7: Thanks But No Thanks

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Selene felt a Dejà vu as she walked through the door of the Hudson club. The booming sounds, the sweaty bodies and the heat, everything was just the same.

She couldn't believe that she was here just a night ago. Trapped with Keir in that shed felt like days for her.

She plopped onto her usual seat at the bar and ordered a cosmopolitan this time.

She dared to take a look at the couch across the club on her right. There sat a drunk beard man with a girl on his lap.

Her eyes subtly scanned for the dark intense eyes but there was no sign of Keir.

She was happy not to see him but she must admit that she felt a slight disappointment as he didn't show up.

It confused her. She wanted to get away from him and she did. Then why was she searching for him hoping to see his pretty face again? She didn't have an answer to that.

Now that frustrated her. She took a big gulp of her drink trying to distract herself from those thoughts.

Fortunately her client arrived just in time. He sat beside her and ordered himself a drink. He faced the bar, completely ignoring Selene. Selene sighed internally.

Jace is vigilant with trust issues. If he makes a deal then he closes it only with the trusted ones or you should have a code word.

Luckily for Selene, she got the code word from the details that Shana gave her. Selene personally thought that his codes were obnoxious.

He peeked at her from the corner of his eyes, "Chickpea," he stated.

Selene rolled her eyes and released an exasperated sigh, "Blue."

He finally turned to her with a boyish grin accepting her code word. He was in his late twenties with a fanciable face and a fine body. She would go for him without doubt if not for his stupid codes and his over alertness.

She likes men who are venturous and a rebel, being too careful is just a pet peeve for her. Sure they should be attractive but being fearless is just thrilling for her.

"So, we meet again," Jace passed a grin to her.

"Mmhmm.." Selene sipped her drink and nodded wordlessly.

"I've heard a lot about you from Haden and his gang members but I'd like to listen more from you," He smirked at her.

She had seen far greater smirks than that, she thought to herself as Keir's smirk flashed in her mind.

She closed her eyes for a moment taking the last gulp of her drink.

"Let's just get this done with Jace," She dismissed his offer.

His face fell and he nodded putting on the professional face again.

"Not here, too many people. Let's go outside," He stood up and walked to the door without waiting for her reply.

"Oh, You've got to be kidding me," She muttered getting up from her seat as well.

Selene came out of the club and made her way towards Jace who was standing near their cars.

"Is this empty enough for you? Or the ghosts of your past are haunting here too?" Selene mocked him.

"Where are the drugs?" He asked, ignoring her taunt.

"Money first."

He waved the bag in his hand before her.

Selene walked near her car and grabbed the stash from the backseat. She waved the bag too, showing his supplies.

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