through the years to somewhat know what she is feeling but in her own way


But still she couldn't express them

Cristiano held his breath when Noah still didn't move

"Please God this girl couldn't take anymore hurt in her life let him pick her" he prayed to God

Hoping that Cataleya will finaly feel happiness even if she doesn't know it he will help her

He let out a long breath when Noah smiled and walked towards Cataleya's room

He knew he shouldn't impose on their moment but he couldn't stay still so he walked slowly until he was hiding behind the wall to her room

And  he peeked his head from behind it to see Noah sitting on Cataleya's bed their hands intertwined together

He smiled softly at her and leaned his head till their foreheads were touching

The moon light was cascading on them making them look like a scene from a movie

"No matter what will happen in the future I will always pick you because you are my girl, my princess, I am not a cower, I am a fighter so no matter how hard it will be we will make it through, I will feel for the both of us

sleep well my princess" he kissed her cheek

And walked towards the door with a big smile on his face

Cristiano quickly ran towards his office with a goofy smile on his face

He should prepare himself to help Cataleya with the new feelings she will hopefully feel

Noah pov

I walked out of Cataleya's room with a big smile on my face

I picked the right choice

To be honest it wasn't even a choice my heart and my mind weren't even conflicted

It was simple no matter how much I think this through

I will end up with one answer


I didn't want to leave her alone so I just sat outside waiting the morning to arrive so I could apologise to my princess for how I acted today and hug her close to me and kiss her the right way and tell her that even if she couln't feel anything for me she just have to give me a chance and I will do all the rest

I am not going to lie and say that when I first knew that Cataleya has alexithymia I was afraid but who wouldn't be but my feelings for her will be enough

I hope

And with that darkness consumed me and I went into a deep slumber on a chair outside her room

"Noah wake up" I opened my eyes to see Cristiano shaking me with a look on his face that I can't decipher that made me bolt up from my seat in an instant

"What is it? Is she ok? Did she wake up?Can I go see her?" I bombarded him with questions and stopped when he chuckled

"She is ok, yes she woke up and no you can't see her" he said the last bit with a sad smile that made me more confused then ever

"Why can't I see her?"  It came out more a demand then a question

He started looking anywhere but me and my patience wore out

"Why!!" My voice rose and I stepped more closer to him

He looked into my eyes and said the sole thing that made me freeze

"She doesn't want to see you and she said that you can go to your family now" he said in a small voice not wanting to trigger me more

"The fuck she doesn't" my voice boomed in the hallway making the 4 nurses in the hallway turn to me

"I want to see her NOW" I said and walked towards her room neglecting Cristiano's voice and the bodyguards that tried to stop me from going in

I punched one of them in the nose and the other gave them glare that clearly says don't mess with me and they quickly backed up

No on will keep me away from my girl

I banged the door open and closed it forcefully behind me so no one can intrude on our talk

I saw Cataleya looking at the door as if she was expecting me to come see her even after what she requested

She had her usual cold face

But now I knew better

She quickly turned her face to the other direction not wanting to look at me and that made me really angry

I walked towards her and sat beside her on the bed and still she wasn't looking at me

I grabbed her chin not in a hurtful way and turned her face towards me until our eyes locked she was about to pull away but I held her chin more tightly but still being careful not to hurt her

I glared at her so she could know I am serious and said in an autorative voice that I use at Sam when he was a kid and said

"Listen here and listen good, you are gonna be a good girl and tell me everything what caused you this illness, your past your present, and  you are gonna explain to me more about your illness because I don't know shit and I want to know everything that is related to you and in the end I will kiss the hell out of you

Now first things first why don't you want to see me" I finalised still looking strait into her beautiful hazel eyes

Her sweet voice rang in my ears and for the first time it wasn't as powerful as I it was

"Because I don't want to see a different look into your eyes now that you know the truth"

"Because I don't want to see a different look into your eyes now that you know the truth"

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