38: It's Over

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"But you two were still in there at the time of blast, I saw you," She said, getting off him.

"I was terrified. I thought the plan fell through." She shivered, reminiscing the moment.

Keir ran a bruised hand through his tousled hair and gazed at the ceiling above them.

"It almost did and we almost got deep fried."

Selene scooted closer to him. "Everyone thought you were dead, I-I did too," She whispered the last words, scared to even utter them out.

He sighed as the events of the worst eight hours of his life flashed before his eyes.

"I thought I was dead too.."


Haden's eyes followed Keir as he paced leisurely in the living room.

"Glaring at me won't kill me." Keir quipped, observing his Hawk like eyes on him for a while now.

"Aye! It won't." Haden grunted, "You want me dead as much as I want you."

Keir raised a cocky eyebrow at him, "You want me? Selene never mentioned you were into men."

Haden ignored his comment and let out a wry laugh, "Selene never mentioned she was into mere boys."

This stopped Keir from pacing and he turned to him with an impassive look.

"How can you be a serial killer when you aren't even a man?" Haden sniggered at him.

"Let me carve an art out of your face then we'll decide if I'm a killer or not." Keir challenged.

"Cut these ties off then! We'll see who's the real man! C'mon! Enough hiding behind Selene's skirts!" Haden shouted.

Keir's jaw ticked off. He stomped front and swiftly cut the binds around his legs. Haden waited for him to free his hands but he didn't.

Keir flashed a cynical smirk to him.

"Do you take me as a testosterone pumped fool? Sadly, your provoking words have no affect over me." He chuckled menacingly.

Haden grunted and stood up with his newly free legs. He started pacing as well, stretching his stiff legs.

Keir glanced at the clock and cursed internally. Only seven minutes were left before the blast goes off and mere minutes before NIA comes barging in.

"Why do you keep glancing at the clock?" Haden asked.

Keir ignored him and walked into the kitchen. Haden followed and observed as Keir turned off something that looked like a knob.

He lit a match stick and set the counter on fire. The fire flared up as the oil on the wood fueled it. Soon it started spreading all over.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asked in an alarmed tone.

Keir turned another knob on and glanced at him. "Your sweet lake house is gonna blow up." He muttered.

"What?!" Haden exclaimed. "Turn it off! Abort the plan!"

Keir rolled his eyes at him, "Fuck off!"

"Why the hell are you blowing it up?!" Haden roared.

"Would you keep it down?" Keir hissed, "I don't have time for your shit. Shut your fucking mouth and follow me."

Keir glanced one last time at the clock.

"Shit! Look what you've done. You distracted me! We were supposed to leave five minutes back."

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