The woman

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You bump into someone the person turns around and screams as well, you see it's Harvey. You get wide eyed you back up Harvey goes outside the room he pulls out his gun and shoots the fake Michael in the head you run over to the body.

Felix takes off his mask you see a guy you don't know you back up and asks Harvey "where are they"? Harvey says "Calm down their fine their hiding". You give him a death look and says "well take me to them". Harvey says "very well follow me".

Felix gets up he stays behind you, you follow Harvey outside he says pointing at a door "their in there". You open the door and sees cement stairs going down you feel a cold wave come up and hit you with a musty smell. You yell down "GUYS YOU DOWN THERE"! You hear it echo you back up scared and looks at Harvey and asks "their not down there are they"? Harvey asks "why would you think their not there"?

You look at him and explains "Michael would never leave or let anyone fight without him and my daughter would be hiding in her room in a secret part not out here so where are they". Harvey says "your smart you caught me in a lie so where do you think they are"?

Felix asks "what the hell is this, where are they"? Harvey laughs and says "well if you didn't have her leave with you she would be with them". You slap Harvey and asks pissed "WHERE ARE THEY"?

Harvey says while rubbing his cheek sarcastically "well you didn't look hard enough". You get more infused with rage and yells "IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE I SWEAR I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE COME TO AN END TRY ME"! Felix comes from behind you he puts both of his hands on your shoulders and says "listen to me hey hey hey hey calm down we will find them ok just breathe in". You breathe in he then says "breathe out". You breathe out he says "just keep doing that and walk by the flowers I got this".

You walk to the flowers breathing in and out you then stop and realize who it is, you look at him and realizes that Harvey doesn't have a tattoo on his neck.

You walk up to him and says "your not Harvey your someone else". Felix looks at you confused and asks "what"? You look at Felix and says "this isn't Harvey it's someone else Harvey doesn't have a tattoo on his neck he's scared of needles he even squirmed when I got a shot when he was with me and couldn't stand it that was a long time ago but still Harvey doesn't like needles".

You then hear chuckling behind you, you turn around you see the same woman from yesterday she says clapping "well done you are smarter than I think you are it's nice to meet you my name is Rachel and you must be the famous (Y/n) that I hear so much about".

You don't say anything you just stand there looking at her, Felix says sarcastically "I'm Felix and were looking for Michael and Elizabeth have you seen them by any chance". Rachel chuckles again and says "awwwww Felix she can talk for herself".

You say in a sweet tone "I'm a caregiver for Elizabeth and Michael has me do the chores around the house and the reason why I care is because his daughter is kind and sweet have you seen them".

Rachel says "oh so your not his wife". You say pretending to be confused "No I'm not I'm Harvey's wife which is another person you probably have". You feel guilt in your stomach Rachel then asks "well that explains Harvey's ring but why was Michael so protective of you when I had his daughter and why did you say give me my daughter yesterday".

You remember Harvey doesn't have a ring then you realize Michael gave his ring to Harvey probably so she wouldn't kill me and the plan can be believable, you then say "Because I was taking care of his daughter at the time and Michael has me say that because he wants me to". Rachel then says "bring Harvey out".

You see two of her men go behind the gate and bring Harvey, Rachel then walks over to him she pulls out a knife I flinch she cuts the zip ties she takes off his tape on his mouth she asks "is this your wife"?

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