37: Move On

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Selene woke up feeling weak and drained. She looked around and realised that she slept on the ground, clutching the comforter like a soft toy.

As the last night's events flashed and realisation dawned upon her, tears welled up in her eyes again.

She kept all night weeping and waiting with red dried eyes in hope that Keir would come walking through the door.

As each minute passed and the clock struck every hour, her heart sank deeper and hope vanished.

Sniffing her running nose, she searched for her phone that was nowhere to be found.

She pulled the drawer of her nightstand and froze when her eyes focused on the shining gun inside.

The gun was assigned to her by NIA. She never had to use it, so it stayed dormant in there for years. She tenderly took it in her hands and stared at it.

Her mind started weighing all the options. She couldn't shake the fact that if not for her, Keir would've never been into that lakehouse nor he would've been stuck in that fire.

If not for her own stupidity and stubbornness, Keir would've been sound and alive beside her.

If not for her, she wouldn't have been staring at her gun with thoughts of aiming it to her head.

With shaky hands Selene pulled the barrel back, loading the heavy gun. Her mind and her body were not coordinating, she had no control over what she was doing. It was like she was dead inside.

Gasping suddenly, she threw the gun back into the drawer and shut it with force.

"Shit! Shit!" She cursed holding her head in her hands.

Fortunately her eyes found her phone under the bed, tossed away.

She reached for it and the first thing she did was to check for any messages or calls. Next, she dialled Wyatt and waited as it rang.

"Yeah, Sel?" He answered.

"You guys found anything?" She asked, still not giving hope.

"No, we haven't found them but a bloody shirt flowed down the riverside." He spoke.

With a shaky voice she asked the dreading question, "What colour?"

"Sky blue." He answered, knocking the air out of her chest.

Keir wore a sky blue shirt the last time she saw him in the lakehouse. She wanted to scream and yell, do anything that would wake her up from this nightmare.

"Sel? You there?" He asked with a concern filled voice.

Selene hung up, throwing the phone down and curled up like a ball.

"Why?" She whispered in between her sobs.

She wanted to question the god what she had done in her life to lose everything she loved. Why did God deprived her of love?

Is it really God's fault? Or does she destroy everything that she touches?

"Promise me you'd cry like this when I'm old and dying."

Selene's neck snapped to the voice that came from her room's threshold.

There he stood, with a smirk on his perfect face that she wanted to see every minute since the disaster.

Keir was covered with bruises and gashes all over his face and body, standing in nothing but his pants.

Selene froze, hoping she wasn't imagining him from the lack of sleep.

Two Sides Of A Serial Killer ✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora