The day with felix

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You hear a knock again you get up groaning in frustration you walk to the door you open it Felix says "sorry I was just seeing if you were ok". You look down at the ground and says "yeah I'm ok". Felix says "no your not I can see your hurting".

You look at him and says "of course I'm hurting my husband left". Felix says "well I can come in Michael told me about your nightmares so if you want I can be in here with you". You say "ok but-". He chuckles and says "I'm not gonna sleep next to you unless you want me to". You walk away from the door he comes in and closes the door you get into bed and lay down.

Felix sits down in the chair you look at him and says "I'm sorry for being rude when we met it's just that I'm used to guys doing that all the time and then I get abused and stuff so I'm sorry". He says "I understand don't worry". He asks "why do you say sorry all the time if you don't mind me asking"? I get more comfortable in bed and says "I have to say sorry or else I feel like I'm being I don't know rude and not forgiving". He says "oh ok I gotcha". You get sleepy your eyes then close you fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up you see felix in the chair with Elizabeth you sit up and say "happy third birthday sweetie". Elizabeth says "thank you mommy uncle Felix already gave me breakfast but where is daddy". You say "he's on his job he's going to be home in two days so we have to wait till he gets back".

Elizabeth nods then says "uncle Felix can we all go to the docks me mommy and daddy always does it on my birthday". Felix says "of course as long as your mother is ok with me going". You give him a sarcastic smile with rolling of the eyes "yes of course your going".

All of a sudden your hear your phone ring you take your phone off the bedside table and automatically picks it up without reading the name you say "hi baby". Michael says "hi honey you miss me that much you pick up that quickly". You laugh and say "oh shut it I know you miss me to".

Michael says "yeah I do I tell myself two more days that's how much time I got left without you here and without my three year old baby girl". You smile and asks "well wanna say hi"? Michael says "of course". You say "Elizabeth come here someone wants to say hi".

Elizabeth crawls on the bed she sits next to you, you put the phone on her ear then she says "hello". You have the volume up on your phone so you hear him ask "there's my baby girl how's my other baby girl doing"? Elizabeth asks "do you mean mommy"? You hear him say "yes".

Elizabeth says "well she was crying and actually we are going to the docks because that's what we normally do on my birthday". Michael says "yeah I remember and I'm sorry I'm not there for your birthday but I might have a few things to give after I come back".

Elizabeth's face lights up in excitement and says "daddy I promise I'll be good". Michael says "I know you will be ok put mommy back on the phone sweetie". Elizabeth looks at you and says "daddy wants to talk to you". You nod you put the phone on your ear and say "yes".

Michael asks "is Felix with you"? You say "yes he is". Michael asks "where did he sleep"? You laugh and ask "in the chair why"? Michael says "because I wanna make sure no one touches my girl". You ask jokingly "well what happens if someone did"? Michael gets serious and asks sternly "what someone touched you"?

You say "Baby calm down I was joking". Michael says "don't do that your gonna give me a heart attack". You laugh and say "sorry". He says "just wait till I get home your gonna be wishing you never did that". You say "oh really". He says "yeah really". Then you hear in the background "sir were here". Michael says "ok darling I got to go I'll talk to you when I have free time ok". You say "ok love you". He says "love you to".

He hangs up you put the phone on the table you get out of bed Felix asks "you ok"? You nod you go over to your dresser and picks clothes out you go in the bathroom and changes into a black shirt, a leather jacket, and black jeans with black boots. You do your hair then you come out.

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