10: Poor Little Fingers

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"Lasagna? Great choice."

Selene jumped a little when a silvery voice talked behind her. She turned around with wide eyes but they reduced to slits when she saw Keir standing right behind her with a blank expression. She rolled her eyes, placing back a frown on her face.

It amused him how she managed to look attractive even with the frown etched face of hers. He never saw her smile or laugh heartily. Does her eyes twinkle when she smiles, he wondered.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

He realised that he was staring at her, without expression for way too long. He immediately placed a smirk to seem normal. Though he doesn't have to pretend normal for her.

"I expected you would scream or drop the pasta," He said gesturing to the pasta in her hands.

Selene rolled her eyes and walked past him, pushing the shopping trolley in front of her. She decided to shop for some groceries in the store and have some time to herself but looks like the odds were not on her side.

Keir scowled behind her for being ignored, he followed behind her, "I thought I would catch it like Edward."

Selene snorted at his twilight 'apple scene' reference. She looked at the now grinning psychopath in front of her. "You might be Edward but I'm not Bella," She scorned.

She grabbed bread and some eggs and placed it inside the trolley.

"You look so cheerful today, what's special?" He mocked sensing her lack of interest.

She ignored him and kept walking down the aisle. She grunted when she saw Keir was still following her.

"Ooh! I'll take that," Keir excitedly grabbed a box of cereal, beside her.

She gave him an odd look, "Froot loops? Seriously?"

"What? Anyone can have fruit loops. They are tasty and healthy," He defended.

"What do you know about food? Besides eating humans," Selene mocked.

"I know that I make an awesome lasagna." He grinned proudly.

"Uh-huh..." She nodded not believing him. She threw a bunch of nachos and chips in her trolley and pushed it along the aisle.

"It's true. I make the best lasagna. You should join me for dinner sometime," He suggested.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard what he said.

"Yeah, right! I'll join you for dinner first until I become dinner!" She sneered.

Keir grimaced, not appreciating her constant reminder of what he does. He might be a serial killer but his offer was genuine and Selene had a hard time understanding that.

"I just suggested this so you can taste it, my Dad and I-" Suddenly he cut himself off, and gulped trying to control his feelings.

His eyes were unreadable, there were so many emotions and yet there were none. Selene wondered how that was even possible. She gathered that he involuntarily touched a weak spot in his life.

As she searched in his eyes for an answer, some part of her brain desired to know him more. As dangerous as that could be.

"I don't have any intentions to harm you," He said with a stern face, "Yet," He added later.

Selene decided to lighten up the conversation when her phone rang in her pocket of her hoodie.

Her frown deepened when she glanced at the screen, "I-I have to take this," she muttered and walked a few feet away from Keir.

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