26: Insurgent Killer

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Selene's been staring at the ceiling of her room since twenty minutes.

As soon as she left Manassas, she drove straight to her house and took a long nap till the evening.

The restlessness from the journeys and sleepless nights of the whole week, flushed out with one long nap. It was what she wanted for so long.

She was too tired to even lift a finger so instead gazed at the ceiling with empty eyes.

I believed in you when no one did— Who's the ungrateful one now?!

Thindrel's words kept ringing in her ears. She tried to toss them into the bin in her brain but it just kept restoring back.

Selene was almost rejected in the NIA trainee selections for her bony, under-nourished body. It was bound to happen, she was abused and starved in her foster home for years. The only little muscle she had then was from the jail food served in her juvie.

Thindrel was one of the training officers then. He was the one to convince others to give her another chance. Reluctantly she was selected.

Selene was passive in the training sessions at first. But Reginald personally trained her, sometimes for extra hours. He used to bring her homemade food made by his wife that helped her gain some strength and muscle.

Selene slowly started to put her heart and mind into those sessions. It wasn't out of interest to serve the country. It was her way of showing gratitude to Thindrel, for picking her up from the scraps to changing her into one stronger piece.

As a youngster, she used to look up to him like her idol. Whatever he said was final to her. But as soon as she started working on the projects, she realised that it's not easy to satisfy Thindrel.

Whatever she did, he had the same non expressive eyes. He was never amused nor disappointed. Being a teenager, she wanted him to be proud of what he made her into, soon the want changed to desire.

A desire to prove herself a worthy candidate of NIA. She was indeed, but Thindrel never denied nor agreed to that.

At a certain point of her life, she did imagine him as a father figure to her. Although, she can't be sure of why she thought so then.

Selene slowly came to sense that there was no point trying to impress him. He is a cold, decorated officer and she was just a lost girl that he took pity on. That's what she kept telling herself all these years, to stop trying to impress him. She is enough, she told herself.

From then on, they both drifted apart. Selene stopped caring what he thought of her and Thindrel must have never cared at first place.

Now, sometimes when she looks back at her past. She wishes he never believed in her. She wishes he never trained her. Then maybe her life could've been less complicated.

That Selene would've been smiling a little more. That Selene would've been more optimistic and a little less insecure. Unlike the one now.

A loud frenzy knocking on her door brought back her attention to the present. She glanced at the clock, 7:30 it showed. No one visits her house, except Keir at this time.

The thought of him behind the door was enough to get her out of the bed. She got up and took a quick look into the mirror, adjusting the flyaways down.

She went to the door and opened it, biting her lip, anxiously.

"Heyo!" Shana stood there holding a bottle of whiskey in her hands.

Selene's heart sank that it wasn't him.

"Were you expecting someone? You look disappointed." Shana teased her.

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